Chapter 167

In the northern sky at this time, since the incarnation of Emperor Ziwei summoned the stars of the heavens, he made them practice soldiers and horses, practice battle formations, and exterminate some evil spirits from time to time.

Yang Tuo didn't directly conflict with Jiuling Yuansheng, but kept destroying some forces outside the Endless Mountain Range.Eliminate some influence, so that the influence of Jiuling Yuansheng will not continue to expand.

Jiuling Yuansheng seemed to have felt something, and basically stayed behind closed doors, and there was no direct conflict between the two sides.

As for the extermination of some evil demons by the Heavenly Court, Jiuling Yuansheng never cared.After all, Heaven often wiped out evildoers, and it wasn't just for him.

On this day, Xin Huan led a group of heavenly soldiers and generals to exterminate a demon in the north of the Endless Mountain Range.

Tens of thousands of heavenly soldiers and generals surrounded a towering mountain range.

This place is called Wanshou Mountain, and there are mostly wolves, tigers and leopards, mountain spirits and wild ghosts in the mountain.However, not far from the foot of the mountain, there is still a human city.

This city pool has not been established for too long, and the city is guarded by the city god enshrined by the people, so it can be regarded as stable under this mountain.Although unable to make progress, it can also protect itself.

For the human race in Beiju Luzhou, being able to live a stable life is the greatest happiness.

This is also thanks to Daozu, who handed over the rights of the fiefdom to the human race.The human race has had the habit of worshiping ancestors since ancient times, and this city god ascended to the throne of God only after being sacrificed by others.

However, because the city's population is not large, this city god is just an ordinary county town god, and his mana is not too high.Thanks to the protection of the powerful people of the race, this gave the City God a chance to develop.

But recently, something happened. When the strong human race went out, he was attacked by the monsters of Wanshou Mountain and died unexpectedly.

Without the help of his arm, the City God couldn't hold on.The human race suffered heavy losses due to the joint attack by the monsters on the Mountain of Thousand Beasts.

The rest of the human race huddled in the city god's domain, barely surviving.

The people of the family had no choice but to sacrifice to heaven under the leadership of the city god, begging Emperor Ziwei to send troops to encircle and suppress.

Emperor Ziwei has ascended to the throne for a hundred years, and the name of the god has spread far and wide.Although this City God is a new god, he also knows the existence of Emperor Ziwei.

Emperor Ziwei restrains ghosts, gods and thunder, and the city god is also under his jurisdiction.Now, when many human races are at stake, the City God doesn't care about leapfrogging.

Lead the people to sacrifice to Emperor Ziwei, and report the whole story to the heavenly court.After Yang Tuo learned about it, he ordered Xin Huan to lead [-] heavenly soldiers to crusade against Wanshou Mountain in order to solve the disaster of the human race in Wanshou City.

At this time, Xin Huan was sitting on the cloud.He asked one of the generals beside him: "It can be investigated clearly that there has been no change in this Wanshou Mountain for many years, why is there something wrong now?"

The Heavenly General hurriedly reported: "According to the investigation by the lower officials, a yellow lion came to this Wanshou Mountain not long ago. He unified Wanshou Mountain and called him king and ancestor, endangering one side."

Xin Huan nodded to show that he knew, and then asked: "Do you know what kind of cultivation this yellow lion is?"

This day's general's name is Xue Guan, and he is a new general who has entered the heavenly court in recent years.His cultivation is good, he has the cultivation of a real immortal, so he was included in the roster and enjoys Tianlu.

Xue Guan hurriedly replied: "I don't know what the cultivation level of this yellow lion is. According to the local city god, in the past, the highest cultivation level in the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain was a tiger demon and a wolf demon, both of whom were real immortals. .

The two demons refused to obey each other and fought each other, but neither could do anything to the other.This did not cause too much damage to the human race below the mountain. "

Xue Guan paused for a moment, and then said: "This yellow lion can subdue the two demons, and its cultivation level is probably higher than that of the tiger demon and the wolf demon!"

After hearing Xue Guan's words, Xin Huan couldn't help frowning slightly.The Yaozu do not cultivate morality, and everything is based on strength.

Since the yellow lion can become two monsters in the realm of true immortals, his strength must be even stronger.

