Chapter 55

With the help of Han Rong at Sishuiguan, Deng Jiugong supplemented his soldiers, supplies, food and grass.Then came Zhang Shan's [-] reinforcements, which can be described as strong and strong.

We could have raised our troops to attack Xiqi again, but Xiqi has many Taoist masters.Deng Jiugong and others were uncertain, so they hesitated.

On this day, a soldier came to report: "There is a Taoist, who claims to be a qi refiner in Jiulong Island's Famous Mountain, entrusted by Shen Gongbao, and came to help him."

Deng Jiugong was overjoyed when he heard the words, and led Zhang Shan and others to greet him quickly.When Deng Jiugong went to the door, he saw a man wearing a big red robe, with a face like indigo, hair like cinnabar, three eyes wide open, riding a golden-eyed camel, and carrying a sword.

The appearance is really extraordinary, and one can tell that he has strange skills at the first sight.Especially the third eye at the center of the brow, which makes people think of Wen Taishi's divine eyes at first sight, and its eyes must have supernatural powers.

Deng Jiugong was overjoyed, and hurriedly welcomed the Taoist into the camp.Deng Jiugong said: "I don't know what to call the elder?"

The Taoist replied: "I am Lu Yue, a famous qi refiner in Jiulong Island. I was invited by Shen Gongbao, and I am here to help the old general!"

When Deng Jiugong heard the words, he couldn't help but said: "For the matter of old age, I have to ask the Taoist priest to go around. I feel very guilty. Now I have asked the Taoist priest to come to help me, but it is solving my urgent need."

Hearing what Deng Jiugong said, Lu Yue couldn't help but asked curiously: "What's the general's difficulty, it's better to talk about Yu Pindao."

Deng Jiugong sighed, and said: "I was sent by the king to attack Xiqi. However, everyone in Xiqi relies on Taoism, but we are invincible. If we delay the army, we are afraid that the king will punish us."

Lu Yue smiled and said, "What am I supposed to do? Since I'm here, I will definitely help you resist Xiqi's cultivators. General, just send troops."

But Deng Jiugong said: "Although the Daoist came here to solve the urgent need, I can't harm the Daoist. There are many people in Xiqi, but they always like to swarm up. The Daoist is only one person, and I am afraid that the Daoist will suffer."

Lu Yue didn't take it seriously, and said: "The general is an ordinary view. How can we monks judge the difference between superiority and inferiority by the number of people. Not to mention the way I know, I am best at fighting the crowd with one Let’s just say that once my four disciples arrive, Naxiqi will never be able to rely on numbers to win.”

Deng Jiugong was pleasantly surprised to hear that the Taoist priest had four apprentices.Can't help asking: "I don't know when Changtuer will arrive?"

Lu Yue replied: "It will be here in a few days!"

When Deng Jiugong got the news, he finally settled down.Immediately, a large banquet was held to welcome Lu Yue.

In the next few days, Deng Jiugong led Zhang Shan and others to prepare for the expedition.As soon as Lu Yue's four apprentices arrived, they would attack Xiqi again.

In just a few days, Lu Yue's four apprentices arrived at Sishui Pass.

When Deng Jiugong, Zhang Shan and others saw the images of these four people, they felt certain in their hearts, and they knew that the Western Expedition was going to be stable.These four people have blue, yellow, black and red faces, some are wearing double buns, some are wearing Taoist scarves, and they are wearing blue, yellow, black and red Taoist robes. They are six to seven feet long, walking like tigers and wolves.

Lu Yue asked the four of them, "Why are you late?"

All four of them replied: "It is at the critical moment of refining the magic weapon that they dare not be distracted. Now that the magic weapon has been made, I am here to help master defeat the enemy."

Lu Yue nodded after hearing the words.Then he introduced his four apprentices to Deng Jiugong.The four are Zhou Xin, Li Qi, Zhu Tianlin, and Yang Wenhui.

As soon as the four arrived, Deng Jiugong raised an army of 20, and then attacked Xiqi.In less than ten days, they arrived in Xiqi and set up camp outside the north gate.

