Enlightenment begins with the consecration of God

Chapter 179 Accepting Zhenwu, Hangu Yixi

Chapter 179 Accepting Zhenwu, Hangu Yixi

As Yang Tuo fixed the true spirit, the souls of the turtle and snake were also entangled together.Although there are still two souls, there is still a possibility of fusion.

After all, the true spirit is the root, and since it is the same true spirit, the soul will not reject it.But if you want to fuse into a real Xuanwu soul, I'm afraid it won't be possible in a short time.

With the unity of the true spirit, the souls of the black tortoise and the black snake are also entangled.Finally, there was no longer that vicious and violent aura.Sure enough, the magic of good fortune is really unimaginable!
Seeing this, Yang Tuo just nodded.As soon as he pointed at the soul of the turtle and snake, the spiritual energy accumulated by the turtle and snake over the past hundred years, and all kinds of natural materials and earthly treasures fed by the Nine Spirits Yuansheng burst out.

Immediately, the entangled souls of the tortoise and snake produced a common will.This will was born like a blank sheet of paper, but he felt the aura of Yang Tuo.

He groaned softly and crawled towards Yang Tuo. The aura on Yang Tuo made him feel very close.That's because above his true spirit, there is a breath left by Yang Tuo.

Yang Tuo swept away all the runes and restrictions on his body, allowing him to regain his freedom.He slowly crawled to Yang Tuo's side, rubbed against him, and cried softly.

Yang Tuo touched the scales on his body, and then said: "Since you have this opportunity, I will fulfill my promise. From today on, you are my third disciple."

After speaking, he paused, and then continued: "I will give you another name, you have the talents of Xuanwu, but you don't have the strength of Xuanwu, so let's call you Zhenwu, I hope that one day, you can become a real Xuanwu! "

Although Xuangui didn't understand what this meant, he still rubbed against Yang Tuo affectionately.Yang Tuo immediately said to Jiuling Yuansheng, "I'll leave it to you, so I can teach you!"

As Emperor Ziwei, he didn't have time to teach Zhenwu, so he entrusted this task to Jiuling.Jiuling Yuansheng may be more suitable than Yang Tuo as the Daoist of Daluo.

Yang Tuo then rode Jiuling Yuansheng back to Ziwei Palace with Zhenwu.The turmoil in Beiju Luzhou also came to an end because of it.

Ziwei Palace subdued the power of Jiuling Yuansheng by destroying Jiufeng Mountain.All the monsters in Beiju Luzhou felt a lot of pressure, and immediately restrained a lot.

For a while, Beiju Luzhou appeared extremely peaceful.A group of star gods returned to their caves to control the movement of the stars.


All the affairs in Beiju Luzhou are over, but Yang Tuo's body is traveling all the way westward, gradually approaching Hangu Pass.

At this time, the guard of Hangu Gate was named Yin Xi. When he was young, he was fond of observing astronomy, reading ancient books, and had a profound cultivation.Now he is the guard of Hangu Pass, he is still sensitive and eager to learn, and has the heart of Taoism.

Yang Tuo rode a yellow ox and walked slowly on the official road.At this time, it has been almost 20 years since Taoist Duobao was reincarnated.But Yang Tuo was not in a hurry.

That Yin Xi can know that the saint is coming by watching the stars at night.It can be seen from this that the Taiqing sage came to the mortal body this time and did not make any cover up.

Now, Yin Xi can observe the purple air from the east through the astrology.As Emperor Ziwei who ruled over the Northern Heaven Territory and controlled the stars, there was no reason why he could not notice it.

Of course, if he missed it, he would go directly to Kapilavastu and wait for Taoist Duobao to become a Buddha.

Yang Tuo walked to Hangu Pass and looked at the tall city wall in front of him.Still pondering in his heart, should he go to find Yin Xi, or wait outside the pass for now.

He didn't want to be noticed by Yin Xi inside the pass as soon as he approached the city pass.Yi Xi hurriedly checked, and saw a man riding a yellow ox walking slowly outside the Chengguan.

This Yin Xi is also a cultivator, although his cultivation is not very advanced, he has some ability.

