Chapter 6 The Return of King Wen
After Yang Tuo took stock of the harvest, he got up and walked towards the two's cave.

Wuyi Mountain is listed as one of the 36 caves of Taoism in later generations, and it is endowed with extraordinary weather.I saw the majestic mountains, the lush trees all over the mountains, the vast blue sky, and the misty clouds, like a fairy picture scroll, so beautiful.

Before Wuyishan Cave, the mana was running on the eyes, and a formation shrouded it.I saw the yin and yang flow in the formation, changing endlessly.

Sure enough, no one's door is locked.

Fortunately, this formation is recorded in the harvested jade slips, which is called "Yin and Yang Two Qi Formation".Listening to the atmosphere, it is actually just a simple inversion of yin and yang.

Without the introduction of the jade slip, although the formation method is not complicated, it is not something that Yang Tuo can easily decipher.

Now that you have the jade slip, you only need to follow the introduction of the jade slip, bypass all the gates, and easily enter the cave.

In the cave, there are mountains and peaks, springs gurgling, cranes dancing, and exotic flowers and plants are dotted.

Yang Tuo took a deep breath, feeling refreshed and clear-headed.The so-called legal couple's wealth and land are indeed indispensable.

Today, there are the cultivation methods handed down by Taoist ancestors, and there are cultivation jade slips left by Xiao Sheng and Cao Bao.

Lvyou Jiang Ziya carefully taught to avoid all kinds of detours on the way of cultivation.

There are all kinds of elixir and precious medicine accumulated by the two immortals of wealth for hundreds of years.What immortals need is already a rare treasure for Yang Tuo, who reconciles the realm of dragons and tigers.

In the end, the Wuyi Mountain Cave was a hundred and twenty miles away.Although it is not comparable to other fairyland, it is also a first-class fairyland.

Today, Yang Tuo lacks all kinds of things.Just to calm down and practice hard, it will definitely bring the cultivation to a higher level.

At this point, Yang Tuo settled down in this Wuyi Mountain, meditated every day, practiced Qi, took medicine pills, and within a few months, he was in a state of "pushing over and filling out".

This is the last realm before becoming an immortal, just waiting for the physical body to be polished to perfection.Full of essence, full of qi, and perfection of spirit, when the time comes, one can achieve the primordial spirit, attain the Tao and become an immortal.

On this day, Yang Tuo was cultivating, and suddenly his heart moved.It turns out that it was the day when Ji Chang, the Marquis of Xibo, returned home after the disaster.

Yang Tuo slowly got up and said in his heart, "Now, the time has come, it should be my time to go down the mountain."

It is true that Yang Tuo has basically digested the harvest of Wuyi Mountain this time.There won't be much improvement in a short period of time, so I decided to go out of the mountain and enter Xiqi to grab the first opportunity.

Yang Tuo finished packing and walked out slowly.I saw his sword eyebrows and star eyes, his head in a bun, wearing a blue robe, and shoes wearing climbing clouds.

There are two swords on his back, one blue and the other purple. Because of the color, Yang Tuo named him Qingsuo and Ziying, which happened to be the name of the two swords of Ziqing, a real person with long eyebrows.

Because Erjian is just an ordinary magic weapon, it cannot be regarded as a spiritual treasure and cannot be earned in Zifu.So it is carried on the back for easy use.

Yang Tuo left Wuyi Mountain and drove away to Lintong Pass.

On this day, Yang Tuo fell to the light on a mountain outside Lintong Pass.

Sitting cross-legged on the top of the mountain, facing Chaoge, and counting with his fingers, he knew that the Marquis of Xibo would come soon.

Sure enough, not long after, I saw a man riding a white horse and galloping.Yang Tuo thought to himself, "Is this person Jichang, the Marquis of Xibo?"

So, he got up and asked, "Who is at the foot of the mountain? Why is the horse galloping?"

Ji Chang heard someone shouting, and when he looked up, he saw a group of people standing on the top of the mountain.Daoist immortal style Daogu, when he saw it, he felt that the real immortal was in the world, and his favor was greatly increased.

Ji Chang hurriedly replied: "Little Wang Ji Chang, do you know who he is?"

Yang Tuo heard that Ji Chang was in front of him, and rushed down the light.When Ji Chang saw the Daoist driving down the light, he knew that he was a master of the Dao and did not dare to neglect him.

Yang Tuo cupped his hands and said, "Yang Tuo, a qi trainer from Wuyi Mountain's Ascension to True Yuanhua Cave Heaven, is also true!"

Ji Chang said, "Why is the Taoist calling me?"

Yang Tuo replied: "I saw Xianhou galloping on horseback, what's the matter?"

