Chapter 163
Yang Tuo sighed secretly in his heart, and asked the wolf demon, "Why are you stopping me?"

The wolf demon finally got to the point, and replied with a smile: "I have never traveled far, and seeing you walking alone, I want to invite you to the banquet of the Nine-headed King!"

Yang Tuo listened to the wolf monster's clumsy excuses, and looked at his indescribable acting skills. He thought, is this really the smartest wolf in the Yunlang tribe?

It wouldn't be the people in the tribe who saw him as dull and made a plan to drive him out!Otherwise, why would only one person be sent to such a good banquet.

What's more, this is the banquet of Jiuling Yuansheng Achievement Daluo, and the leader of the tribe doesn't participate by himself, so it is unreasonable to send such a "smart" monster!
But Yang Tuo didn't intend to delve into these issues, he immediately said: "This is not possible, I'm going to Nanbubuzhou."

The wolf demon hurriedly said: "How can you go to Nanbuzhou by yourself? It's better to go to the Endless Mountains with me. The banquet of the demon saint has many rare treasures and delicious food!"

Watching the wolf demon's performance, Yang Tuo really couldn't laugh or cry.At this time, the yellow ox riding under him suddenly blew.


The wolf demon only felt his spirit shake, and then froze on the spot.

Yang Tuo patted the scalper's shoulder armor, and the scalper stopped neighing immediately.Auspicious clouds emerged from all four feet and flew towards the North Sea.

After waiting for a while, the wolf demon just woke up.Looking around, there was no sign of the human race.

He couldn't help complaining: "I finally came across a gift, and it disappeared without a second thought. There is no gift here, how can I go to the banquet!"

Muttering, he left here and headed north.

When Yang Tuo was heading to Nanbuzhou, Lao Tzu in Daluo Tianzhong looked at Taoist Duobao in front of him and said, "Duobao, can you understand?"

Daoist Duobao sat cross-legged on the futon and replied, "Never!"

Lao Tzu nodded, and then said, "Since that's the case, it's time for you to descend."

Daoist Duobao asked, "Master, where should the disciple go?" Jiejiao is no longer there, and the teacher is also living in the chaos. Many brothers and sisters are either on the list or have entered reincarnation. For a while, he didn't know where to go .

Seeing this, Lao Tzu couldn't help but said: "You idiot, why can't you see through and investigate. Forget it, I just found a good place to go."

Daoist Duobao looked at Lao Tzu, and Lao Tzu continued, "Since you don't understand, if you go down to the lower realm and become the leader of a party, you will naturally know!"

Daoist Duobao didn't know why, but he didn't think about it now, and said immediately: "Everything is arranged by the master!"

Lao Tzu said to Taoist Duobao: "Now the two sages of the Western Sect have set up another sect besides the Taoist sect. Because they have lost many disciples of the Interceptor Sect in the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation, their luck has greatly increased!"

"I want to send you to the lower realm, establish another sect in the Buddhist sect, gather disciples of the sect, and share the luck of the Buddhist sect. You can also use this to establish a teaching merit and go further!"

Daoist Duobao also knew that many disciples of the Jiejiao were captured by the Second Saint of the Western Cult, and now he has the opportunity to rescue them.

Without even thinking about it, he replied: "I would like to listen to Master's arrangement!"

Seeing that he agreed, Lao Tzu waved his sleeve.Daoist Duobao fell from the great red sky and fell into a small country called Kapiluowei in Xiniu Hezhou.

Kapilavastu is a beautiful and rich country with dense forests growing on the mountains, rice-rich plains and grasslands suitable for animal husbandry.

But a good life also has troubles. King Jingfan and Queen Maya have been married for many years, but they have never had any children.

King Jingfan was often very distressed because he had no heir to the throne.On this day, Queen Maya was in her sleep when she suddenly dreamed of a stream of light falling from the sky and falling into her belly.

Queen Maya told the king about it.After listening to the clean meal, the king felt that there was something wrong, and asked all the ministers the next day.

"Zhuqing, last night the queen dreamed that a stream of light fell into the queen's belly from the nine heavens. What does it mean?"

King Jingfan asked all the ministers.

After hearing what King Jingfan said, the ministers thought about it.

A minister said: "Your Majesty, this is auspicious. Above the nine heavens is the Heavenly Palace. If there is a glorious light falling, I am afraid that there are immortals coming to the world."

"Now that Guanghua has fallen into the queen's womb, I'm afraid that our country will produce a great sage." What the minister said, although there are deviations, is also correct.

Daoist Duobao fell from the great red sky in the chaos, not from the heavenly palace above the nine heavens.

However, Daoist Duobao can be regarded as a true immortal, far surpassing ordinary immortals.For the king and queen of Kapilavatthu, it is undoubtedly a blessing from the sky to join the lower realm now.

In the future Saha world, there must be a place for them.Since then, I will be reborn in bliss and enjoy peace and health forever!

Sure enough, not long after, news came that the queen was pregnant.

As soon as the news came out, the whole country rejoiced.King Jingfan and Queen Maya are both very wise, but they have never had any heirs.

Now that the queen is pregnant, it is a happy event for the whole country and subjects.Representing Kapilavastu, there are successors.

Everyone is looking forward to the queen giving birth to some princes and leading the people to continue to enjoy a good life.

After Queen Maya conceived, she was free from all diseases, her body was very healthy, and her mood was very happy. She was no longer worried or troubled, never angry again, cut off greed and hypocrisy, and just liked to go to the secluded woods and Walk by the stream.

A year later, in late spring and early summer, it was a fine day with warm wind and clear weather.Queen Maya gave birth to a baby boy in Tianarm City, her mother country, under an ancient swaying tree.

The baby boy came out from Queen Maya's right side, completely spotless.In a pair of bright eyes, there seems to be the deep starry sky, which is fascinating.

The baby can walk on the ground, walking seven steps in a circle, and growing lotuses step by step.Such a natural miracle makes everyone happy.

After King Jingfan heard the news, he hurried over, named the child Siddhartha, and named him the prince, the heir of Kapilavastu.

Yang Tuo was on the way, and saw a stream of light descending from the void.He calculated by Ziwei's numbers, and knew that there was a great power coming to the world.

Although it is impossible to deduce who it is and where it descended.But Yang Tuo deduced from the time and location, and knew that it was probably Daoist Duobao.

In this way, time is running out.For at most twenty years, Lao Tzu will definitely go there to help him become a Buddha.

Yang Tuo couldn't help speeding up his pace a little, but he would still teach the human race the 24 solar terms along the way, after all, this was his chance to become enlightened.

In the northern sky region, Emperor Ziwei sat firmly in Ziwei Palace.While listening to Xin Huan reporting the news about Jiuling Yuansheng, Gao Ming Gaojue added from the side.

He knew that Jiuling Yuansheng had entered Daluo, and he felt a lot of pressure in his heart.

It has been almost 100 years since he ascended the throne.

He thought for a while, and then said: "For a hundred years, the gods must have been familiar with their respective priesthood. Now the time is just right. In the hundred years, I will invite the Star Lords of the Heavens and the Great Emperor of the Five Sacred Mountains to come to Ziwei Palace for an audience!"

As the emperor's words fell, all the officials in the palace agreed one after another.In the past hundred years, Ziwei Palace has also added a lot of heavenly officials, and it is no longer as cold and cold as before!

(End of this chapter)

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