Chapter 60 Yuding Comes to Help
With Yang Tuo's refinement, the water of the North Sea and the Sanguang Shenshui in it were simply integrated into the "Red Water Formation".

Yang Tuo got up and took back the formation diagram. Now it's not time to retrain the formation. He just simply merged the two, but they can't be integrated into one.Just wait until Yu Yixian and Lu Yue are retreated, and then re-sacrifice the formation map, then it probably won't be called "Red Water Formation".

Yang Tuo got up and said to Jiang Ziya: "Brother Dao, wait for a while, I'll go to arrange the formation first, don't let the golden-winged roc find a flaw."

Jiang Ziya nodded and said: "Fellow Taoist, go yourself. I will guard the city here. If he returns, I can resist one or two."

Yang Tuo nodded, and drove towards the city in Dunguang.Because the "flame formation" has been set up in the city, and now the "red water formation" needs to be set up, and the two formations cannot interact with each other. The difficulty is greatly increased, and it cannot be compared with the beginning.

Simply the situation is not so critical now, the Winged Immortal has just suffered a setback, and it is unlikely that she will kill her carbine so soon.Yang Tuo slowly arranged them in the city, and adjusted some unreasonable parts of the "flame array" arrangement.

Here Yang Tuo is still setting up the formation, while Jiang Ziya on the top of the city suddenly sees two people flying from the sky, and when he takes a closer look, it is the real Yuding and the real Huanglong.

When Jiang Ziya saw the two people coming to help, the joy in his heart could not be expressed in words, a rare smile appeared on his face, and he said: "I have seen the two senior brothers, and the matter of Yin Ya has made the two senior brothers work hard!" Jiang Ziya said and bowed .

The real Yuding said: "We are all from the same school, why do we need to see outsiders. Besides, Ziya was ordered by the teacher to enshrine the gods on behalf of the heavens, and he is also explaining the great cause of teaching for me. How can we be called hard work!"

The three were chatting, and Yang Tuo finally arranged the formation, and saw a flash of light, and another enchantment appeared in the sky, showing the color of water blue.

At this time, in the sky, two enchantments complement each other, one red and one blue, firmly covering the entire Xiqi.

Yang Tuo breathed a sigh of relief before flying to the city wall.See Jiang Ziya talking with two Taoists.Yang Tuo stepped forward quickly. When he was arranging the formation just now, he already felt that someone had passed through the barrier of the "flame formation".

Because Ziya didn't give an early warning, Yang Tuo knew that it was someone who explained the teachings.Because it was at the last moment of setting up the formation, Yang Tuo couldn't stay here, and now that the setting was completed, he had to pay a visit.

Yang Tuo's escape light fell on the top of the city, and it turned out to be the Golden Immortal of Chanjiao.Yang Tuo stepped forward quickly and said, "I've seen two fellow Taoists!"

The two are also busy returning the gift.Seeing that both of them had recovered to the Golden Immortal cultivation level, Yang Tuo couldn't help sighing that the disciples of the Great Sect were rich and powerful.I am also envious in my heart.

But he didn't know that these twelve golden immortals were all given by Lao Tzu to rank nine golden pills, if he knew that, he didn't know how he would be envious.The Nine-turn Golden Elixir can reach the realm of the Golden Immortal with just one, and it has the same effect as the 9000-year-old flat peach.

Jiang Ziya saw that Yang Tuo had arranged it properly, so he invited everyone to go to the prime minister's mansion.The four of them sat down, and Jiang Ziya explained the current situation to Immortal Yuding and Immortal Huanglong.

Jiang Ziya said: "Now, the most important thing is Lu Yue's plague. If we cannot restrain it, we will not be able to go out of the city to fight, and we will never be able to repel the enemy."

Yang Tuo continued: "Furthermore, Jin Zha, Mu Zha, and Tu Xingsun are still suffering from the disease. Although there is no serious problem for a while, it cannot be delayed for a long time."

Jiang Ziya also nodded in agreement.Master Yuding heard the words and said: "The way of plague Gu is the most difficult to deal with, and I have no way to restrain it."