Everyone in Xiqi had visited Ma to report earlier, and learned that Deng Jiugong led an army of 20 to attack.Closed the four doors early, just waiting for Deng Jiugong to attack.

Yang Tuo, Jiang Ziya and others observed the enemy's formation on the city wall.Because Deng Jiugong did not return to Xiqi, Yang Tuo did not know the situation of Chengtang's army at this time.

But since Deng Jiugong dared to raise an army, he will attack Xiqi again.I think I have something to rely on, but I don't know who it is!

At this time, a Taoist walked out of Chengtang camp.Although he is wearing Taoist robes, he is about Zhang Xu tall, which is very frightening.

After the Taoist came out, he called for a battle outside the city.Seeing this, Jiang Ziya asked everyone, "Who is going to go and find out the details of the other party?"

Nezha on the side said loudly: "The disciple is willing to go." Seeing that it was Nezha, Ziya turned to look at Yang Tuo.Seeing Ziya looking over, Yang Tuo didn't know who the Yin and Shang party was, but Nezha was the incarnation of a lotus flower, with "Hot Wheels" on his body, able to resist and run, so he thought there would be no problem, so he ordered nod.

Immediately, Jiang Ziya sent Nezha to fight.Nezha stepped on the "Fenghuo Wheel", walked to the front of the formation, and asked: "Who is coming, please report your name. I, Nezha, will not kill unknown generals with my gun."

Seeing Nezha's outrageous words, the Taoist snorted angrily, and said, "The person who explained the teachings is indeed rampant. I am Zhou Xin, a qi trainer in Jiulong Island. You rely on the Kunlun Taoism and deceive me to stop teaching. Go down the mountain today. I’m here to compete with you.”

Speaking of coming to fetch it with a sword, Nezha hurriedly raised his gun to meet him.Although Nezha is stepping on the "Hot Wheels", he is not necessarily taller than Zhou Xin, who is nearly two feet tall.The end is tall and powerful, with infinite strength.

But Nezha is not waiting for nothing. He was originally the reincarnation of the Lingzhu, and he was also incarnated as a lotus flower, and he was born with a vision.The two sides exchanged guns and swords with murderous aura.The land around Xiqi was swept away again.

The two fought for dozens of rounds, but there was no winner.Zhou Xin took out a chime and shook it several times at Nezha.Nezha's face turned livid, and he almost fell off the wheel.

Nezha's headache was about to split, he didn't dare to stay, and hurried back to the top of the city on the hot wheel.Everyone was surprised to see Nezha's condition.You Jinzha couldn't help asking: "Nezha, what's wrong with you?"

Nezha fell to the ground when he returned to the top of the city. He only said that he had a headache. No matter how much the crowd shouted, there was no other response.

Seeing this, Yang Tuo was startled, and thought to himself, "I'm afraid it's a 'headache chime', so it must be Lu Yue." Yang Tuo suddenly felt a headache.

This Lu Yue is the Emperor of Plague, and he is best at the technique of Plague Gu.Yang Tuo is not worried about other aspects, but this plague, for mortals, is a disaster if they are not careful.

If the people of Xiqi get the plague, they may suffer heavy casualties.Although you can go to His Majesty the Emperor of Huoyun Cave to ask for pills, but you don't know how many innocent people will die in the process.

Yang Tuo, as the national teacher of Xiqi, did not want the people of Xiqi to suffer such a catastrophe.Yang Tuo's brains turned sharply, trying to find a way to crack it.The first thing Yang Tuo thought of was the "Plague Stop Sword", which was an important magic weapon for Lu Yue to control the plague.It can stop the spread of the plague, so that it can be released and received.

However, it is extremely difficult to snatch this sword from Lu Yue's hands.This Lu Yue is a great monk in the realm of Taiyi. Although he doesn't know the exact realm, he has already found his own path, and his realm will not be low if he thinks about it.

All the people in Xiqi are fighting alone, and none of them is their opponent.Even if they are swarming, Lu Yue has supernatural powers and is not afraid of gang fights at all.

(End of this chapter)

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