Even if there are monsters in the background, if their strength cannot convince their subordinates, they will not be able to command those monsters.

His family is afraid of power but not virtuous!
Judging from the current situation, the cultivation base of this yellow lion monster is at least at the level of a golden immortal.

Xin Huan is also a Jinxian now, so he naturally understands the level of Jinxian's strength.Now the Yellow Lion of Wanshou Mountain is an opponent of the same level, and he dare not take it lightly.

Fortunately, the heavenly soldiers and generals he led, after a hundred years of fighting, are still stronger than the mountain spirits and wild monsters in Wanshou Mountain.

The only thing to worry about is the yellow lion monster, and the two monsters, the tiger monster and the wolf monster.

Although these two monsters are true immortals, they don't know their actual strength.If he is held back by the yellow lion monster, I don't know if all the heavenly soldiers and generals may be able to resist it.

On his side, Xue Guan is the only true immortal, one less than the monsters in Wanshou Mountain.

But among the celestial generals, there are still several loose immortals.Coupled with the large array of heavenly soldiers, there should be no problem.

At this time, in the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain, a wolf demon was facing the demon king sitting on the stone chair, and said: "My lord, now my Ten Thousand Beast Mountain is surrounded by tens of thousands of heavenly soldiers, should you send someone to the old king for help? "

Sitting on the stone chair is the yellow lion monster.To say that the tiger demon and the wolf demon are not the opponents of the yellow lion monster, but it is not impossible to escape, after all, neither of them has the ability to save their lives.

However, the two of them heard that the grandfather of the new great king was Jiuling Yuansheng.The two monsters immediately thought about it.

Wild monsters like them have cultivated into real immortals, which is already a blessing.If you think about it further, without complete exercises and pointers, it is completely impossible.

In this endless mountain range, the name of Jiuling Yuansheng is unknown to everyone, and no one knows it.Without saying a word, they took refuge here.

Originally, there was a demon king in Wanshou Mountain, so it didn't matter.However, the wolf demon wanted to please the yellow lion, so he told the story of the city below the mountain.

This yellow lion monster has been practicing beside Jiuling Yuansheng, and it is highly valued.Jiuling Yuansheng is very strict in discipline, and he has always been quite restrained.

Therefore, he wanted to see what the outside world was like.Now, with a little achievement in practice, he sneaks out and proclaims himself king and ancestor in this Ten Thousand Beast Mountain.

After hearing what the wolf demon said, he knew that there was a human city at the foot of the mountain, so he began to think about it.Beside Jiuling Yuansheng, although the discipline is very strict, he can also contact demons from all over the place.

He often hears monsters from all walks of life say that human flesh is the supreme delicacy, and he has long been a little moved.But beside Jiuling Yuansheng, there is no chance to try.

Now that he has reached the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain, no one can take care of him.Naturally, he wanted to taste the taste of that human flesh, which led to this series of incidents.

Now that the wolf demon came forward and wanted to ask the old king for help, how could the yellow lion have the guts.If Jiuling Yuansheng knew about it, he might not have the chance to go out for hundreds of years.

What's more, it's just a golden fairy who came to conquer now.He was taught by Jiuling Yuansheng himself, how could he put ordinary golden immortals in his eyes.

For the past hundred years, Xin Huan has been fighting everywhere, and his reputation has long spread.However, he thought he was no worse than Xin Huan.How could he go to find his grandpa before the moment when his life was at stake.

The yellow lion monster couldn't help but replied: "What kind of person is grandpa, now he is a junior of the Jinxian, and if he goes to trouble his old man, wouldn't that be just asking for trouble!"

Seeing this, the tiger demon at the side hurriedly said: "What your majesty said is reasonable, wait for those heavenly soldiers to attack, and see if I don't beat them to death."

Although the monsters in Beiju Luzhou are disrespectful to heaven, but listening to what this tiger monster said, they are also fools.

If the heavenly soldiers and generals outside the mountain were really easy to deal with, they wouldn't be besieged in the mountain.

The wolf demon couldn't help but rolled his eyes, and thought: How could I fight this kind of guy in Wanshou Mountain for many years!

(End of this chapter)

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