Chapter 52 Yang Tuo's Shot
When Jin Zha fought with Tu Xingsun, he was also alert.Seeing Tu Xingsun jumping out of the battle circle, he knew that he wanted to use a magic weapon.

Jin Zha didn't dare to neglect, and took the lead in offering sacrifices to the "Dunlong Pile" and went to Tu Xingsun.

When Tu Xingsun saw a magic weapon being pulled towards him, he was also surprised.He hurriedly escaped with the "ground movement technique".

Seeing that Tu Xingsun was not trapped, Jin Zha had to take back the magic weapon, but Tu Xingsun came out from behind him again.

As soon as Tu Xingsun got out, a golden light shot out, and Jin Zha was also captured.Everyone in Xiqi rushed to rescue them, but there was no rush.

Deng Jiugong was even more happy when he saw that Tu Xingsun had captured another general of Xiqi.Seeing that two battles have been won today, he immediately withdrew his troops and returned to the camp.

In Chengtang camp, everyone is happy.All the generals in Xiqi were frowning.Seeing today's battle, Deng Jiugong swept away yesterday's decadence and won a complete victory.So a big feast was held to celebrate the achievements of Tu Xingsun.

After drinking for three rounds, when everyone is slightly drunk.Deng Jiugong said to Tu Xingsun: "Nephew, I know what you want. If you can defeat Xiqi, I will betroth my daughter to you."

Deng Jiugong has been an official for many years, so how could he not be aware of Tu Xingsun's intentions.Now, through drunkenness, he made a promise to Tu Xingsun, trying in vain to make Tu Xingsun do his best to break Xiqi.

As for after breaking Xiqi?That's drunken talk, don't take it seriously.Deng Jiugong naturally had a way to push two five six, and he would never ask his daughter to marry such a four-foot tall man.

But this Tu Xingsun doesn't know Deng Jiugong's little Jiujiu.Hearing that Deng Jiugong was willing to marry his daughter to him, he sobered up a bit.In his heart, he was thinking about how to break Xiqi and win the beauty back.

As for Prime Minister Xiqi, he is his uncle?How could he remember these things at this time.At this moment, Jiang Ziya, in his heart, was just a dowry gift to marry Deng Chanyu.

On the second day, early in the morning, Tu Xingsun couldn't hold back the longing in his heart.Lead the troops to the city of Xiqi.

Tu Xingsun shouted at the city wall: "Jiang Ziya, I heard that you are a high-ranking scholar from Kunlun, and I am here to capture you. Come out and surrender quickly, so as not to waste my time."

Hearing the words, Jiang Ziya led the generals out of the city on Sibuxiang, and said, "What can you do? Dare to arrest me."

As he spoke, he rode forward, holding a magic whip in his hand, and beat Tu Xingsun.However, Tu Xingsun dodged it all at once.

Jiang Ziya also suffered from Tu Xingsun's short stature.He rode on this four-horizon, and he had to bend over if he wanted to hit Tu Xingsun.Tu Xingsun tossed and turned on the ground, how could Jiang Ziya hit him.

Within a few rounds, Jiang Ziya was in a hurry when it came to four different situations.Seeing this, Tu Xingsun hurriedly sacrificed the "immortal binding rope". How could Jiang Ziya hide, he was tied up and fell to the ground.

Tu Xingsun was about to capture Jiang Ziya, but Xiqi was also prepared.Yang Jian hurriedly fought against Tu Xingsun, and Mu Zha snatched Jiang Ziya back to the city.

When Tu Xingsun saw that Jiang Ziya had run away, he was also furious, and sacrificed the "immortal rope" to get Yang Jian.Seeing a flash of golden light, Yang Jian was tied tightly.

Tu Xingsun wanted to capture Yang Jian again, but after walking a few steps, Yang Jian turned into a stone, and there was no trace of Yang Jian.

However, Yang Jian's Xuangong was amazing. The moment he was bound by the "immortal rope", he replaced himself with a huge stone.Where is Tu Xingsun bound Yang Jian, but it's just a boulder transformed into an illusion.

Seeing that Jiang Ziya ran away and Yang Jian was not caught, Tu Xingsun was very unhappy, but everyone in Xiqi had already retreated to the city.Tu Xingsun had no choice but to lead his troops back to the camp.

