Enlightenment begins with the consecration of God

Chapter 44 9 Qu Yellow River Array

Chapter 44

All the fairies and Wen Zhongxing came to the front of the formation.Yun Xiao came out and said, "Fellow Daoist Yuxu, please come out and answer."

Ran Deng and the Twelve Golden Immortals saw five Taoist nuns coming from the Yin and Shang side.Ran Deng came out of the canopy and asked, "Where are you fellow Taoists?"

Yun Xiao said: "I waited to come here just to find Lu Ya and Jiang Ziya. You can ask them to come out and answer."

Ran Deng replied: "The two are not here now. Is it not that you are looking for these two?"

Yun Xiao said: "The two of them used evil methods and killed my brother Zhao Gongming. We will naturally ask them why they did this evil thing!"

Ran Deng thought in his heart, he didn't want to be Zhao Gongming's younger sister, I'm afraid this matter will be difficult!He couldn't help but said: "Zhao Gongming doesn't follow the law, he only goes against the law, he tries to go against the sky, and helps the ignorant king. I'm just doing justice for the sky, so why should you complain about us!"

Yun Xiao was still about to answer, but Bi Xiao, who was on the side, couldn't help being furious when he saw that this person was still seriously hurting his brother's reputation: "What a wicked person, how dare you make such a false statement." After speaking, he released the "Golden Jiao Scissors" to burn The lamp kills.

Seeing that the lamp was "Golden Jiao scissors", he didn't dare to neglect it, and hurriedly used earth to dodge it.The Twelve Golden Immortals stepped forward together when they saw that the two sides were fighting.

A melee started under Xiqi City.On the Yuxu side, there are many people, and on the Yin and Shang side, there are exquisite treasures.Bi Xiao used the "Golden Jiao Scissors" to rush back and forth in the battlefield, and all the golden immortals avoided it when they saw it.

Everyone in Yuxu also exhibited their magic weapons, and the magic weapons came and went like a shuttle, even the fairy girls and Grand Master Wen did not dare to resist.

There was chaos in the arena, the world was turned upside down, and the ground was shaken.From time to time, black wind howls and thunder rolls.

Seeing this, Yunxiao couldn't help offering sacrifices to the "Hunyuan Jindou" and came to fetch people, first took Guangchengzi, and turned the golden dou a few times.Seeing that Han Zhixian was besieged in a hurry, he threw Guang Chengzi out of the golden bucket and smashed it on the ground.

Yunxiao came to rescue Immortal Hanzhi, and took the Great Master Lingbao with a golden dou. Just after turning the golden dou around, Fairy Caiyun was also in danger.Then he threw Master Lingbao out of Jindou to save Fairy Caiyun.

Yun Xiao was busy saving people, while Guang Chengzi was taken around by Jin Dou for a few turns, cutting off thousands of years of mana, but Guang Chengzi had practiced Taoism for a long time, and his mana was profound, so he didn't care.After being smashed to the ground, he regained consciousness in a moment and joined the battle group again.

Fairy Yunxiao was busy protecting and supporting her left and right, but she explained that there are many people and magic weapons.The fairies and Grand Master Wen gradually couldn't resist.After all, in terms of cultivation, except for Yunxiao, everyone else is still not as good as Twelve Golden Immortals and Ran Deng.

Seeing this, Yunxiao couldn't help calling everyone back to Chengtang Camp.Seeing that it was difficult to win, everyone had to retreat.

On Xiqi's side, seeing the fairies and Wen Taishi retreating, they didn't dare to chase after them. After all, the "Hunyuan Jindou" was too dangerous, and it would cut off a thousand years of cultivation, no matter how powerful the mana was, it couldn't catch up with it loss.

The two sides retreated separately, thinking about ways to defeat the enemy.Guang Chengzi said to the crowd: "The Jin Dou is so powerful that no one can resist it. Why don't you call Ziya back and use Ziya's innate spiritual treasure 'Yuxu Xinghuangqi' to resist it."

It's reasonable for people to ask questions.In today's battle, the loss is not small, and if it goes on like this for a long time, there is no way.

Without mentioning the deliberations of the immortals, Jiang Ziya and Lu Ya shot Zhao Gongming to death.Jiang Ziya led the troops back to Xiqi slowly.After a few days of work, they returned to Xiqi. Seeing Jiang Ziya's return, everyone had some confidence in the next battle.

