Chapter 72
Outside the island, Fairy Feather has finished interrogating.The cultivation of these two poisonous flood dragons is not low, but they are accumulated over time.

The greatest supernatural power in his body was also used when he was fighting with Yu Yixian.Feather Wing Fairy was not too interested in the ghost banner and poisonous rain, because she knew that Master would definitely not like it.

However, Biphos Yinhuo and Guishui Shenlei asked.Then according to the teacher's instructions, the two evil dragons were knocked out, leaving only two strong bodies.

Feather Wing Immortal carried the dragon's body, walked to Yang Tuo's side, and said: "Master, this disciple found out the Biphosphine Yinhuo and Sunflower God Thunder, and then destroyed the Niejiao's soul, leaving the body of the Jiaolong and the ghost banner How to deal with it?"

Yang Tuo thought for a while and said, "Destroy the ghost banner, and save the ghosts and ghosts in it. As for the dragon body, it is probably a good meal for you."

"However, eating it like this is still a bit of a waste. The flood dragon body of the Golden Immortal is considered a good treasure, and it will be good to refine it into a magic weapon when the time comes."

After speaking, Yang Tuo put away the bodies of the two dragons.At this moment, Yang Tuo thought of two ways to sacrifice the magic weapon.

One is to refine the two dragons into two weapons according to Wen Zhong's male and female double whips.The double whips refined by this golden fairy dragon must not be much less powerful than Wen Zhong's male and female double whips.

The other is to imitate the "Golden Jiao Scissors" and refine it into a killing treasure.Although it can't compare with the golden scissors made by the ancient poisonous dragon, it can still make a powerful spirit treasure.

Take back your thoughts for the time being and don't think about the future.Yang Tuo began to study this innate Yimu formation again.

Feather Wing Immortal followed the instructions, destroying the Yinhun Banner and saving the dead souls in it.

After a long time, Yang Tuo had some basic judgments about this innate Yimu formation.

He decided to try the power of this large formation first.

Stretching out his left hand, the Qiankun Bow appeared in his hand.With a sudden pull of his right hand, the infinite energy of heaven and earth surged towards the bowstring, creating a whirlwind of aura around him.

Yu Yixian looked at the precious bow in the teacher's hand, and couldn't help thinking: "The teacher has so many magic weapons!"

Yu Yixian lamented Yang Tuo's magic weapons, but Yang Tuo lamented the scarcity of his own magic weapons. Now, if he wanted to try the power of the big formation, he could only use the Qiankun Bow.

Although this Qiankun Bow is powerful, it is not a good choice for breaking the formation, because it is inconvenient to control and cannot change according to the formation, so choose its weak point to try.

After the arrow is released, although it can still be controlled, the speed is too fast and cannot be adjusted according to the specific situation.

In Yang Tuo's hands, there is still a lack of a treasure that can be manipulated freely.

Yang Tuo had no choice but to try with the Qiankun Bow. Although he couldn't move freely, he could still see some hints of the formation.

As the vitality of the heaven and the earth gathered, a flashing arrow took shape on the bowstring.Looking at the large formation in front of him, he suddenly shot towards the node of the formation he identified.

The arrow shot, turned into a streamer, shot into the formation, and rumbled along the way.

The big formation seemed to be touched, and it suddenly started to work.Countless Yimu Shenlei formed in the direction of the arrow's flight, and when the arrow expired, there was a burst of bombardment.

The arrows formed by the vitality of heaven and earth were exhausted by Yimu Shenlei before flying very far.

Seeing this, Yang Tuo couldn't help sighing at the power of the formation. Although he didn't use his full strength, he could see that the power of the formation was not small.

Changing the direction, another arrow flew out, but it was still consumed by the divine thunder.Tried several times in a row, all the same.

Moreover, the Yimu Shenlei in the formation did not decrease at all, and there was a faint feeling of endless life.

This is just a change of this formation, who knows if there will be other changes.

The formation is so powerful, it's no wonder that the two flood dragons are only hiding on the edge.Once they entered this formation, they were afraid that their souls would be blown apart and their flesh and blood would be blown away.

After careful observation, Yang Tuo understood that this formation is said to be the innate Yimu formation.Its foundation is this boundless sea, as long as the water spirit energy in the sea is endless, it will continuously give birth to endless Yimu spirit energy.

This Yimu spiritual energy will gather into countless Yimu divine thunders in the formation, but this is an unsolvable problem.

Those who break the formation are basically enemies of the entire South China Sea, and it is not advisable to break the formation violently.

The general way of thinking is to sacrifice the magic weapon of defense, and quickly pass through the large formation against the bombardment of Yimu Shenlei.

However, since it is an innate large formation, it is certainly not the only defensive method of Yimu Shenlei.I'm afraid it also has the effect of reversing yin and yang and isolating space.

Once entering this formation, under the operation of the formation, the space will be moved and yin and yang will be reversed.I am afraid that he will be trapped in the formation, and will be blown into flying ash by the endless thunder of the gods, breaking through the defense.

Fortunately, no one is controlling this formation, so there is hope of breaking the formation at last.

Yang Tuo didn't want to break the formation violently, which would damage the environment of Xiandao.He planned to isolate the water spirit of the sea first, and the power of this large formation would naturally drop sharply.

Yang Tuo sacrificed the "Dinghai Pearl", and 24 Dinghai Pearls were strung together in the air, emitting five-color light.

Immediately, it dispersed and fell in all directions of Xiandao.With the Dinghai Pearl playing its role, the infinite water spirit of the sea was immediately isolated.

This is also Yang Tuo, who has the innate spirit treasure to fix the sea pearl, other people can't do this, and can only break the formation with violence.

After isolating the water spirit of the sea, Yang Tuo tried again with the Qiankun Bow.This time, after the explosion of Yimu Shenlei, the recovery was not so fast.

The power of the formation was reduced by half, Yang Tuo said to the crowd: "You wait here and go into the formation for the teacher."

"is teacher!"

"Yes, sir!"

Immortal Yu Yi and Gao Ming Gao Jue responded immediately.

Yang Tuo put the Hunyuan Umbrella on his head, stepped on the white lotus to protect his body, and walked into the formation.

At this time, there were still some Yimu divine thunders in the formation, but under Yang Tuo's defense, they didn't have any effect at all.

As soon as Yang Tuo entered the formation, the space in the formation changed, and he disappeared in front of several people.

Yang Tuo walked left and right in the formation, hoping to find a way to the core of the formation.

However, this formation is as expected, it has the ability to reverse yin and yang, and reverse the universe.

Although he was walking in one direction, every once in a while, he would appear in another direction.

Yang Tuo faced the bombardment of Yimu Shenlei in the formation, going east and west, south and north, but he couldn't enter the core of the formation.

Yang Tuo couldn't, because he was not strong enough to find the right path.

After thinking for a while, he waved his right hand, and a formation diagram appeared in the air.Because of the operation of this large Yimu formation, it is always changing, and the eye of the formation cannot be found.

He sacrificed the "Three Absolute Arrays", intending to break the formation with arrays.Use this "three unique formations" to hinder the operation of the Yimu formation, causing it to have flaws.

As soon as the array map came out, it enveloped the entire island.Then, the innate divine wind blew away the fog that shrouded the island.

And use the three kinds of divine fire in the array to hinder the movement of Yimu Qi.The formation froze immediately, and the operation of the formation was seriously disturbed.

At this time, there was a flaw in the formation. Yang Tuo searched for this flaw, and then entered the depths of the formation.

(End of this chapter)

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