Enlightenment begins with the consecration of God

Chapter 194 The Position of Buddha

Chapter 194 The Position of Buddha
The golden body fell into Kong Xuan's belly and was suppressed by the five-color divine light.

However, although the golden body looks golden, it is not a thing of the five elements. It is the condensation of merit and aspiration, and is not included in the five elements.

As soon as the golden body moved in the abdomen, Kong Xuan had a reaction, so he could only concentrate his mana to forcefully suppress it.But both of them have the ultimate cultivation of Da Luo Jinxian.

Kong Xuan wanted to forcibly suppress it, but it was not so easy.What's more, being besieged by five people now has tied up a lot of energy.

The remaining mana is simply not enough to suppress Zhang Liu's golden body.However, the five-element space in Kong Xuan's abdomen is also extremely strong, and the golden body can't get out of it easily.

Sakyamuni didn't want to let the golden body come out from the convenient door, which would pollute the golden body.So he used his magic power to use the Buddha Kingdom in his palm.

This Buddhist kingdom in the palm is exactly the supernatural power that Sakyamuni and the Zhangliu golden body cultivated together.It is different from the kingdom of God in the palm created by Yang Tuo with divine power.

The Buddha Kingdom in the palm was used by Sakyamuni as a supernatural power. The two spaces collided with each other, and each collided with each other, causing some damage.

Kong Xuan's Five Elements Space was also broken.The six-zhang golden body of Sakyamuni left the five-element space along with the cracks.

As soon as the Zhangliu golden body left the five-element space, it broke Kong Xuan's back and escaped from the back.

The Zhangliu golden body already possesses immeasurable magical powers, and it is not restrained by the five-color divine light.As soon as he got out of trouble, he turned into a size of ten thousand feet, and forced Kong Xuan under his body.

There are four golden bodies of Bodhi on the side, which firmly fix Kong Xuan's wings and feet so that he cannot escape.

But Kong Xuan is also unlucky, this Buddhist golden body transcends the five elements, it is his nemesis.

Now being forcibly suppressed by five golden bodies, he can't even move.

Preventing people from becoming enlightened is the enemy of life and death.After Kong Xuan was subdued, Sakyamuni wanted to use the method of subjugating demons.

At this time, Taoist Ran Deng said: "Hold on!"

The golden body of Shakyamuni stopped and turned to look at the burning lamp.After all, it was the few of them who blocked and restrained Kong Xuan, so that he had a chance to get out of trouble.

Therefore, as soon as Taoist Ran Deng spoke, he stopped to see what Ran Deng had to say.

Ran Deng saluted, and said: "Your Majesty has just established a religion, and it is the time when the power is weak. Isn't this Kong Xuan a great help? Please spare his life!"

When Sakyamuni heard the words, his heart moved, and then he put away the anger in his heart.Although the Buddha has infinite compassion, he also has moments of anger.

At this time, when I was reminded by Ran Deng, I just remembered that I also have a mission to join Buddhism, so I put away the anger in my heart.

Glancing at Kong Xuan under him, a huge swastika symbol appeared in his hand, in which six-character mantras flashed.

Sakyamuni imprinted the swastika on the residence of Kong Xuanzi.The swastika imprint instantly entered the Purple Mansion and fell into its primordial spirit.

However, Kong Xuan was forcibly converted by Sakyamuni, and the primordial spirit was planted and banned, and life and death were under his control.

This Kong Xuan was also out of luck, just out of the tiger's mouth, and then into the wolf's den.He was subdued by the Zhunti saint and taken to the West.

However, the sage is so powerful that he doesn't bother to control it by force. Although he lost his freedom, he was not banned by any means.

This is why the sage has such confidence that he is not afraid that he will cause trouble.But now, Sakyamuni and his ordinary cultivation level can't control it.

Sakyamuni had no choice but to forcibly convert it with supernatural powers.Kong Xuanyuan's spirit was restrained, life and death were in his hands, and he finally ended up involuntarily.

After Sakyamuni subdued Kong Xuan, he did not get up, sat directly on Kong Xuan's back, looked at Ran Deng and others, and asked, "Where did you come from?"

Seeing that Kong Xuan was being subdued, everyone first paid respects to Lao Tzu, and then replied: "I am ordered by the sage Yuqing to come to help you!"