Tu Xingsun told Deng Jiugong about today's battle.Deng Jiugong said worriedly: "Now that Jiang Shang and others know how powerful the nephew is, they can't avoid it. What should we do?"

Tu Xingsun smiled and said: "Marshal, there is no need to worry. How can a mere Xiqi City stop me?"

Hearing this, Deng Jiugong couldn't help saying: "What magic trick does my nephew have?"

Tu Xingsun said proudly: "I have practiced a secret technique since I was a child, called 'Earth Walking Technique', which can sneak into Xiqi from the ground. No matter how many people guard Xiqi, it doesn't matter."

Deng Jiugong was overjoyed when he heard the words: "I don't want my nephew to have such secret techniques!"

Tu Xingsun said: "Tonight, I will sneak into Xiqi, kill King Wu first, and then kill Jiang Ziya. Xiqi will be destroyed without attack!"

Deng Jiugong said happily: "If it succeeds, I will definitely not disappoint my nephew!"

Not to mention the Yin and Shang camp, everyone is planning an assassination plan at night.In the residence of Prime Minister Xiqi, Jiang Ziya was bound by the "immortal rope" and could not move.Everyone hacked the fire, but it didn't do anything, but the "immortal rope" was tied more and more tightly.

In the end, everyone was helpless, and Ziya said: "Go invite the national teacher to come here, the national teacher may be able to find a way."

Only then did everyone wake up. Recently, the national teacher was practicing in retreat in the mansion. Everyone didn't realize it for a while, so they hurriedly sent Wu Ji to invite them.

Yang Tuo met Wu Ji and said that it was Zi Ya who asked him to invite him.Yang Tuo didn't want to care about this Tu Xingsun mess.But when Jiang Ziya came to invite him, he couldn't shirk it.

Yang Tuo came to the Prime Minister's Mansion and saw Jiang Ziya tied up with a golden rope.Yang Tuo understood at a glance that this was the "immortal rope" for fear of leaving grandchildren.

Yang Tuo felt really uncomfortable seeing Jiang Ziya being helped.Stepping forward quickly, behind Jiang Ziya, hid the "Luobao money" in the palm of his hand.Grab the "immortal-binding rope" with your hand, and stick the money in your hand onto the "immortal-binding rope".The "immortal rope" immediately loosened.

Yang Tuo took back the "Luobao Money" and took the "Immortal Binding Rope" in his hand.Everyone came to watch one after another. On the one hand, they lamented the power of the rope, and on the other hand, they also lamented the supernatural power of the national teacher.

Everyone was helpless, the national teacher just stretched out his hand, and the rope was automatically loosened, and he held it in his hand.The mystery of this can be imagined.

Yang Tuo held the "Immortal Binding Rope" in his hand, and everyone was watching.Yang Jian said, "This rope looks familiar."

Knowing the reason, Yang Tuo first asked, "What skills does Tu Xingsun have?"

Everyone explained what they observed, and Yang Jian also said: "Yesterday, when the Tu Xingsun and Jin Zha were fighting. Jin Zha had already sacrificed the 'Dragon Stake', but how could the Tu Xingsun disappear all of a sudden?" I could see clearly at the time that the Tu Xingsun came out from the ground behind Jin Zha."

Yang Tuo nodded after listening, and said to Ziya: "Brother Dao, can you react?"

Ziya was puzzled and asked, "What did fellow Taoist say?"

Yang Tuo smiled and said, "Brother Dao taught me that spell when he left Chaoge that day."

Only then did Ziya come to his senses, but he was puzzled and said, "I went to Senior Brother Fear Liusun to ask for this technique, and I was afraid that Senior Brother Fear Liusun would never let people go against us."

Yang Tuo said: "This 'Land Walking Technique' may not be a unique method, but there are not many people who will win it. Since you have this doubt, send someone to visit Feiyun Cave in Jialong Mountain and ask, it will naturally be clear."

Jiang Ziya also nodded and said, "It's okay, who would like to go to Feiyun Cave in Jialong Mountain?"

Yang Jian replied: "Let me go. I heard what the national teacher said, and I also feel that this rope is a bit like the 'immortal rope' that Mr. Sun is afraid of leaving behind. This is just a good time to ask together."

Jiang Ziya heard the words and replied: "That's fine, no matter what the situation is when you go here, you have to go and come back quickly, so that we can know the details."

Yang Jian nodded, said goodbye to everyone, and left for Jialong Mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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