Chapter 56
Yang Tuo had no choice but to give up this idea.Since it cannot be stopped, it cannot be cured.That can only isolate the plague and prevent it from spreading to Xiqi.

Yang Tuo decided to use formations to isolate the inside and outside, so that Lu Yue's plague could not enter Xiqi.Although it does not cure the root cause, it also treats the symptoms.

While Yang Tuo was thinking hard about a solution.Seeing Nezha's situation, Jin Zha was very anxious.He couldn't help jumping out, and shouted: "Who is the one who harmed my brother with heresy and sorcery? Come out quickly."

After a while, another person walked out of Chengtang's camp.Jin Zha said: "You are the one who harmed my third brother with sorcery?"

The Taoist replied: "No, that is my senior brother Zhou Xin. I am Li Qi, a qi trainer in Jiulong Island!"

Jin Zha said angrily: "We are all in the same group, how can we divide you and me? Let me take you and avenge my brother!"

As he spoke, he held his sword and charged towards Li Qi.The first of the two is a disciple of elucidation and teaching, with exquisite mystical skills.One is the sect of Jiejiao, whose Taoism is exquisite.There was a great battle, and the sky was dark and the sky was dark.

Seeing that he could not win against the opponent, Jin Zha hurriedly distanced himself, trying to win with the "Dragon Chasing Stake".And Li Qi also sacrificed a treasure, and that treasure was a streamer, which was called "fazao streamer".

The "Dracing Dragon Stake" turned into a golden light and went towards Li Qitao.Li Qi took his time and waved the banner.Jin Zha suddenly felt a chill, and his mana was unstable for a while. The "Dracing Dragon Pile" is a little out of control.

Jin Zha felt hot all over, his face was as white as paper, and his heart was fried.Knowing that something was wrong, he hurriedly took back the "Dunlong Pile", and fled back to the head of Xiqi city by driving the light.

Seeing Jin Zha running away, Li Qi didn't chase him.Jin Zha fell to the top of the city, and suddenly fell to the ground, foaming at the mouth, like a furnace.

When everyone saw it, they couldn't help but turn pale with shock. Chengtang's side came out with two generals, and they defeated our two generals in a row.Everyone didn't know how they lost for a while.

At this time Ziya sighed, "What should I do?"

Yang Tuo said: "It's okay, send the two of them back to the mansion to recuperate first, and I'll figure out a way later."

At this time, another Taoist came out of Chengtang Daying.Everyone didn't want to fight, but Yang Tuo said to Jiang Ziya: "Brother Dao must send someone to hold them back, and they must not let them attack Xiqi, otherwise Xiqi may be in danger. I will go back to the city to make arrangements, brother Dao Qian Don't hold them back."

Yang Tuo hurriedly got up in Dunguang and drove towards Xiqi.This time, a large formation is going to be set up to cover the entire Xiqi.With the array map and Yang Tuo's own magic power alone, I'm afraid it's not enough.

Yang Tuo needs to make more arrangements, using the power of Xiqi's land veins to drive a large formation and arrange a formation that can cover the entire city.

Seeing Yang Tuo's anxious appearance, Jiang Ziya didn't understand what happened, but out of trust in Yang Tuo, he still sent Mu Zha to delay the time.

Seeing Mu Zha fighting with people outside the city, and seeing Yang Tuo flying around in the city.Jiang Ziya knew that the situation was urgent, but because he didn't know what Yang Tuo was doing, he had to focus his attention outside the city.

The two fought for a long time, and in the end Mu Zha hit Zhu Tianlin's "stunning sword" and fled back to the city.Jiang Ziya's heart was heavy, he didn't want Yin Shang to come this time, so powerful that none of his side won.

After a while, I saw Cheng Tang Daying, and another Taoist walked out.Although he didn't want to fight, Jiang Ziya sent Tu Xingsun according to Yang Tuo's request.Tu Xingsun knows "Earth Xingshu", which may buy more time for Yang Tuo.

In the Chengtang camp, when they saw Xiqi sending a dwarf, everyone laughed and said that there was no one in Xiqi, so they sent such a person.

