Chapter 168 Longevity Mountain Storm ([-])
Although this tiger demon is straightforward, he is not stupid, otherwise how could he have fought against the wolf demon for many years.He may not be as intelligent as the wolf demon, but his strength is still higher than the wolf demon.

Coupled with the tiger demon, who is born to enslave the ghosts, and has the clever ghosts to advise him, so he is evenly matched with the wolf demon.

However, it is naturally not easy to release the ghost by the side of the new king.Now these words are also his original character.

After hearing what the tiger demon said, the yellow lion monster also felt that it should be beaten first before watching.What if the soldiers and heavenly generals saw that the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain was difficult to conquer that day, it might not be possible to retreat.

This Beiju Luzhou is full of monsters and demons, and all the heavenly soldiers and generals will not stay in this Ten Thousand Beast Mountain for long.Maybe there will be some big demon massacring the city tomorrow, and it is not impossible for these heavenly soldiers to be transferred away.

Xin Huan in the cloud naturally understands this truth.Now that the details of the enemy have been found out, there will be no further delay, lest accidents will happen in vain.

Then he ordered a group of heavenly soldiers to attack Wanshou Mountain.

With the sound of drums and thunder in the sky, a murderous aura immediately permeated.A group of heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals revolved according to the weekly sky and stars, and set up a simple large formation.

Although the formation is simple, it cooperates with the authority bestowed by Emperor Ziwei.Introducing the power of Zhou Tianxing and the stars greatly enhanced the strength of the soldiers.

The yellow lion monster in the mountain also heard the sound of the drums of the soldiers.Leading a group of little demons, they checked on the mountainside.

Xin Huan ordered Xue Guan to lead 5000 people as the vanguard, first defeating the spirit of the monsters in the mountains.This army of monsters seems to have a large number of people, but it is actually not organized.

As long as they wear down their vigor, and then the army advances to suppress them, most of the monsters will flee when they see that they cannot win.At that time, leading the troops to pursue them can reduce a lot of losses.

Xue Guan led the troops and lowered the cloud head.He shouted: "Monsters in the mountains, listen up, we are the heavenly soldiers under Emperor Ziwei's throne. You don't listen to the teachings, kill yourself, and harm the human race. Today's soldiers are here, why don't you come down early?"

The yellow lion was surprised to see a general falling in the sky, and he was blaming them righteously.The yellow lion monster looked at the tiger monster beside him, this is the most powerful monster besides him.

Xin Huan understood the weaknesses of monsters, how could he, Huang Shi, not know.The strength of the monsters is not weak, but they have not been practiced and are not good at fighting hard.

He had only unified Wanshou Mountain not long ago, and he hadn't had time to practice the battle formation yet.

If you want to fight, you must first arouse the morale of the demons and let them understand that the heavenly soldiers and generals are not invincible.

All the monsters will rise up to fight, otherwise, once they are encircled and suppressed, most of them will end in defeat.

The king of the yellow lion immediately asked the tiger demon: "General Tiger, may you be able to defeat the general opposite?"

The tiger demon looked at Xue Guan, and said disdainfully: "Your Majesty, don't worry, if I go out to fight, I will behead him!"

The yellow lion monster nodded, and then said: "If you can defeat the person facing you, I can give you a complete cultivation method!"

The yellow lion monster is not a monster without brains, of course he knows what the two of them are thinking, now that the enemy is at hand, he will immediately set a heavy reward!

After hearing the words of the yellow lion monster, the tiger demon's eyes turned red and his breathing became short of breath.

The tiger demon hurriedly roared loudly: "Don't worry, my lord, I will definitely win!" While speaking, even the tiger's head looked a bit ferocious.

The yellow lion monster looked at the bloody tiger demon, and was very satisfied with his wisdom.Now, I'm not afraid that the tiger demon will not fight desperately.

He immediately said: "Okay! General Tiger has such confidence, my king just happens to prepare a banquet for the general, waiting for the general to return from victory!"

