Chapter 7 Ziya Enters Xiqi

After Yang Tuo got the "Book of Changes" presented by King Wen, he returned to the mansion of the national teacher given by King Wen.After careful study, the way of divination and calculation has made great progress.

In this way, after several months, the Lingtai in the south of the city has also been built.After checking it, King Wen dug a swamp under the Lingtai, thinking that "water and fire are both good, and yin and yang are in harmony".

Because King Wen was watching the digging of the marsh pond at the Lingtai, it was getting late and it was too late to return to the palace.So he held a banquet at the Lingtai, where all the civil and military people drank and had fun.

That night, King Wen slept in the Lingtai.When it was three o'clock, I suddenly saw a white-fronted tiger with two wings in the southeast direction, rushing towards the tent.

Early the next morning, King Wen summoned Yang Tuo to the Lingtai to ask about the good and bad luck shown in yesterday's dream.

After hearing this, Yang Tuo pondered for a moment: "This is a sign that Brother Ziya is about to leave the mountain!"

So he said to King Wen: "Congratulations, Your Majesty, congratulations to Your Majesty! This is an auspicious omen, implying that Your Majesty will get the minister of the humerus, and a great sage will come out of the mountain soon!"

King Wen asked, "What does this mean?"

Yang Tuo replied: "In the past, Emperor Gaozong of Shang had a flying bear in his dream, and he was able to get a virtuous person in the building! Today, the king dreamed that the white tiger's ribs gave birth to wings, which is the flying bear. The flying bear's dream means that there are great sages who will go to the west. Qi, this is a sign of great prosperity in Xiqi!"

Yang Tuo said again: "Poor Dao used to have a brother in Chaoge. His surname was Jiang, his name was Shang, his style name was Ziya, and his Taoist name was Flying Bear. Zhi!"

"Unfortunately, in the past, King Zhou asked him to supervise the construction of Lutai, because the project of Lutai was huge, wasting money and money, and harming all people. So he abandoned his official position and went to Xiqi to live in seclusion."

"Today, the great king Feixiong is dreaming, and it should be on this great sage!"

After hearing this, King Wen was overjoyed and asked, "Where is the great sage?"

Yang Tuo replied: "Fei Xiong came from the southeast. Brother Ziya should be in the southeast. If the king is looking for it in the southeast, he will surely get the help of this great sage, and Xiqi will be prosperous!"

Next, King Wen often took all the civil and military officials out to visit sages.

Yang Tuo didn't care about him, Jiang Ziya became a god on behalf of the heavens and would eventually join Xiqi.

From then on, no King Wen summoned him, so he meditated and practiced Qi every day, in order to improve his cultivation, so that he could save his life in the upcoming Battle of Conferred Gods.

Conferring the gods is the last choice. Whoever can become a god is willing to be a god who is controlled by others.

In this way, more than half a year has passed.

On this day, King Wen called Yang Tuo into the palace.As soon as Yang Tuo entered the hall, he saw King Wen walking towards him in a hurry.

Before he got close, he heard King Wen say loudly: "Master, you are here!"

Yang Tuo was surprised to see that King Wen was so anxious.Then he asked, "Why is Your Majesty so anxious?"

King Wen replied: "Recently, King Gu often went out to visit sages with a group of civil and military ministers. Now we finally have traces of sages, but I don't want to go twice in a row, and I haven't met Gao sages.

The lonely king was afraid that the sages were hiding from the lonely king on purpose.Remembering that the national teacher and the sage are old acquaintances, I specially invite the national teacher to come and discuss one or two! "

After Yang Tuo heard it, he thought to himself: "It turns out that Ziya is about to enter the imperial court, and he is afraid that King Wen will get it too easily. People will not pay attention to things that are too easy to get."

Yang Tuo thought about it, and then said to King Wen: "I'm afraid it's because the king is not sincere enough! It's better to take a bath and fast for three days, and then lead a group of civil and military officials to invite you. When the time comes, I will go with the king. I think Daoist Brother Ziya can feel the sincerity of the king, and he will definitely come out to help!"

After hearing this, King Wen couldn't help being overjoyed: "Great kindness!"

Therefore, in order to show his sincerity, King Wen took all the civil and military officials to fast for three days.On the fourth day, bathe and change clothes, take a luan ride, carry the dowry, and go straight to Fenxi.

