Chapter 45
For a while, the two sides truce and prepare for each other.A war is about to break out.The atmosphere between heaven and earth became more and more dull, as if the face of God had changed.

For half a month, Yun Xiao and all the fairies were training soldiers and arranging great formations.On this day, the Yellow River was formed.I saw the flood rolling in its array, and the yellow sand filled the sky.Array of heaven and earth, the potential of the Yellow River.The yin wind and gust of air invaded people, and the black mist filled the sun and the moon.

When the Xiqi congregation saw this, they couldn't help but be startled.Everyone was talking, and they didn't know what the formation was.At this time, a soldier came to report to Ziya: "Reporting to the Prime Minister, Cheng Tang's army has set up a large formation outside the camp. There is a flag in front of the formation, and the five characters of 'Nine Curved Yellow River Formation' are written."

Ziya hurriedly explained to the immortals that although the immortals knew the name of the formation, how could they know the magic of this formation for a while.However, the interceptor is good at formations, and any formations that can be put out are amazingly powerful.

Looking at the power of this formation, I am afraid that it is incomparable to the top ten formations.All the immortals also thought about what to do if they were caught in the formation!

When the Tang camp was completed, Taishi Wen heard that the fairies were ready, and also ordered the army to kill Xiqi.Walking to the bottom of the city, without waiting for the Xiqi people to come to break the formation, it was Empress Yunxiao who had her own magic method.

Empress Yunxiao set up this great formation and used the "Hunyuan Jindou" as the eye of the formation.

When Taishi Wen led his army to Xiqi, Jiang Ziya had to lead his generals to fight.A group of interpreters, Jin Xian, stood by to help.Even the four third-generation disciples who were seriously injured saw that the last "Red Sand Array" was broken, and they all recovered without medicine.

When Bi Xiao saw Jiang Ziya, her eyes turned red, and without saying much, she directly sacrificed "Golden Jiao Scissors" and killed Jiang Ziya.

"Golden Jiao Scissors" turned into two ancient dragons in the air, and the dragons charged towards Jiang Ziya with their huge mouths open.

Jiang Ziya was taken aback when he saw this, but he didn't want these people to be ignorant of etiquette.Without waiting for an answer from the front, he sacrificed the magic weapon to sneak attack.

Jiang Ziya hurriedly displayed the "Apricot Yellow Flag", showing thousands of golden flowers to protect his figure.This "Golden Jiao Scissors" smashes one golden flower, and it will give birth to two more, as if it were endless.

Seeing that Jiang Ziya couldn't do anything, Bi Xiao had to cut the "Golden Jiao Scissors" to the side, and the Dragon Beard Tiger who was standing on the side was accidentally involved in it.Being cut into two sections by a pair of scissors, even the immortal body has no effect.

Here Yun Xiao saw that Bi Xiao had already started, so he didn't say much. After all, the two sides had a deep hatred, so they had to fight.

Seeing that "Jin Jiao Scissors" couldn't help Jiang Ziya, Yun Xiao urged "Hunyuan Jindou" to get Ziya.However, the "Hunyuan Jindou" was blocked by the golden flower of the "Apricot Yellow Flag", and it was spinning in the air, but it couldn't fall.

Seeing this, Jin Xian of the interpreters couldn't help but feel great in their hearts.

No, Yun Xiao was also surprised when he saw that he couldn't hold Jiang Ziya. This was the first time he had encountered such a situation.But unable to hold Jiang Ziya, Yun Xiao turned Jin Dou to the side of Lu Ya Daoist.This man was also the culprit who killed his brother.

When Lu Ya saw the "Hunyuan Jindou" attacking, his Yuanshen jumped wildly, and he felt bad.It quickly turned into a long rainbow, and did not know where it flew.This technique of transforming rainbows has become mysterious, and I am afraid that the Golden Winged Dapeng will not be able to catch up.

Seeing that Yunxiao had run away from Lu Ya, there was nothing he could do, so he had to turn around Jin Dou again to get the lantern.Not wanting to light the lamp, I was very alert, and I was prepared early, and without waiting for Yunxiao to make a move, I ran away with the light.

Yun Xiao was also annoyed when he saw that he couldn't even take the three of them.He couldn't help but run the Yellow River Array and use the "Hunyuan Jindou" with the help of the power of heaven and earth.

