Enlightenment begins with the consecration of God

Chapter 178 "Pro" word formula, true spirit 2 points

Chapter 178

The tortoise and snake were tightly entangled, and their eyes were ferocious, without any reason at all.Yang Tuo could feel a familiar aura from the turtle and snake.

His expression froze slightly, and he also had a bad premonition in his heart.This trace of aura was left by him on the True Spirit of the Turtle Spirit Virgin.But what is the situation now?
Why does the tortoise and snake have the breath he left behind?

He circulated his mana, opened his eyes, and looked towards the turtle and snake spirits.The true spirit of the tortoise and snake is covered by the soul, and ordinary people cannot find the true spirit.

However, Yang Tuo can use the aura he left on the true spirit, and follow the induction in the dark, to cast his gaze there.

He opened his Dharma eyes, and looked at the mysterious turtle first.The black tortoise is covered in black, its shell is simple and simple, its mouth has sharp teeth and fangs, and its four legs are strong.However, his eyes are scarlet, and he wants to choose and devour someone.

His expression is very ferocious, and his whole body is full of evil spirit.

Yang Tuo's expression was dignified. He raised the index fingers of both hands, bent and combined the other fingers, and let out a sound.


As soon as this sound came out, it was like a great way reverberating in the ears, making people refreshed, stable in body and mind, and immobile like a mountain.Yang Tuo used this sound to shake the spirits of the black turtle and the black snake, in an attempt to strengthen their will.

This is created by Yang Tuo with the six-character mantra taught in the West and combined with the knowledge of later generations.He wanted to create the nine-character mantra of Taoism, but it has not been successful yet, but this "Lin" tactic already has great power.

As soon as the voice of the Great Dao came out, the turtle and snake calmed down instantly, but the ferocity in its eyes did not decrease by half.

Yang Tuo's expression was dignified, taking this opportunity, Fayan looked at the true spirit through the soul.Seeing that there was only half a grain of true spirit in the soul of the black turtle, he suddenly felt bad, and looked at the black snake again.

Fayan opened his eyes wide, and a ray of divine light reached the mysterious snake's divine soul.Sure enough, there is only half a grain of true spirit in Xuan Snake's soul.

He immediately withdrew his gaze and sighed secretly in his heart, it was as he expected.

Perhaps it was the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit. During the reincarnation, the true spirit could not resist and eventually split apart.

He really thought well. When the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit first entered reincarnation, the true spirit was still intact.After being repaired by the power of reincarnation, there was a little healing.

However, when the true spirit rushed out of the channel of reincarnation and was about to be born, it was pulled by the force of reincarnation and shattered from the middle at once.

Fortunately, this true spirit is the essence of Da Luo, so it was not completely broken, but it descended on a turtle and a snake through the power of reincarnation.

This tortoise and snake, the true spirit is not complete, so it is completely irrational.Through the nihilistic induction between the true spirits, they finally came together.

The true spirit wants complete instinct, so that the turtle and the snake are always entangled together.Although the image of Xuanwu is formed, it is not the real Xuanwu.

Although the real Xuanwu is the image of a tortoise and a snake, but the tortoise and the snake are one creature, one soul, and one true spirit.

The tortoise and snake in front of him are two creatures, two souls.

No wonder Jiuling Yuansheng couldn't detect the problem. This true spirit is protected by the soul, so it is difficult to find it.If Yang Tuo hadn't used his aura left on the true spirit, he would not have been able to find the true spirit.

Looking at the situation in front of him, Yang Tuo fell into deep thought.The current situation is something he did not expect, he promised to save him into Taoism, but the current situation is that the turtle and the snake are completely irrational.Not to mention entering the Tao, even spiritual wisdom cannot be activated.

After thinking for a long time, he felt that in the current situation, there were only two choices. One was to ignore it and let the turtle and snake continue to reincarnate, so that one day they could make up for the two broken true spirits.

At that time, two new creatures will be formed.Even if you step into Hunyuan, I'm afraid you won't be able to return to the source.That tortoise spirit is no longer a tortoise spirit, and naturally he can't fulfill his promise to the tortoise spirit.

For the other one, you need to take a little more risk, forcefully unite the two halves of the true spirit, and use practice to bridge the gap.

This is not the same as when there was no physical body and soul at all.Now that the true spirit is divided into two parts, but he also has a body and a soul, so he has the opportunity to practice.

The true spirit is the root of a living being, and the essence of practice is to strengthen the true spirit.However, if you want to make up for the rift in the true spirit, you may have to step into the Dao Realm of Da Luo to have a slight chance.

Taiyi Wonderland is just wiping away the dust on the True Spirit, allowing it to bloom again.After stepping into Da Luo Dao Realm, the true spirit is spotless, and only then can one clearly see the situation above the true spirit.

At this time, you can use the polishing of the avenue to continuously repair and grow.

If you want to take this step, it is also risky.

Turtles and snakes each have half of their true spirits, and they can think of ways to gather them together.But how to deal with this soul?
Like Gui Ling's current situation, it would be difficult to encounter it once in all ages. He didn't know what changes would happen to the soul and body after the unity of the true spirit.

He thought for a while, at best, the fusion failed and he re-entered reincarnation.If it succeeds, maybe a real Xuanwu will be born.Instead of turtles and snakes with basaltic statues.

In the end, Yang Tuo decided to give it a try, and this might be Gui Ling's opportunity.

Thinking of this, he didn't hesitate, just do what he said, if he succeeds, the road will be promising, and if he fails, he will enter reincarnation early.

Immediately, Yang Tuo used the "fixing curse" to imprison the turtle and the snake.With one finger, two rays of divine light were shot out.

Following the induction in the dark, this divine light enveloped the two halves of the true spirits of the turtle and the snake.As the divine light slowly drew closer, the broken true spirits finally came together.

Yang Tuo looked at it and saw that there was no change, so he withdrew his divine power.Unexpectedly, as soon as the divine power was withdrawn, the true spirit would be broken again.

Immediately, the two halves of the true spirits were neither far away nor close to each other, and they just spun around each other like Tai Chi, but they couldn't be united anyway.

Yang Tuo was taken aback for a moment, and didn't understand what was going on. True spirits have the instinct of aggregation, so why can't they merge into one?

He then used mana again to gather the true spirits, but as soon as the mana was withdrawn, the true spirits dispersed again.

Yang Tuo felt it carefully and found that although the two halves of true spirits have the power to unite, they also faintly repel them.

He thought carefully and finally understood.The two halves of true spirits have been compensated by the power of reincarnation, and each of them has a new breath.

It is this trace of breath, they do not belong to the original true spirit of the turtle spirit, they are completely different breaths, so there is a weak repulsion.

From this point of view, it is impossible for the true spirit to fuse automatically, which requires the help of external forces.

Both divine power and magic power have a strong personal touch, and long-term contact with the true spirit will inevitably cause corrosion.

The best, of course, is merit.The mysterious and yellow energy of merit is the essence of heaven and earth, and it is the best choice.However, merit also has a strong personal color, although it will not cause corrosion, it cannot be used by outsiders.

If it is the merit of the turtle and snake itself, that is the best choice.But now that the tortoise and the snake have not developed their spiritual wisdom, they are absolutely unable to obtain merit.

Yang Tuo thought for a while, and separated a sliver of wish power from himself.This wish power is condensed by all living beings, representing a beautiful yearning.

He reluctantly immobilized the true spirit with his will, but this was only a short-term solution.In the end, it still has to rely on the turtle and snake to make up for it by acquiring merit and vows, until the day of complete restoration.

(End of this chapter)

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