Sakyamuni was also slightly taken aback when he heard the words, and he couldn't react.I had to look at Lao Tzu to see what he had to say.

At this time, Lao Tzu just got up from the Fenghuo futon and slowly stepped onto the top of the snow mountain.Yang Tuo also followed suit, closely following around.

Lao Tzu looked at the crowd and said, "Very good! The establishment of a religion this time is of great importance. Sakyamuni is alone, and he is a little weak. It is the right time for Junior Brother Yuan Shi to send you here!"

Sakyamuni saw that Lao Tzu said so, so he couldn't say anything more.Now that the three religions are integrated into one, it is indeed a family.

However, there is still some sympathy in his heart, and it is not that intimate after all.

Lao Tzu looked at Sakyamuni and said, "You are now establishing Dacheng Buddhism, and you should be the leader of Buddhism, the ancestor of all Buddhas, Shakyamuni Buddha!"

Speaking of which, Lao Tzu placed a little on Sakyamuni's head and received the seal of Buddha for him.Saints are almost omnipotent, and the methods of Western religion, when they are watching, no longer have any secrets.

Today, receiving the seal for Sakyamuni is just to clarify the orthodoxy of Dacheng Buddhism in the capacity of a saint.In order to prevent the two saints in the West from doing anything else.

The saint is in charge of the way of heaven, and every word and deed represents the movement of the way of heaven.

Since Lao Tzu has clarified the legitimacy of Dacheng Buddhism, even Amitabha and Zhunti Buddha, who are both saints, cannot overthrow it.

Lao Tzu looked at Ran Deng again, and said, "You led all the Buddhas in the past, and you are the ancestor of all Buddhas. You should be the ancient Buddha of Ran Deng!"

When Ran Deng heard the words, he immediately lowered his head, and Laozi also received the seal of Buddha for him.The lamp immediately changed its shape and became a Buddha image wearing cassock.

Lao Tzu then said to Sakyamuni: "If you get the third-grade golden lotus and establish Dacheng Buddhism, you should occupy a quarter of the luck in Buddhism."

"However, this golden lotus is connected with Amitabha's ninth-grade golden lotus. If you want to stabilize the luck of Dacheng Buddhism, you need a Buddha!"

Now, the remaining four people are all Taiyi cultivators, even if they go further, they cannot be Buddhas.

At this moment, Lao Tzu looked at Yang Tuo, and Yang Tuo was also taken aback. Could it be that he still has his own share of the position of Buddha?
He thought about it, and he was also the Taiyi Golden Immortal, no different from Manjusri, Puxian, Cihang, Filiusun and others.

He muttered in his heart, wondering why the saint looked at him.Even if he is blessed by luck, if he goes a step further, he will only be a Daluo Sanxian, and he cannot be called a Buddha.

Lao Tzu didn't urge him, he just waited for Yang Tuo to think for himself.

At this moment, Yang Tuo remembered that his incarnation of Emperor Ziwei was already the cultivation level of Daluo Jinxian, so he wanted to let Emperor Ziwei become the Buddha!
But he was right, this was also his chance.As long as he is willing to give up the position of emperor Ziwei and join Buddhism, the honor of a Buddha is not a problem.

He can use the luck of Buddhism to let the incarnation step into the realm of Hunyuan Sanxian.

However, he was still a little hesitant. After all, the position of the Emperor of Heaven had a greater influence on the Three Realms, so it was convenient for him to make some arrangements.

Then, he thought of Taoist Lu Ya again.Taoist Lu Ya gave him two innate spirit treasures, saying that he would be able to think of him when he had the chance.

When he thought of it at this moment, he sighed in his heart, not wanting to unknowingly change the chance of achieving Hunyuan just like that.

Now that I think about it, those two innate treasures were just trying to replace him as the Buddha.

He couldn't make up his mind at first, but now thinking of Lu Ya, he realized that he had already made a decision.

I feel very sorry in my heart, after all, it is so easy to find the opportunity to step into Hunyuan.I don't see the Taoist Randeng, and now he should be called the Ancient Buddha of Randeng.

This burning lantern has been pursued by the ancient Buddha for countless years, and now he has just got this opportunity.

If he misses this opportunity, the next time he has the opportunity to step into Hunyuan, he doesn't know when it will be.

Although he got two innate spirit treasures, he still feels a little bit regretful!
(End of this chapter)

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