Chapter 61

In this way, it took another seven or eight days before Yang Jian returned.As Yang Jian's escape light fell on Xiqi, everyone gathered together again.

Master Yuding took the lead to ask: "Is this trip going smoothly, have you found a way to restrain the plague?"

Yang Jian said: "The disciple lived up to the entrustment of the master and met His Majesty Shennong. His Majesty gave me an elixir, which is specially designed to cure the plague. He also gave Bupleurum, saying that it is specially used to treat infectious diseases."

Everyone was overjoyed when they heard the words, and first gave Jin Zha, Mu Zha, and Tu Xingsun three people the medicine pill to see its effect.The three of them took the elixir, and within a moment, they all woke up.

Jiang Ziya said: "The fruit is a gift from His Majesty Shennong, and its effect is extraordinary." Immediately, Master Yuding planted Bupleurum grass, took out a gourd, and poured some water from the spiritual spring in Yuquan Mountain on the Bupleurum grass.

Another method was performed, and the Bupleurum grass grew when it saw the light, and it took a short time to experience a complete life.From seedlings to maturity, to flowering and seedlings.

Seeing it, Yang Tuo couldn't help but exclaimed: "The flowers bloom in an instant!" The real Yuding heard Yang Tuo's exclamation, and couldn't help being a little proud. This way of time is not something everyone can get involved in.He has been practicing hard for thousands of years, and he can only do so much.

Afterwards, Immortal Yuding took the seeds of Bupleurum and acted according to the law. Within half a day, Bupleurum grew all over the city of Xiqi.

After Master Yuding finished practicing the Dharma, anyone could see Yang Tuo's envious eyes.

Jiang Ziya smiled and said: "Now that everything is ready, the time has come for me to send troops." Everyone also nodded.

Afterwards, Jiang Ziya began to dispatch troops and generals to prepare for the battle.He also sent grain and grass officers to collect Bupleurum grass for use, and when they went to battle, they made soup for all the soldiers to eat.

Everything was ready, and Jiang Ziya led the army out of the city early the next morning.

In the Chengtang camp, Deng Jiugong had to visit the horses to report earlier, and he couldn't help saying happily: "The people of Xiqi have finally come out of the tortoise shell."

Immediately, Lu Yue's master and apprentice and Yu Yixian were invited to lead the army out of the camp to confront Xiqi.The two sides set up a battle, Jiang Ziya said: "Jin Zha, Mu Zha, Nezha, Tu Xingsun, you and the other four have now taken the elixir, and you will go to fight with your previous opponents."

The four of them took orders and went out to invite the battle.In the Chengtang camp, Lu Yue was quite surprised when he saw four defeated generals of his disciples coming to challenge him, so he ordered the four disciples to fight.

Or Zhou Xin to Nezha, Li Qi to Jin Zha, Zhu Tianlin to Mu Zha, and Yang Wenhui to Tu Xingsun.The eight of them had a great battle right before the battle, and the sky was darkened and the earth was shaken.

The eight of them had fought against each other earlier, and they all had a lot of care about each other's abilities.The battle between Zhou Xin and Nezha was not his opponent at all.In the early days, it was only by relying on the magic weapon "headache chime" to win.

This time he faced Nezha again, and was killed in just a few rounds.I had to sacrifice the "Headache Chime" again. Unexpectedly, Nezha took the elixir first, and he was already prepared.

When Nezha saw Zhou Xin sacrifice the magic weapon, he also sacrificed the "Qian Kun Circle".Zhou Xin shook the "Headache Chime" vigorously towards Nezha a few times.Nezha didn't respond either, and couldn't help being shocked.

Seeing this, Nezha sneered, and then threw out the "Qian Kun Circle".Zhou Xin was not in a hurry to dodge, and was knocked to the ground.Nezha stepped forward on the "Hot Wheel" and shot, directly killing Zhou Xin.

The same is true for the other three battlefields, and everyone sacrificed magic weapons one after another.However, everyone in Xiqi took His Majesty Shennong's elixir first, which resulted in the magic weapons of Li Qi, Zhu Tianlin, and Yang Wenhui not working.

But Jin Zha, Mu Zha and Tu Xingsun each offered their magic treasures.

Jin Zha traps Li Qi with the "Dragon Chasing Stake" and takes his head with a sword.Mu Zha killed Zhu Tianlin with the "Wu Hook Sword".After Tu Xingsun bound Yang Wenhui with the "immortal-binding rope", he smashed his head with an iron rod.