King Wen took a group of civil and military soldiers out of the city to Fenxi.Walk to 35 miles, stop the frame outside a forest.

King Wen got off his horse, and together with Yang Tuo, went to the forest.I saw Jiang Ziya sitting by the stream with his back on his back, fishing.

Ziya heard the sound behind him, turned his head and looked, and it was indeed King Wen leading a group of people.Taking a closer look, I saw that the man was Yang Tuo who had been separated for more than two years.

I saw Yang Tuo at this time, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, walking like a dragon and walking like a tiger, with his magic robe flying, looking like a fairy family, obviously his mana has grown again!

I couldn't help being stunned, in his memory.At the time of parting, Yang Tuo hadn't cultivated so much, and he didn't want to see him improve so much after a two-year separation.

Now that he is at the same level as him, even if he has cultivated for a longer time and his magic power is stronger, it will not change. The two are already at the same level of cultivation.

Now is not the time to delve into it.Seeing that King Wen brought an old friend to visit, it is not good to pretend to be profound.

Jiang Ziya got up and saluted, and said, "I don't know the king is here, I'm so rude!"

King Wen made a bow and said: "I have heard about the great names of sages for a long time. The national teacher praised the sages for their talents in the world. They can stabilize the country with literature and stabilize the country with martial arts. Today, the world is in turmoil and the people are uneasy. I hope that the sages can come out of the mountain and help the lonely king to stabilize the people of Xiqi. Don't let the people's livelihood wither, and the people suffer!"

After finishing speaking, I bowed again.He also ordered people to carry the dowry gift and the frame.

Seeing this, Jiang Ziya couldn't help but bowed: "I am so old that I am praised by the king. I am really lucky. My culture is not enough to secure the country, and my martial arts is not enough to establish the country. I am indeed so appreciated by the king and hired with courtesy. Ziya is willing to do the work of a dog and a horse. , to help the king keep the people of Xiqi in peace."

Yang Tuo saw that the two of them had finished their conversation, so he came forward and said: "Brother Dao has been separated for two years, and I don't want to meet here again. Thank you brother Dao for your kindness in preaching in the past!"

Ziya bowed back and said: "I don't want to see you for two years, fellow Taoist has made great progress in cultivation, it's really gratifying and congratulations!
Thinking that I have practiced painstakingly in Kunlun Mountain for more than [-] years, and now I have been down the mountain for eight years, and I am only at the level of a Taoist friend. What a waste of time! "

As he spoke, he couldn't help but let out a long sigh, feeling that he had no hope of becoming a fairy, wasting his time.I thought to myself: "This Yang Tuo really deserves to be the reincarnation of the great power, the speed of cultivation is really not slow!"

Yang Tuo said again: "Brother Dao Yuxu's True Inheritance, it's just bad luck now, and now the fortune is turning, I think there is hope for immortality!"

Yang Tuo knew that Jiang Ziya was tainted by the aura of calamity, so he was a person who should be calamity, and he had no hope of becoming a fairy.He is really not good at speaking.

Moreover, Jiang Ziya is a true disciple of Yuanshi Tianzun, and he could not become an immortal because of the influence of the God Conferred Tribulation.

But it is a saint disciple after all.Just wait for this life, complete the meritorious deeds, and become a fairy in the next life, wouldn't it be easy to wait!

When King Wen saw that the two had finished speaking, he said, "Please take the carriage together, and we will talk about it when we return to the palace!"

So all the people took the chariot, led all the civil and military officials, Jiang Ziya's Tong'er, his disciples and other people, and went to Xiqi!

In other words, Jiang Ziya entered the palace with King Wen.After the court congratulations were over, King Wen appointed Jiang Ziya as prime minister and his disciple Wu Ji as general Wude.

Later, a banquet was held in the side hall, and all the officials drank together.He also gave a prime minister's mansion with dozens of servants.

So far, Xiqi's monarch and ministers have assistants, dragons and tigers have support, Ziya has the right to govern the country, and the people have the law.Xiqi has this great prosperity.

However, Ziya's obeisance to the prime minister also indicates that the gods will rise.As early as Han Rong, the guard of the five gates, reported to Chaoge, and the war will start.