Immediately, the tiger demon held a large machete with a cold light, drove a gust of demonic wind, and flew into the air.

The wolf demon on the side looked at the tiger demon who was fighting, and the envy in his heart was self-evident.There was also a look of longing on his face.

The tiger demon flew up into the air with a pitch-black demonic wind, and roared: "Hey! That bandit general, don't talk too much, watch your grandpa tiger come to fight you!"

After finishing speaking, he raised the machete in his hand and killed Xue Guan.A group of little monsters from Wanshou Mountain started clamoring when they saw their General Tiger going to battle!
In mid-air, Xue Guan saw the tiger demon approaching, raised Fang Tian's painted halberd in his hand, and went up to meet it.

The two fought in front of hundreds of thousands of heavenly soldiers and demon soldiers.The tiger demon took the lead, and with a wave of the sword, a slash of wind blade flew out from the blade.

Xue Guan drew dots with a halberd in his hand, and scattered all the invisible wind blades.Waving the halberd in his hand, he threw it at the tiger demon with overwhelming force.

The tiger demon raised the machete in his hand and hurriedly parried, but was knocked down from the air by a single blow.

Although this tiger demon can ride the wind, it is still inconvenient to move in the air, and there is no place to relay.

Xue Guan struck from top to bottom with all his strength, and he fell to the ground.Xue Guan also fell from the sky immediately.

A big battle between the two sides, but they will meet good talents.The tiger demon is powerful and powerful.Every move has a majestic momentum.

Xue Guan is not Yi Yi's generation either, he was born in the human race and has no celestial fate, so he has to practice human martial arts.

Martial arts of the human race, polishing the body, strengthening the body, and the blood soars to the sky.Although the combat power is good, it is also difficult to enter the Tao. It requires a very strong understanding and the belief of invincibility.

Xue Guan can stand out from hundreds of millions of people, so naturally it is not so easy to deal with.As a human immortal who entered the Tao with martial arts, how could he lose to a wild monster in a close combat.

It's not like a tiger demon, who takes people by force and opens and closes.Xue Guan's halberd painting is like a horse flying in the sky, pointing east and west, appearing and disappearing.

Qi and blood enveloped the room, and beat the tiger demon back continuously.The tiger demon roared again and again, but it didn't help.

As a large clan, the Yaozu is also at the forefront among all the prehistoric clans, so they naturally have their own trump cards.

The tiger demon saw that his own weapons were not as good as his opponent's, and the big knife in his hand had been punched several times.It probably won't be long before it breaks.

The big knife in the tiger demon's hand was forged from fine iron in the mountains, although it could be considered excellent.

However, the Fangtian painting halberd in Xue Guan's hand was forged by a craftsman in the Heavenly Palace.

These craftsmen are all highly skilled, and they are better at making weapons than the Yaozu.The materials in the Tiangong are not comparable to a small place like Wanshou Mountain.

The halberd in Xue Guan's hand was made of Tianhe cold iron.The cold iron of this Tianhe River is formed by the impact of hundreds of millions of years in the Tianhe River.

Cold iron is inherently strong and has been forged by skilled craftsmen.On the crescent of the painted halberd and on the tip of the spear, some star sand was even blended in.

The sand of stars is the infinite starlight gathered at the bottom of the Tianhe River. After countless years of deposition, it has just been formed a little bit. It is a first-class treasure of heaven and earth.

Of course, such a forged magic weapon is not comparable to the big sword of the tiger demon.

After the tiger demon fell into the wind, he shook his deep body, and countless ghosts flew out.As soon as these ghosts appeared, they rushed towards Xue Guan.

Seeing ghosts flying around, Xue Guan circulated his qi and blood, and his whole body was like an oven.Before those ghosts approached, they were scorched by qi and blood, screamed and turned into green smoke, disappearing between heaven and earth.

However, the tiger demon took the opportunity to distance itself, opened its tiger's mouth, and the demon power circulated, and a huge roar of the tiger sounded.

(End of this chapter)

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