He circulated his mana to his eyes, opened his eyes, and looked at Yang Tuo.What I don't want to see is a piece of golden light.

Yin Xi suddenly understood that the person coming must be a great sage with boundless merit.He quickly ordered the left and right switches to greet him.

While Yang Tuo was thinking, he suddenly saw Hangu Pass closed and wide open.A man in official uniform led a group of soldiers to greet him.

Yang Tuo was a little strange, thinking that Yin Xi might have some special ability, not only could he know that Lao Tzu was coming, but he could also know that he would come too.

Not to mention that while Yang Tuo was thinking, the man in official uniform hurried forward to salute, saying: "Human Yin Xi, I have seen the sages!"

Yang Tuo listened to what he said, it was Yin Xi.This Yin Xi is not simple. When Lao Tzu went west to Hangu Pass, Yin Xi worshiped him as his teacher and passed down two volumes of "Tao Te Ching".

After practicing assiduously, he later became the real man Wenshi, ranking above the 24 heavenly kings, commanding eighty thousand immortal lands, and a great supernatural power of Taoism.

But at this time, Yang Tuo observed that although he had the power of mana, he had not yet entered the Tao.Yang Tuo immediately opened his mouth and asked, "Why do you say that I am a sage of the human race?"

Yin Xi bowed again, and replied: "I see that Mr. Jin is surrounded by golden light and has boundless merit, so I know that he is a sage with great merit!"

Yang Tuo nodded, this Yin Xiguo was a bit strange.At this time Yin Xi saw Yang Tuo's face, but was surprised again: "It turns out that the national teacher is face to face!"

With that said, Yin Xi paid respects.At this time, it was only a hundred years since the establishment of the Zhou Dynasty.Yang Tuo's deeds are still spread all over the world, and there are many temples of the National Teacher, among which there are many portraits and sculptures of Yang Tuo.

And Yin Xi, as an official of the Zhou Dynasty and a cultivator, naturally would not admit his mistake.

Yang Tuo saw him paying respects, and immediately waved his right hand to help him up.Now that Yin Xi has come to greet him, he intends to wait for the sage to stand in Hangu Pass!
Then Yang Tuo entered Hangu Pass surrounded by Yin Xi.Yin Xi arranged a house for him, and Yang Tuo stayed there with peace of mind.

Yin Xi would come to ask for advice every day, and Yang Tuo knew everything and would answer it.

On this day, after Yin Xi came, he no longer asked for advice, but paid homage, saying: "The national teacher is here, Yin Xi has admired Taoism since childhood, but he has not received the true teaching, so he has not yet entered Taoism."

"Please ask the national teacher to recite Yin Xi's sincere heart and put it in the gate wall, so that Yin Xi can learn the Tao. If I have this blessing, I will hear the Tao in the morning, and I will die in the evening!"

Looking at Yin Xi in front of him, after this period of contact.Yang Tuo found that Yin Xi had a strong heart for the Tao, but he was a good seedling.

But soon, the Taiqing sage will come here, and that is where Yin Xide's opportunity lies.If he is accepted as a disciple now, wouldn't his chance be cut off.

Yin Xi respected him so much, how could he act like this.So he opened his mouth and said: "You have a destiny in your body, as long as you keep your heart, your achievements in the future will not be low, so why rush for a while. Now that Hangu Pass will have a sage coming, why should you sacrifice everything!"

It's not that Yang Tuo doesn't have the confidence to teach Yin Xi well, but that the saint is in front of him, and there is a sunny road, so why bother to walk his rough path.

When Yin Xi heard this, he didn't show joy, but a look of regret, regretting that he couldn't get into the national teacher's gate.

Seeing this, Yang Tuo said: "You don't believe me, I will teach you Ziwei Doushu, the method of stargazing, you will naturally understand!"

The reason why Yang Tuo said that was because he could already feel the boundless purple energy coming from the east.

Lao Tzu, a sage of the Taiqing, has come to the Hangu Pass.He didn't cover up anything along the way, as Emperor Ziwei, he was in charge of the stars, so he was the first to notice it.

(End of this chapter)

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