As long as Ziya can hold back Yunxiao's "Hunyuan Jindou", they can defeat the rest of them first.Everyone else was defeated, and Yun Xiao was alone.

Jiang Ziya returned to Xiqi and found that all the immortals were there, but Yang Tuo was rejected.Can't help asking: "Why don't you see the national teacher?"

Ran Deng replied: "Yang Daoyou accompanied King Wu to break the 'Red Sand Formation'."

Jiang Ziya was shocked when he heard the words: "How can this be so, King Wu is a mere mortal, wouldn't he be seeking his own death if he joins the battle?"

Ran Deng replied: "It's okay, with Fellow Daoist Yang guarding him, nothing will happen to King Wu."

Jiang Ziya said again: "The national teacher is a true immortal, and I am afraid that it will be difficult to protect himself."

Ran Deng couldn't help laughing and said: "Guang Chengzi gave Yang Daoyou three treasures, which are more than enough to protect himself! But King Wu needs to enter the battle for a hundred days to vent the evil spirit in the big battle. After a hundred days, it's time to break the battle!"

Jiang Ziya couldn't help but feel relieved when he heard the words, he was also afraid that the burning lamp would send Yang Tuo to the sacrifice formation.But I don't know, Ran Deng has already used Yang Tuo to sacrifice a big formation.However, Yang Tuo broke through with "Dinghai Pearl".

At this time, Guang Chengzi said to Ziya: "Now Chengtang has a few fairies, one of them is called Yunxiao, who has a congenital spiritual treasure 'Hunyuan Jindou' in his hand. I will be invincible. You need to use 'Yuxu' Xinghuangqi', you can resist it. When the time comes to fight, you need to hold Jindou so that we can defeat the enemy!"

Jiang Ziya heard the words and replied: "Brother must try his best not to let him down."

Not to mention that Xiqi is ready to fight again.In Chengtang Daying, since the six people returned to the camp, they were all silent, and it was more difficult to explain and teach the immortals than imagined.It may be difficult to win for a while.

In the end, Yunxiao said: "Although there are many people in Chanjiao, they are not afraid, but it is difficult for us to resist them. I want to form a big formation, divide them, and trap them in the formation. Then they will It's like something in the palm of your hand, you can pinch it however you want."

Han Zhixian asked: "I don't know, what formation does my sister want to set up? Do you want us to cooperate?"

After this battle, Immortal Hanzhi also understands her own strength. It may be difficult to cause any harm to the Chanjiao people, so she can only play as a support.

Yunxiao looked at the crowd and said: "This formation is called the Jiuqu Yellow River formation. According to the three talents inside, it contains the wonders of heaven and earth; in it there is the elixir of confusion and the formula of closing immortals, which can lose the god of immortals, eliminate the soul of immortals, trap the shape of immortals, Lose the aura of the immortal, lose the essence of the immortal, and damage the limbs of the immortal. The immortal enters here and becomes a mortal, and the mortal enters here and dies. There is no straightness in the nine songs, the song is full of the wonders of good fortune, and the mystery of the gods. Let him Saints of the Three Religions cannot escape from this.”

Everyone was overjoyed upon hearing this.Grand Master Wen asked: "How should this formation be arranged?"

Yun Xiao said to Grand Master Wen: "The Grand Master still needs to choose [-] dead soldiers and me, and I will train them into Taoist soldiers. At that time, everyone will have magic power and move forward and retreat freely, just like one person."

"I'll use these 600 people again, using the three talents internally and the nine palaces and gossips externally, to practice formations until they are proficient. These 600 people are comparable to a million masters!"

After hearing this, the grand master hurried out of the account to select soldiers.Empress Yunxiao and all the fairies are preparing for the formation.Fairy Yunxiao also had an unknown fire this time, and wanted to avenge her brother.He didn't hesitate to use the wealth accumulated by the three sisters over tens of millions of years to help these six hundred mortals succeed quickly.

Although these 600 people are quick successes and have lost their foundation, they are still reaching the sky in one step, a huge pie hit on their heads.

However, there are also some difficulties, so Yun Xiao asked Grand Master Wen to select some willing dead soldiers, in case something goes wrong, these people will also have their lives at stake.

But no matter how great the risk is, there will be great rewards. Once it succeeds, it is equivalent to transforming into a fairy, with the cultivation base in the body, and the lifespan greatly increased.If some of them can complete the foundation, they may not have the opportunity to embark on the fairy road.

(End of this chapter)

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