A few months later, news came from Chaoge that Abigan had his heart dug out and died.The officials of Xiqi were shocked, they didn't want King Zhou to be so innocent.That Bigan was his own uncle, he was able to make such a murderous move.

But Yang Tuo didn't take it seriously, others didn't know, so he didn't know?King Zhou was so stupid that he even wanted to kill his own two sons, what else could he not do!

King Zhou had no way and acted perversely, and he would eventually taste bad results.

However, Jiang Ziya stepped forward at this time and began to play: "Chonghouhu bewitched Sheng Cong, promoted construction, framed ministers, and poisoned all people. If this thief is not eliminated, all people in the world will be in trouble."

King Wen said: "Although Qing has good intentions, but Gu and Chonghouhu are both princes, and if they attack without authorization, they may be criticized by the world!"

Jiang Ziya clasped his hands and replied: "Chonghou Tiger has done many evils. He thinks that the world is evil, and there are many people who want to punish him! Besides, the king has a Baiyan yellow ax given by the emperor, and he is good at conquest.

Today, Chonghou Hu built the deer platform to harm the people, and there are many bones under the deer platform.The people of Chaoge draw two out of three, and go to the service alone, and every household hangs white sails.If these villains are not eradicated, the world will be in trouble. I hope that the king will take the people of the world as a blessing and punish this villain! "

After hearing this, King Wen asked, "Since this is the case, who will be the commander-in-chief to attack Chonghou Tiger?"

Ziya hurriedly replied: "One matter is not a problem for two masters, I am willing to go to conquer on behalf of the king!"

Seeing Jiang Ziya's eagerness, King Wen was afraid that he would kill too much, so he said, "This matter is important, so it's better for the lonely king to go with the prime minister. It's better to have a discussion if something happens."

Yang Tuo thought at this time that King Wen died of illness after returning from the crusade against Chonghouhu this time.I also saw that King Wen was quite old, and he was afraid that he would not be able to bear the labor of marching.So he came out and said: "Chonghou Hudi is far away from the city, far away from Xiqi. Your Majesty has not long returned to his country, and he is leaving his homeland again. I'm afraid it will be bad for his health!"

King Wen replied: "I have already counted my own fate, and I will die between the beds of the old country. It will not be a problem!"

Seeing that he was not persuaded to do so, Yang Tuo gave up after thinking about it.King Wen had counted his own lifespan long ago, even if he didn't go out to attack the Chonghou Tiger this time, the time left would not be long.Might as well follow his own will.

Therefore, King Wen and Jiang Ziya raised an army of [-], armed with Baiyan and Huangyue, and chose an auspicious day, with Nangong Shi as the vanguard and Xin Jia as the deputy general.Accompanying four sages and eight handsome men.Yang Tuo stayed in Xiqi as a back-up.Go to the north in a mighty way!
This was Jiang Ziya's first expedition, and the crusade against Chonghou Tiger was no surprise.So Yang Tuo stayed in Xiqi and continued to practice.

It is said that King Wen and Jiang Ziya commanded the army, crossed the state and counties, and went straight to Chongcheng.

Yang Tuo, who was left here, wanted to refine a magic weapon for himself.Today, Yang Tuo has: the congenital spiritual treasure "Luobao Money"; the acquired spiritual treasure "Qiankun Bow, Shocking Arrow"; the acquired magic weapon "Purple Green Double Swords" and two storage bags.

But he didn't even have a magic weapon for self-defense, and the magic robe on his body was just an ordinary robe, so he really didn't have much defensive power in a fight.

Although Luobao Money is an innate spiritual treasure with a great way inside, it is an auxiliary magic weapon after all, and has no offensive and defensive capabilities.

The Qiankun Bow is the ultimate treasure for killing and cutting, and its power is astonishing. Once it is shot, it is almost impossible to survive.Sometimes it's not a life-and-death situation when fighting, and it's impossible to leave some room.

Not to mention the purple and green double swords, the pirated ones don't have the sword control method yet, so they can only be controlled by the method of controlling objects, not to mention the power is small, and they are not flexible enough.The best way to use it is to hold it in your hand as a weapon like Xiao Sheng and Cao Bao!

In this way, there is not even a magic weapon at hand.

(End of this chapter)

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