In just a moment, all four of Lu Yue's apprentices died.

Lu Yue was furious when Li Qi was killed.He wanted to step forward to avenge his apprentice, but real Yuding came forward to stop him with the "Sword of Slaying Immortal".

Unexpectedly, within a short time, the other three disciples also died.He couldn't help but furiously said, "You all deserve to die!"

With an angry shout, he showed supernatural powers again.Each held a magic weapon in his hand, and Daoist Chao Yuding smashed it violently.Master Yuding couldn't resist, so he had to fight and retreat.

Master Huang Long rushed to help with his sword, but he couldn't resist the furious Lu Yue.Fortunately, Jin Zha, Mu Zha, Nezha, and Tu Xingsun have already solved their opponents at this time, and hurried forward to besiege.

Seeing six people besieging Lu Yue, Yu Yixian also wanted to step forward to help.It's just that Yang Tuo and Yang Jian have already made preparations here.

The two stepped forward to fight against Yu Yixian, with Yang Jian as the main force, and fought while retreating, leading Yu Yixian out of the battlefield.

Deng Jiugong saw that he had lost four Taoists on his side, and the other two were also held back by Xiqi people.He had no choice but to move forward and fight Jiang Ziya.In order to defeat Jiang Ziya and reverse the situation on the battlefield.

There was a big battle outside Xiqi City, killing corpses across the field, it was too horrible to look at.Deng Chanyu threw "five-color stones" again and again, and everyone in Xiqi couldn't resist.

The battlefield was divided into three parts immediately, and Jiang Ziya and Deng Jiugong each led the army in a scuffle.Yuding Zhenren and other six people are besieging Lu Yue.Yang Tuo and Yang Jian fought against Yu Yixian.

Yang Jian led Yu Yixian out of Xiqi City and fought on a barren mountain.Yang Jian holds a three-pointed two-edged sword, Yang Tuo holds a bright silver spear, and Yu Yixian holds a sword. The three of them fight endlessly.

Yu Yixian saw that the two were difficult to fight and could not win.Busily showing the original shape of the golden-winged roc eagle, its figure is so huge that it can block out the sky and the sun.With one pair of wings, there is a strong wind howling, like thousands of sharp blades.

Yang Tuo had been prepared for a long time and sacrificed the "Hunyuan Umbrella" to protect the two of them with the Wind Bead.The Feather Wing Fairy flapped her wings again and again, until the barren mountain was turned into a plain.Yang Tuo and Yang Jian's figures were not shaken at all.

Seeing this, Feather Wing Fairy couldn't help being furious.With a long cry, he stretched out his giant claws and grabbed at the two of them.A "white lotus" appeared under Yang Tuo's feet, countless rays of light appeared in the "Eight Diagrams Purple Ribbon Immortal Clothes" on his body, and a clear light hung down from the "Hunyuan Umbrella" above his head.

The three treasures firmly protected Yang Tuo, and the giant claws of Feather Wing Immortal could not break through Yang Tuo's defense at all.

On the other side, Yang Jian used Xuan Gong to shake the giant claw with a three-pointed and two-edged knife.The two phases collided, making the sound of metal colliding, and the sound shook the whole field.

Feather Wing Fairy's giant claws were extremely hard, and even being cut by the three-pointed and two-edged knife did not leave a trace.

With a wave of Yuyixian's giant claw, Yang Jian was knocked to the ground, creating a deep hole of Zhang Xu on the ground.Yang Jian is also immortal, invulnerable to swords and guns.This bit of damage was not taken seriously at all, so he hurriedly got up and went to kill Yu Yixian again.

Yu Yixian saw that these two people had many magic weapons, and they were invincible.A profound art is exquisite, physically invincible.The two of them were like fleas, jumping up and down on the golden-winged roc eagle, but they couldn't kill them no matter what.

Seeing this, Feather Wing Immortal also lost her patience.Seeing that Yang Jian is the easier to deal with among the two, after all, he doesn't have so many magic weapons to protect himself.Then he attacked Yang Jian fiercely, and Yang Jian was knocked to the ground again.

Then, the golden-winged roc eagle stretched out its giant claws and descended from the sky.Looking from a distance, a giant claw protruded from the clouds and pressed down on the ground.

There was only a rumbling sound, and Yang Jian was smashed into the ground above the ground.On the ground, there are scars that are torn apart.

(End of this chapter)

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