Chapter 193
As Ran Deng made up his mind, he raised his head again, and said in his heart: "If I go alone, I will be alone, and I need to bring a few people with me!"

Ran Deng saw that everyone hadn't made up his mind yet, so he couldn't help but look at the few people he had befriended.

He turned his head, took two steps forward, saluted, and said: "The teacher is on top, and the disciple is willing to go by lighting the lamp!"

Seeing someone taking the lead, Yuanshi Tianzun immediately said, "Have you thought it through?"

Ran Deng replied: "The disciple has already figured it out. As the saying goes, stones from other mountains can be used to attack jade. The Buddhist Dafa also has something worth learning from!"

He paused for a moment, and continued: "What's more, this matter is of great importance, and it is related to the future of the Taoist sect. The disciples are willing to share their worries!"

After finishing speaking, he looked at Manjusri, Puxian, Cihang and others.

At this time, the Twelve Golden Immortals had different minds, and Guang Chengzi and others were the first to get started, and they were highly valued and rich in wealth.

Then Dao Xing, Yu Ding, Huang Long and others who started later had a slightly lower level of cultivation, but after surviving the Great Tribulation of Conferring Gods, they improved somewhat.

Only Manjusri, Puxian, Cihang and others who are in the middle, after two hundred years of practice, although their cultivation has recovered, they have not made much progress.

Looking at the senior brother in front Yiqi Juechen, looking at the junior brother behind, he rushed to catch up.The few people in the middle of them are under a lot of pressure.

Now, seeing that Taoist Burning Deng, who is usually on good terms with himself and others, has made up his mind to join Buddhism, their minds can't help but move.

Especially Manjusri, Puxian, Cihang, and Fear Liusun. When they broke through the formation of ten thousand immortals, the four of them experienced the Western Dafa and Bodhi Golden Body.

Although it is different from Yuqing's immortal method, it has some merits.Seeing Ran Deng looking over at this time, he couldn't help but feel a little bit worried.

Ran Deng saw the expressions of Manjusri, Puxian, and Cihang, and knew that they were a little moved.But what is surprising is that it was not Manjusri, Puxian, and Cihang who stood up first, but the fearful grandson who didn't have much friendship with him.

Seeing that the grandson of Fear left came out first, he saluted Yuanshi Tianzun and said: "The disciple is willing to go!" His expression was solemn and serious.

Yuan Shi nodded when he heard the words of fear of leaving his grandson behind.I also feel quite satisfied with the choice of fearing to keep grandchildren.

Only then did Manjusri, Puxian and Cihang open their mouths to express their willingness to go.It can be seen from this that the fear of leaving grandchildren is still higher than that of Manjusri, Puxian, and Cihang.

After the five people made a decision to join Buddhism and help Daoist Duobao to compete for the luck of Buddhism, the matter was settled like this.

Now there are only a dozen of Yuxu's second-generation disciples, and five of them left at once, which is considered a huge support.

As for the disciples of the Shangqing sect, they have already fallen apart and cannot be of much help.However, the three thousand disciples who have been crossed away are the ones who can be wooed.

As for the final development, it still depends on the plans of Duobao, Randeng and others, but the result is unknown.

Now that the matter has been settled, Yuanshi let everyone leave.All the immortals returned to their caves, and only the five people who burned the lamp discussed it, and then set off for the west.

The time also came when Taoist Duobao became enlightened. Duobao established Dacheng Buddhism and became Sakyamuni Buddha.

He is about to cut out the good corpse with the six golden bodies of the Buddhist great Dharma, and with the help of the merit and luck of Lijiao.He didn't want to be swallowed by Kong Xuan.

When Yang Tuo saw Kong Xuan's attack, he wanted to stop him, but he realized that the saint didn't react at all.

This is a dispute between Dacheng Buddhism and Xiaocheng Buddhism, and it is inconvenient for outsiders to intervene.Thinking about the memory of later generations, Shakyamuni should have been safe and sound when he became enlightened.