Ji Chang replied: "Just because King Zhou let me go out of Yuli, gave me the title of King Wen, and praised the official for three days. King Wucheng Huang Feihu advised me to leave early, but I neglected the management for a while, and escaped from the official and returned to the country. This provoked the anger of the court and sent troops. Come to chase, and now the chase is coming, so I gallop on horses."

Yang Tuo said, "Don't filter the wise king, the poor man is willing to help the wise king retreat and return to his homeland in the west."

When Ji Chang heard the words, he was overjoyed and said, "Thank you for your help."

As he spoke, he saw Yin, and General Lei Er led his troops to pursue him.

Seeing this, Yang Tuo smiled slightly, and said, "Please see the King Xian at my means."

Said, his left hand was behind his back, and his right hand pinched a sword art, pointing to the sky.

Yang Tuo shouted lightly, "Go!"

I saw the cyan long sword flying up from behind, the stream of light flew by, and there was a loud noise from the top of the mountain in front, and the boulders rolled down.

When Yin was ruined, the second general Lei Kai hurriedly stopped his horse, but when he saw the mountains falling like rain, the generals did not dare to move forward.

This move looks majestic and immortal.In fact, it is to control the magic sword with the method of controlling objects and the method of manipulating magic weapons.

Now this year, the way of Sword Immortal seems to have not yet arisen.Yang Tuo practiced this method in Wuyi Mountain for a few months, and used it to manipulate the flying sword temporarily.Not to be used in the hand like a weapon.

After the cultivation is successful, it may be possible to create a real sword cultivation method, which can break through all methods with one sword.To be the ancestor of the sword fairy is not necessarily!
Then, Yang Tuo wrapped Ji Chang and the white horse under his crotch with the light of escape, and flew westward.

Yin, Lei Er Jiang saw Ji Chang being wrapped in a group of people and turned into light and left.Knowing that I couldn't catch up, I had to turn the horse's head and return to Chaoge.

It is indeed said that Yang Tuo turned the light of escape, flew away, and only pressed the light of escape when he passed the five levels.But it was not far from Xiqi, so he lowered his escape light and walked slowly with Ji Chang.

Not to mention that Yang Tuo and King Wen are returning to Xiqi.However, Lei Zhenzi was ordered by his teacher to leave the Yuzhu Cave in Zhongnan Mountain to go to Lintong Pass to save his father.

After arriving at Lintong Pass, he searched left and right, but his father was never seen.After a long time, I had to go back to Zhongnan Mountain to find a master to report.

Yun Zhongzi heard that Lei Zhenzi had not found King Wen, and hurriedly calculated.It was discovered that someone had rescued King Wen ahead of time.

So he said to Lei Zhenzi: "It's true that someone in charge rescued your father, don't worry about it, your father and son will meet each other."

Lei Zhenzi had no choice but to stay in the mountains to continue practicing.

On the other side, Yang Tuo pressed the escape light.Ji Chang saw that he had passed the five stages in a short time.He hurriedly said: "The Taoist priest has great powers and amazing mana. Ji Chang thanked the Taoist priest for saving his life!"

Yang Tuo replied: "The wise king does not need to be too polite."

Ji Chang thanked him again and again.He also invited Yang Tuo to go to Xiqi to express his gratitude.

Yang Tuo originally wanted to go to Xiqi to help Zhou exterminate merchants, and he just agreed to take advantage of the situation.

When Yang Tuo and King Wen went to Xiqi, they saw the civil and military officials, the princes and the people of Xiqi greeted them at the city gate.

It was indeed King Wen's mother, Tai Jiang, who performed a congenital skill, and figured out that King Wen had returned to Xiqi, and ordered the civil and military officials, and all the princes went out of the city to welcome him.

When King Wen saw the crowd, he burst into tears.Separated into seven species, we had to meet in a dream.Goodbye now, I just feel a thousand feelings in my heart!

Seeing King Wen, the second son Ji Fa came forward to invite King Wen into the city.

When King Wen saw this son, he couldn't help thinking of Boyi Kao, the eldest son of Chaoge who died tragically.Unconsciously, my heart was in great pain, and tears fell like rain.

Unconsciously shouted: "Kill me too!"

Then he spit three times in a row, and spit out three pieces of meat.The chunks of meat turned into three white rabbits and headed west.

Yang Tuo understood that these were the three white rabbits transformed by Boyi Kao.Not wanting that Boyi Kao had already returned to the underworld, he still did not forget to go west, the meaning of returning home was very strong.

After seeing King Wen spit out the meat, his face was as white as paper.Yang Tuo took out an elixir from the leopard skin pouch and fed it to King Wen.After a while, King Wen slowly recovered, but the sorrow in his heart never diminished.