Immortal Yuding paced back and forth, and then said: "Now, I can only go to Huoyun Cave and seek the magic method from His Majesty Shennong. His Majesty Shennong tasted all kinds of herbs and wrote "Shennong's Materia Medica", which will certainly cure the poison of this plague."

Yang Tuo nodded when he heard the words, and asked, "Where is the Huoyun Cave?" This is what Yang Tuo cares about. He also knows that His Majesty Shen Nong can cure the plague, but he doesn't know the location of the Huoyun Cave.

Master Yuding mentioned the location of Huoyun Cave, and then asked: "Who can go to Huoyun Cave now?"

Yang Tuo was about to volunteer to go to Huoyun Cave. He wanted to see the three holy emperors of the human race and the specific situation in Huoyun Cave.

Unexpectedly, when Jiang Ziya saw that Yang Tuo was about to get up, he hurriedly said, "Fellow Daoist is still responsible for the lives of millions of people in Xiqi, so I'm afraid we can't stay away." Then Yang Tuo remembered that he still needed to maintain the operation of the two formations in Xiqi. Really can't get away.

Jiang Ziya thought for a while and said, "Why don't you ask Nephew Yang Jian to come?"

Everyone nodded after hearing the words.So Master Yuding ordered Yang Jian to go to Huoyun Cave to meet the three holy emperors and ask for a way to restrain the plague.

Yang Jian led the order to go to Huoyun Cave.The real Yuding said: "As long as you find a way to restrain the plague, you can naturally defeat Lu Yue. But the Golden Winged Penguin is not easy to deal with. Although its cultivation level is not high, it is only in the realm of the Golden Immortal, but its body is too strong. It is too huge, and its wings are powerful, so it may be difficult to subdue it."

Yang Tuo heard the words: "Although this golden-winged roc is powerful, it is not invincible. I have the 'fixed wind bead', which can protect me from his strong wind, but the range is not large enough to protect the entire Xiqi .”

"Although his cultivation base is one realm higher than mine, I am not afraid. I am confident that I can defeat him, but his speed is so fast that I am afraid I won't be able to keep him." Yang Tuo finally expressed his worries.

When everyone heard the words, they also felt that it was reasonable. This golden-winged roc is one of the fastest birds in the world.If he fought a guerrilla attack and met Da Luo Jinxian who was not good at flying away, he might not be able to catch him easily.

Everyone thought hard, and in the end, Yang Tuo followed the method of Ran Deng Taoist and Monkey King, and said, "I have a method, maybe it will work."

Several people were shocked when they heard the words, Jiang Ziya asked: "I don't know what to do?"

Yang Tuo replied: "Brother Dao, do you still remember how you dealt with that Mo Lishou flower fox mink that day?"

Jiang Ziya's eyes lit up and he said, "Let nephew Yang Jian pretend to be invincible and be swallowed by him?"

Yang Tuo nodded, and continued: "That's right, but this golden-winged roc is far from being comparable to a fox-like sable, so even Daoist Yang Jian may not be able to cause fatal damage to it in its belly. The winged roc eats dragons, and there may be another world in its belly."

Yang Tuo paused, and said again: "But as long as I can stop him for a moment, I have my own way to capture him."

Jiang Ziya nodded and said, "This method may work!"

Immortal Yuding and Immortal Huanglong also nodded in agreement.It means that Yang Tuo and Yang Jian are going to deal with the golden-winged roc eagle.

Because they still have Lu Yue and his four apprentices to deal with, this Lu Yue's mana and supernatural powers are all above the golden-winged roc eagle, even without the plague, he is still a difficult opponent.

Now that Immortal Yuding and Immortal Huanglong have refined the Nine-Turn Golden Elixir, they are only in the realm of the Golden Immortal, not as high as Lu Yue.So everyone else has to deal with Lu Yue.

Several people discussed the details again, and only waited for Yang Jian to return, and then they could send troops to fight Deng Jiugong to a showdown.

(End of this chapter)

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