Jin Dou turned to get Guangchengzi again. Because he borrowed the power of the formation, the speed was extremely fast this time, and Guangchengzi couldn't react in time, so he was put into the Jindou.

Yun Xiao nodded with satisfaction, and then Dou Jin turned around and threw Guang Chengzi into the formation. The formation was running, and Guangchengzi was immediately trapped in the formation, unable to move.

Yunxiao took the red sperm, Master Lingbao and other twelve golden immortals and four third-generation disciples in accordance with the law.

Seeing this, Jiang Ziya had to lead the army back to Xiqi.Lu Ya and Ran Deng ran away without a trace, Yang Tuo and Wu Wang were trapped in the "Red Sand Array", Long Xuhu died, and everyone else was captured.Jiang Ziya looked at the huge Xiqi City and was a little dazed for a while.

All the generals in Xiqi looked at Jiang Ziya.Jiang Ziya is also a person with great perseverance, and he quickly recovered.He said to everyone: "You wait for each camp to be guarded, and don't be negligent. Wait for me to think about countermeasures before making plans."

Seeing that Jiang Ziya was not defeated, everyone knew that there was still hope, so they cheered up and performed their duties.

Seeing Jiang Ziya retreating, everyone in Chengtang did not pursue them. Many people have been captured now, and it will not be too late to attack after they are disposed of.Master Wen also retreated to the camp, and the two sides returned to the state before the battle in an instant.But one side is happy and the other is sad.

Yunxiao captured everyone, and they were all trapped in the formation.There are a lot of people in the array, and there is still the strength to resist.Yunxiao urged a great formation to run the "Hunyuan Jindou".Every time the golden bucket turns, everyone will be stripped of a thousand years of mana.

In a short time, all the immortals were cut off with three flowers on the top, the five breaths in their chests were eliminated, and they went to the immortal body. They were all knocked down and turned back to ordinary.

Because Yun Xiao witnessed the tragic death of his brother with his own eyes, he was very resentful towards Chan Jiao, and even the three generations of disciples were not spared.

Ziya sat alone on the reed awning and looked at the two great formations in front of him.One trapped King Wu and his national teacher, and the other trapped twelve golden immortals and four nephews.Without Lu Ya and Ran Deng, Kongliu Ziya was at a loss.

After a short while, the lamp flew back to Xiqi.Ran Deng also knew that he escaped at a critical moment, which was very unkind.Without waiting for Jiang Ziya to speak, he hurriedly said, "Ziya, burn the incense quickly, the master is coming to Xiqi!"

When Jiang Ziya heard this, he didn't dare to neglect, and he didn't care about burning the lamp too much.He hurriedly washed his body and clean clothes, and burned incense and festive colors to welcome the Heavenly Venerate.

The two had just finished preparing and stood beside them.I saw in the sky, golden flowers blooming, fairy music fluttering, Yuanshi Tianzun came on the "Kowloon Agarwood Chariot".The two of them bowed down and said, "The disciple does not know that the teacher is coming, and if you have lost your way, you will beg for forgiveness!"

Yuanshi Tianzun got down from the Chenxiang carriage without saying a word, and went straight to Lu Peng.Antarctic Xianweng stood beside him with a feather fan.Yuanshi Tianzun ignored the two of them, but he was a little angry, especially the light.He ran away by himself, trapping all the people in the squad.No matter what you do, it can't be called good!
When the two saw Tianzun Yuanshi and Lu Peng sitting down, they hurriedly bent down and bowed.Tianzun said: "You are equal!"

Jiang Ziya knelt down in the tunnel and said, "Teacher is on top, Empress Sanxiao set up the Yellow River formation and captured a group of disciples. All the disciples are trapped in the formation, and they may fall into danger. I hope the teacher shows mercy and rescues the formation!"

Yuanshi Tianzun said: "I already know everything, and I don't need to say more." How could Yuanshi Tianzun not know, he would be unable to sit still in Yuxu Palace.If you don't come again, I'm afraid the Taoism will be cut off.

If something happens to this group of people, there will be only a few people left in the huge teaching, which is not much different from the eradication of the teaching.

It is because of Tianzun that he disregards face and visits the mortal world!

(End of this chapter)

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