Chapter 53
See Yang Jian going to Jialong Mountain.Jiang Ziya said again: "Nephew Yang Jian, it will take some time to go, how should this Tu Xingsun deal with it?"

Yang Tuo said: "If this earth-moving grandson knows the 'land movement technique', it will be difficult to deal with. I am good at this technique, and I know how difficult this technique is."

Yang Tuo changed his voice: "However, although this technique is difficult, it is not impossible to crack it. There is a method of 'pointing the ground into steel', which is the best way to restrain this technique. Turning the land into steel, this 'earth movement technique' 'Naturally it can't move."

Hearing what Yang Tuo said, both Jiang Ziya and Mu Zha shook their heads, expressing that they did not understand this method.

But this is also expected by Yang Tuo.Yang Tuo said: "If there is no way of restraint, it will be very difficult to catch that Tu Xingsun."

Yang Tuo walked back and forth a few steps, thinking: "I didn't want to pay attention to it at first, but when the grandson of fear comes, I will deal with it naturally. But since Ziya came to ask, I'd better give him an idea."

Thinking about it, Yang Tuo stopped and said, "Although there is no good way, there is a stupid way."

When Jiang Ziya heard the words, he said happily, "I don't know what to do?"

Yang Tuo smiled mysteriously and said, "Brother Dao, you don't need to ask any more questions. You will know after I captured that Tu Xingsun myself."

Jiang Ziya saw that Yang Tuo was still playing tricks, so he couldn't help laughing and said: "Since you are sure, I will wait for your good news."

Yang Tuo returned to the mansion and looked at Xiqi City.The stupid way he told Jiang Ziya was because he knew that Tu Xingsun might sneak into Xiqi to assassinate King Wu.He could set up a trap in the palace first, and wait for Tu Xingsun to step in, then he would be unable to fly.

However, this method of sitting on the sidelines and waiting for rabbits can only be called a stupid method.If Tu Xingsun doesn't come, he has no choice but to catch Tu Xingsun.

Yang Tuo stretched out his right hand, and a formation diagram appeared in his hand, which was the formation diagram of Lie Yan (raging flames).With a wave of his right hand, the array flew towards the palace, and after a while, the array merged into the ground of the palace.

Yang Tuo arranged the flame array under the palace. As long as Tu Xingsun sneaked into the palace with the "ground movement technique", he would first fall into the array.Each of these ten unique formations has its own space.As long as Tu Xingsun entered the formation, he would not be able to escape easily.

The formation map sank into the ground of the palace, slowly connecting to the ground.With the connection of the earth and air, Yang Tuo guided the array to spread out slowly.Finally, a magic circle covering the palace was formed.

The array is underground, forming its own space, and has no effect on people living on the ground.But whoever passes through the ground must go through the scorching fire, and even if he is not dead, his skin must be peeled off.

It's not that Yang Tuo looked down on Tu Xingsun, because with Tu Xingsun's ability, he would never be able to break through this "flame formation".If you don't know the way, you may be burned to ashes.

After Yang Tuo completed the arrangement, he continued to comprehend the "Wind Roar Formation".Just wait for Tu Xingsun, that silly rabbit, to deliver it to his door.

At night, Tu Xingsun sneaked into Xiqi with the "earth movement technique", but no one noticed.Tu Xingsun stuck out his head in the city, looking around.This Xiqi City is neither big nor small.

Tu Xingsun looked around, only the palace was the most conspicuous.Tu Xingsun thought: "I don't know where Jiang Ziya is yet, why not go to the palace and kill King Wu first."

Tu Xingsun glanced at the direction of the palace, and then sneaked towards the palace.Just when Tu Xingsun entered the palace, Yang Tuo felt it.Immediately with a thought, the formation slowly moved.

Tu Xingsun is still sneaking underground, not knowing that he has already entered the trap.Tu Xingsun walked underground for a long time, but he couldn't sense the palace in his divine sense.Tu Xingsun was also puzzled: "I practice magic here, and it's easy to travel thousands of miles a day. Why haven't I arrived at the palace for so long?"