Yang Wenhui, who played in the battle, was more than four times as tall as Tu Xingsun.The two fought like a giant bullying a child.

Although it looks funny, Tu Xingsun has some skills after all.After tossing and turning, although Yang Wenhui is tall, he is far less flexible than Tu Xingsun.Tu Xingsun beat Yang Wenhui with a stick.The straight hit made Yang Wenhui very uncomfortable.

Yang Wenhui was not angry in his heart, the brothers had already won.Why did I meet such a freak when it was my turn.If you lose, you won't be ridiculed.

Thinking in my heart, but my hands are not slow, I can't help Tu Xingsun.Yang Wenhui jumped out of the battle circle and raised the "Scattering Whip".

Seeing that Yang Wenhui wanted to use the magic weapon, Tu Xingsun knew something was wrong.He hurriedly used the "ground movement technique" to shift the direction so that he could not lock himself.

Seeing that Tu Xingsun could not be caught, Yang Wenhui wanted to spread the plague throughout the venue.Seeing this, Tu Xingsun also sacrificed the "immortal binding rope", a golden light flashed, and Yang Wenhui was tied tightly.

However, Tu Xingsun was also poisoned by the "scattering plague whip". Although he fled back to Xiqi, he also became mad. In the end, Yang Jian subdued Tu Xingsun.

However, Tu Xingsun took back the "immortal binding rope" on Yang Wenhui's body regardless of friends and foes, so that Yang Wenhui returned to Chengtang Camp unscathed.

The Yin and Shang side won four battles in a row, and their morale was high.On the Xiqi side, morale was low.

Lu Yue was also very satisfied when he saw that all four of his disciples had accomplished meritorious service.It also let everyone in the Shang Dynasty see their own strength.

Lu Yue finally stepped forward slowly, and said to Jiang Ziya: "Jiang Shang, you rely on Taoism and show off your supernatural powers. Now that I, Lu Yue, are out of the mountain, I want to rectify my name. You dare to fight and fight with me ?”

Jiang Ziya heard that another person challenged him, and it seemed that this person was still more powerful than the previous four.Jiang Ziya knew that he was no match, but Yang Tuo was not ready yet.I can only bite the bullet and play.

At this time in Xiqi City, only he and Yang Jian still have the strength to fight.Jiang Ziya rode Sibuxiang out of the city, and Yang Jian followed beside him.Lu Yue rode on the golden-eyed camel, holding a sword in his hand.

Seeing Jiang Ziya fighting, he couldn't help laughing and said: "Jiang Shang, I didn't expect you to be quite courageous, but since you left the city, you will be captured by me and avenge my fellow Taoists."

Jiang Ziya said: "Fellow Daoists are the disciples of Jiejiao, you should know about Zhao Gongming and Sanxiao. They didn't listen to the teacher's words, they went out of the mountain and were involved in killing and robbery, so they ended up tragically. Why do fellow Daoists come to this muddy water?"

Lu Yue said angrily: "It's not that you deceive people too much by elucidating the teachings. Although they suffered disasters, they also showed my demeanor of intercepting the teachings. I will not repeat the same mistakes when I come out of the mountain. I will capture you first, and then talk about other things."

As he spoke, he urged the golden-eyed hunchback to kill Jiang Ziya.Jiang Ziya knew that he was not Lu Yue's opponent, so he quickly sacrificed the "Yuxu Xinghuang Banner" to protect him.Not fighting back, just to delay time.

Yang Jian, who was on the side, saw that Jiang Ziya was beaten so helplessly that he could only rely on the "Xinghuang Banner" to protect his figure.Although it didn't hinder for a while, it greatly affected the morale of Xiqi's side.

Yang Jian hurriedly stepped forward to resist Lu Yue, and Jiang Ziya regained his composure.Joined the battlefield with the "Shen Whip" and besieged Lu Yue with Yang Jian.

Lu Yue was not afraid at all, and beat them until the two retreated steadily.Fortunately, Ziya's "Xinghuang Banner" was blocked from the left and the right, and he was not defeated.

(End of this chapter)

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