At this time, King Wen introduced to everyone: "This is Daoist Yang Tuo of Wuyi Mountain. When I was in danger, the Daoist helped me escape the five gates and return to Xiqi."

After King Wen finished speaking, Ji Fa brought all the civil and martial arts, and the prince came to thank Yang Tuo for his help!
On the second day, above the main hall, all the civil and military congratulations ended.King Wen said to Yang Tuo on the side: "The Daoist saved my life, and the great kindness cannot be repaid. May the Daoist be my Prime Minister of Xiqi in return for this great kindness!"

Yang Tuo hurriedly returned the salute and said, "People from the mountains and fields have no ability to rule the world, so how can they shoulder such a heavy responsibility? The well-being of the people of Xiqi can only be done by people who are not virtuous and virtuous."

"I, Yang Tuo, can't do anything like this, I hope the king can take it back!" Yang Tuo quickly refused to accept it. This position of prime minister is Jiang Ziya's position. How can he repay his revenge and occupy this high position.

King Wen persuaded him again and again, but Yang Tuo just refused.A doctor, San Yisheng, saw this and said, "Your Majesty, the Taoist priest is an expert born in the world. I think he doesn't want to mess with the world. Why don't you ask the Taoist priest to be my national teacher of Xiqi, isn't it the best of both worlds!"

King Wen saw that Yang Tuo was unwilling to serve as prime minister, and San Yisheng made a statement, so he said, "Would the Taoist priest be willing to take me as the national teacher of Xiqi? It is connected with my Xiqi by luck, and the good and the bad will share?"

Yang Tuo thought in his heart: "Being a national teacher is connected with the luck of Xiqi. Although there is an evil of destroying the country, you can practice with the luck of the human race. Moreover, the Western Zhou Dynasty has an 800-year foundation, and it can be slowed down in the future." Plan slowly."

So Yang Tuo replied: "Yang Tuo is deeply honored that the king has met so generously. In this case, Pindao would like to work with Xiqi, fortune is connected, and we share weal and woe!"

When King Wen heard this, he said happily, "Good!"

When all the civil and military officials heard this, they quickly paid their respects and said, "I have seen the national teacher!"

Yang Tuo also quickly returned the gift!
The major events of the country are in the sacrifice and the Rong!The national teacher is in charge of sacrifices and educates the people.High status, not under the prime minister.

After everyone finished their worship, Yang Tuo only felt that there was a torrent of luck connected to him.A small tributary branched out from the torrent and came towards him.

Yang Tuo suddenly felt that his luck had soared and his foundation was solid.It is no longer like after crossing, like a rootless weed.

After a moment of effort, Yang Tuo only felt that his realm was a step further, and he took a lot forward in the realm of pushing and bridging.

Later, King Wen ordered the doctor San Yisheng to make a list.A high platform was built at the south of the city, called "Lingtai", which was used to make sacrifices to the heavens and to suppress disasters.

All those who participated in the construction were given money.

After the imperial court, King Wen invited Yang Tuo again.The king said: "Xiqi now has a national teacher, and all the people are lucky! I just hope that the national teacher will help me Xiqi, the weather is good, the country is prosperous and the people are safe!"

Yang Tuo replied, "Poor Daoist must do his best to repay the people of Xiqi!"

Yang Tuo said again: "I heard that the king is especially good at Fuxi's innate gossip technique, and also has a little specialization in trails. Maybe I need some advice from the king?"

King Wen said: "Since the national teacher has such a graceful spirit, this king has nothing to do with it."

King Wen said again: "In the seven years I lived in Yuli, I performed Fuxi's eight hexagrams into 64 hexagrams, and wrote the "Book of Changes" to spread it to the world. Now that the national teacher is interested, I will present you with the original manuscript of the Zhouyi."

After speaking, he went to the inner hall to take out the "Book of Changes" and presented it to Yang Tuo.

Yang Tuo took the bamboo slip with both hands and checked it carefully, and found that the bamboo slip was not as magical as he imagined.

According to Yang Tuo's thinking, King Wen wrote the "Book of Changes", which is beneficial to the world, and when there is merit from heaven, the qi and luck are the bell.

I don't want this "Book of Changes" to be like an ordinary tablet, without any magical performance.

In fact, Yang Tuo didn't know, but it was his fault.

King Wen's "Book of Changes" was naturally beneficial to the people of the world.But the way of fortune-telling is like Cangjie's creation of characters, and it has great merit in the human race.

But it is the secret of the sky, and there is evil in the sky.Not only is there no merit, but there is karma down.

However, King Wen was a sage of Xiqi, and he had the virtue of educating the people.Being on the throne again, and being protected by the luck of the race, is not harmed by karma.

Therefore, although King Wen wrote the "Book of Changes", he had no merits and virtues.

(End of this chapter)

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