Thinking in his heart: "Could it be that I was too fast and missed it?" Tu Xingsun felt a little surprised, and hurriedly dived to the ground, wanting to check it out.I don't want to but I can't reach the ground anyway.

Tu Xingsun didn't feel good at this moment, he knew that he might be on the wrong path.Busily turned around and walked back and forth, trying to escape this trap.

I don't want to, I've been walking for a long time, but I don't see any changes around me.Only then did Tu Xingsun realize that he might have fallen into some kind of formation.

Yang Tuo sensed that Tu Xingsun was scurrying around in the formation, and said with a slight smile: "This 'flame formation' can come and go whenever you want. If it is so easy, how can you afford the 'Ten Jue Formation'?" The name! Even Da Luo Jinxian has to deal with it carefully, where can a mere Tu Xingsun go?"

With a thought in Yang Tuo's mind, a raging fire ignited in the "flame array".Because Gu Nian was afraid of leaving his grandson behind, Yang Tuo only used Shi Zhonghuo.Even so, the power of the large formation should not be underestimated.

Yang Tuo just had a thought, but Tu Xingsun felt differently.Tu Xingsun only felt that the surrounding environment suddenly changed.It is no longer underground, but in a space.

In this space, the flames are raging, and the flames are raging.Tu Xingsun only felt a wave of heat coming towards him.Even the hair exudes a burning smell.

This was because the flames hadn't burned yet, and the heat wave made him a little unbearable.Looking at the flames in all directions, Tu Xingsun knew that this time it might be impossible to escape.

The surrounding flames kept rushing towards him, Tu Xingsun quickly pinched the fire avoidance formula with his hands to separate the heat wave.This billowing flame, even with the fire-avoiding formula, I'm afraid it won't last long.

Yang Tuo sensed the situation in the formation and saw that Tu Xingsun was trapped in the formation.I'm not in a hurry to capture him, I plan to let him suffer a little bit before talking.

Yang Tuo leisurely drank the tea brought from the ancient tea tree in Wuyi Mountain.Tu Xingsun in the formation was burned up and down.Yang Tuo controlled his strength so that he could remember it deeply without hurting his life.

After Tu Xingsun was burnt beyond recognition, Yang Tuo stopped the flames and walked towards the formation with the "Earth Movement Technique".

Seeing Tu Xingsun's miserable state in the formation, Yang Tuo couldn't help but smiled and said, "Tu Xingsun, you are quite courageous, dare to sneak into Xiqi, do you really think there is no one in Xiqi?"

Tu Xingsun saw a person in gossip clothes appearing in the formation, he knew in his heart that this is the person who set up the formation.He hurriedly begged for mercy: "Prince Tao, calm down, calm down! Tu Xingsun knows he is wrong."

Although this Tu Xingsun was burned and looked miserable, but because of Yang Tuo's control, there was no serious problem.Now seeing the people in the main formation, life and death are at stake, of course Tu Xingsun begged for mercy honestly.

But he is not really willing to capture him without a fight, he wants to wait for this person to capture him, or accept the formation.As long as he can leave this ghostly place, he will naturally find another chance to escape.

However, how could Yang Tuo give him this chance.With a wave of his hand, a long golden rope shining with precious light tied Tu Xingsun tightly.

Tu Xingsun suddenly opened his eyes wide, not understanding what happened.Why does this Taoist also have the "Immortal Binding Rope"?Tu Xingsun was confused for a while.

This "immortal rope" was the one that bound Jiang Ziya. After Yang Tuo untied Jiang Ziya, he put it in his arms.Because he felt that he still lacked such a magic weapon.

Anyway, this "Immortal Binding Rope" is also a batch-refined standard equipment for Fear Liusun.It's not that important for fear of leaving grandchildren.

(End of this chapter)

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