Immediately, he sat down and continued to observe the development of the incident.

After Kong Xuan devoured the golden body of Sakyamuni, he wanted to leave.He also knew that Sakyamuni's enlightenment was inevitable.

Even if the golden body is devoured and destroyed, it will only delay the time for Sakyamuni to become enlightened.Sakyamuni only needs to spend more time to condense a golden body.

Even if the golden body is destroyed, the merits in it will not be destroyed.The merit itself does not increase or decrease, and even the Hunyuan saint cannot be obliterated.

What's more, Sakyamuni practiced hard on the Dao since the beginning of heaven, and experienced extraordinary experiences.There is no lack of merit and power of vows. Now that you have acquired the merit of establishing a teaching, enlightenment is inevitable.

However, taking away the golden body and delaying his enlightenment is the purpose of Kong Xuan's trip.

Kong Xuan was about to return to the Paradise of Paradise, but unexpectedly, several figures appeared from all around, it was Ran Deng and others.

Manjusri, Puxian, Cihang, and Fear Liusun surrounded Kong Xuan, with Lantern standing beside him.

Although Kong Xuan claims to be the most powerful Luo, it is not so easy to escape from the four Taiyis and one Da Luo.

Coupled with the fact that there are three people beside him, his pressure is really not small.Especially when the saint is by his side, even if the saint can't make a move, he still feels the infinite pressure.

At the beginning when I fought with Zhunzi, I didn't know the saint Zhunti, and I didn't feel the strength of the saint.

In the end, he was forcibly taken back to the west by the Zhunti sage. After more than two hundred years, he has long understood the strength of the sage.

How unfathomable it was, he couldn't help but feel ashamed of his ignorance.Now that Lao Tzu is sitting cross-legged on his side, he doesn't dare to be too presumptuous.

Seeing being surrounded by four people, I felt a little uneasy.Busily brushed out the five-color divine light, trying to open a way out.

The west is where Fear Liusun is located. Fear Liusun is now only the cultivation level of Taiyi Jinxian, so of course he is not Kong Xuan's opponent.

But he didn't want to defeat Kong Xuan, he just wanted to stop him.Seeing Kong Xuan's divine light brushing towards him, he quickly patted the top of his head.

A cloud of celebration appeared above the head, with thousands of golden lamps and pearls hanging from the necklace.With one finger, two white lotuses appeared under the feet.

He used almost all his defenses.But even so, it is estimated that it will be difficult to stop.

Fear Liusun first waved his hand, and a stream of light entangled towards Kong Xuan.Then he pointed to Qing Yunzhong with his hand, showing a golden body of Bodhi with three heads and six arms.

Kong Xuan's five-color divine light first brushed away the fairy rope, and then brushed towards Fear Liusun.A white lotus at Fear Liusun's feet greeted her.

Bai Lian fell into the divine light, and was taken away like a fairy rope.However, Shenguang also failed to get rid of the fear of leaving grandchildren.

Kong Xuan brushed out the divine light again, and came to take fear away from his grandson.However, after these two obstructions, the attacks of the others also arrived.

After all, these people are under Yuxu's sect. Although they are not the opponents of Kong Xuan's Five Colors Divine Light, their attack should not be underestimated.

Kong Xuan had no choice but to turn around and defend. In this way, whoever Kong Xuan attacked would be blocked with treasures, and the rest would attack, and the enemy would be saved.

Coupled with the help of Ran Deng, it involved a lot of Kong Xuan's energy.Although Kong Xuan will gain something every time he makes a move.

But either the white lotus is taken away, or the golden lamp is brushed.If it goes on for a long time, several people will definitely not be able to stop it.

But in a short time, Kong Xuan was stopped.Sakyamuni had no hope at all, but Kong Xuan was stopped by someone.

Of course, he doesn't want the time of his enlightenment to be delayed, who knows if any accidents will happen.So, he drove the golden body in Kong Xuan's belly, trying to get out of trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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