Enlightenment begins with the consecration of God

Chapter 71 The Evil Flood Dragon Was Captured

Chapter 71 The Evil Flood Dragon Was Captured
Yang Tuo waved away the thunder and fire, and was about to step forward.

Seeing this, Feather Wing Immortal hurried forward, bowed and said: "Master, why do you need to take action. Let the disciples deal with these two evil dragons!"

Yang Tuo listened, nodded and said: "That's fine! You are the nemesis of this flood dragon, capture him, I have something to ask."

Feather Wing Fairy replied: "Yes, disciple understands."

After speaking, he jumped forward and landed in front of the two dragons.

Only then did the two flood dragons react.Busily casting spells, he hit Feather Wing Fairy.

One is still spitting out green phosphorous yin fire, and the other is spitting out guishui god thunder.Thunder and fire intersected, overwhelmingly hitting towards Yu Yixian.

Feather Wing Immortal calmly pinched the formula with his hands and circulated his mana.A stream of Samadhi True Fire also spewed out from the mouth, followed by a burst of Innate Divine Wind from the mouth.

Immediately, the wind assisted the fire, and the Samadhi True Fire turned into a sea of ​​flames, heading towards the poisonous thunder fire.

One side is thunder and fire, and the other side is wind to help the fire.The cultivation bases of the two sides are also similar, and all of a sudden, above the sea, the flames soared into the sky, the wind howled, and the thunder continued.

A doomsday-like scene appeared before his eyes.All kinds of creatures in the vicinity escaped far away, for fear of harming the fish in the pond.

The two sides fought, but they were evenly matched, and neither could do anything to the other.

It seemed to be evenly matched, but Yang Tuo and the others had three other people watching the battle.The two dragons were very disturbed, so they changed their tactics.

One of the flood dragons spat out forcefully, and a banner exuding a cold air flew out of its mouth.

As soon as the banner came out, it became several feet in size in a blink of an eye, and there were countless ghosts haunting it.

The flag's face is pitch black, embroidered with cloud patterns that make people trance, but it is a ghost flag.

After the flag became larger, Jiaolong stretched out his front claws, grabbed the flagpole, and shook it vigorously.Countless ghosts and evil spirits flew out of it, heading straight for the Feather Wing Fairy.

At this time, another flood dragon raised its head to the sky and roared.Suddenly, the sky suddenly darkened.A huge dark cloud appeared in the sky, and there was a flash of thunder in it.

Jiaolong opened his mouth and spit out, a jet of black water sprayed towards the clouds.After the clouds absorbed the black water, a flash of thunder flashed, and the sky immediately began to rain.

The rain from small to heavy, accompanied by the roar of thunder.However, it was not ordinary rain, but poisonous rain.

The poisonous rain all over the sky was accompanied by strong winds, splashing countless water splashes on the sea.The fish in the sea that had no time to escape turned their white bellies up one after another.

As the raindrops fell, the poisoned marine life turned into puddles of black water.The entire surface of the sea turned pitch black.

Seeing this, Yang Tuo hummed in his heart, and sentenced the two poisonous dragons to death.A ghost-refining streamer has killed countless people.A rain of sacrificial poison, who poisons living beings, is a damned person!

Seeing the poisonous rain floating in front of him, Yang Tuo sacrificed the Hunyuan Umbrella to protect himself and the two boys Gao Ming Gaojue.No matter it's a violent storm, the god of anger and thunder can't get close.

The Feather Wing Immortal who was in the center of the storm also felt the power of the spell.After this set, there are divine thunders roaring, dark fires mysterious, evil ghosts roaring, and poisonous rain pouring down on the sky.

Feather Wing Fairy felt the huge pressure, so she had to sacrifice the white lotus for protection.The white lotus emits immeasurable clear light, and neither god thunder nor fire nor evil ghost poison rain can get close.

The two poisonous dragons saw that the magic weapons and supernatural powers at the bottom of their pressure box had no effect, so they knew something was wrong.

Seeing that there are still people staring at him, he is afraid that he will not be able to escape.

The two flood dragons looked at each other, they joined together and went up, wanting to fight hand-to-hand with Immortal Yuyi.

He wanted to rely on Jiaolong's strong body to fight for a way out.

Seeing this, Feather Wing Fairy snorted coldly, and said in her heart: "I wanted to show my recent cultivation results in front of Master, but I don't want you two to be so ignorant!"

Immediately, his body flickered, revealing his real body, a gigantic golden-winged roc eagle appeared in the air.

With a light wave of both wings, the cloud and rain all over the sky, the endless thunder and fire, were all wiped away.

When the two dragons saw it, they were dumbfounded, and the enemy in front of them suddenly became their nemesis.

A trembling feeling from the depths of the soul spread throughout the body.This is a reminder from the blood and a warning from the soul.

But it was too late, a pair of giant claws stretched out from the sky.He grabbed the lifelines of the two dragons at once.

Under the giant claws of the two flood dragons, they were like two poisonous snakes caught seven inches by a goshawk, without the slightest resistance.

Feather Wing Immortal said: "If the master didn't let him stay alive, he would have devoured it in one gulp."

Feather Wing Immortal grabbed the body of the dragon and shook it vigorously, the two dragons collapsed as if deflated.

The overseas dragons do not have the inheritance of the immortal way, and they all rely on their own exploration.They are basically the physical body of cultivation, and they walk the way of transforming dragons in the blood.

The spells he knows are basically some innate magical powers of Jiaolong.Even the Yinhun Banner was made very crudely.

Now that Feather Wing Immortal's shake has broken all the bones in his body, he has no ability to resist.

Immediately, Feather Wing Immortal withdrew her real body and turned into a human form, holding a dragon the size of a small snake in one hand.

The two dragons remained motionless, not only the bones of their bodies were broken, but even the soul was sealed by Immortal Yu Yi, without the slightest reaction.

Yu Yixian bowed to Yang Tuo: "Master, this disciple has already captured the second flood dragon, please send me back to Master."

Yang Tuo said: "I wanted to ask about the situation of this fairy island, but these two poisonous dragons are not very good at first glance, and they have committed a lot of crimes."

"If you ask about their spells, you will kill the spirits and make atonement for their sins!"

After finishing speaking, he ignored it and led Gao Ming Gaojue to the island.

Yu Yixian received the decree and interrogated the two poisonous dragons outside the island.

Yang Tuo landed on the island, looking at the fog in front of him.After careful observation, the mist looks like a large natural formation, guarding the island.

Immediately, Yang Tuo became interested. This was the first time he encountered a natural formation.He really wanted to know, what is the difference between this natural formation and the artificial formation?
Yang Tuo used the formation knowledge he learned in the past few years to analyze and identify it.It was discovered that this was an innate Yimu formation, and it followed the path of using water to grow wood.

The surging Yimu Qi, combined with the unique geographical environment of the island, formed a large Yimu formation.

This formation almost completely enveloped the island, isolating the inside and outside, and cutting off outside prying eyes.It seems that there are still some Yimu Shenlei generated in it.

However, this natural formation is not so perfect. When it is in operation, the scene inside it will occasionally be revealed for a moment.

It was also at this time that Gao Ming saw the scene inside with clairvoyance.Otherwise, the island would be covered by a large formation, and it would be hard for ordinary people to notice it.

It was also a coincidence that the two flood dragons found this island.

However, because he didn't know the formation, he couldn't enter the core of the formation, so he only hid on the edge of the formation to avoid the South Sea Dragon Palace's search.

Yang Tuo carefully analyzed the situation of the formation, combined with his own knowledge of the formation, and unconsciously gained some new insights into the formation.

(End of this chapter)

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