Chapter 80 Yin Hong Ying Jie
Su Hu persuaded the generals to return to the Western Zhou Dynasty together.

When Jiang Ziya heard the report, he hurriedly reported it to King Wu.King Wu immediately led a group of civil and military troops out to meet him.At this point, Su Hu led an army of more than [-] troops and returned to Xiqi!
When Han Rong heard the letter at Sishuiguan, he hurriedly reported it to Chaoge.When King Zhou heard the letter, he was furious!If you want to conquer Xiqi yourself, ask Su Hu why he rebelled.

Fortunately, all the civil and military forces dissuaded them, so they had to send Hong Jin to lead the army to crusade.After Hong Jin got the edict, he began to prepare food, grass and supplies, and when it was ready, he immediately entered the army.


Since Yang Jian left Xiqi, he went straight to Taihua Mountain day and night.

But after a few days of effort, he was already in front of Yunxiao Cave.Yang Jian put down the light and went straight to Yunxiao Cave.

Chi Jingzi is sitting on the cloud bed, silently mobilizing the primordial spirit.Suddenly he felt someone entering the cave, opened his eyes, saw that it was Yang Jian, and couldn't help asking: "Yang Jian, why did you come here?"

Yang Jian saluted and said: "The disciple is ordered by the prime minister and the national teacher to ask the master, if there is any disciple going down the mountain?"

Chi Jingzi said: "A few days ago, I sent Yin Hong down the mountain to help Ziya! Could something be wrong?"

Yang Jian bowed and replied: "The disciple is here for Yin Hong, and now he is leading the Chengtang army to attack Xiqi."

Chi Jingzi was shocked and said: "It shouldn't be. When he went down the mountain, I gave special instructions. He also vowed to help Zhou conquer merchants. How could he disobey his master's order and help Cheng Tang instead?"

Seeing that Chi Jingzi didn't believe it, Yang Jian immediately took out the Yin-Yang mirror and the water fire front, and handed them to Chi Jingzi.Then he asked: "Uncle, please take a look, is this the treasure of the uncle?"

When Chi Jingzi saw the two magic weapons, he knew something was wrong, so he asked, "Why is my magic weapon in your hands?"

Yang Jian went on to say: "Yin Hong helped Chengtang to attack me in Xiqi, and killed King Wu Cheng with the yin and yang mirror. The national teacher then took action to capture Yin Hong, and then sent me to Taihua Mountain to ask the uncle for advice!"

Chi Jingzi slapped his side with his palm, and shouted angrily: "This rebel, as a teacher, I have already said something, telling him not to act recklessly, as long as he helps Ziya to defeat merchants, there will be success. I will also give him a magic weapon. .I don’t want him to disobey his master’s words, to help the evildoers, to commit serious mistakes, and I will not forgive him lightly!”

Then he said to Yang Jian: "So, I will go to Xiqi with you to apologize to Junior Brother Ziya!"

With that said, Chi Jingzi got off the cloud bed and headed for Xiqi together with Yang Jian.

A few days later, Yang Jian and Chi Jingzi came to Xiqi.Seeing Ziya and Yang Tuo, Chi Jingzi said to Jiang Ziya: "Senior brother, it is the senior brother who is sorry for you. The senior brother taught you ineffectively, which led to this evil disciple coming out of his sect!"

Jiang Ziya sighed, and said: "Brother originally meant well, but it's a pity that Yin Hong went astray!"

After finishing speaking, he ordered Jin Zha to bring Yin Hong over.When Yin Hong saw Chi Jingzi, he knelt down on the ground and said: "The disciple has failed the teacher's entrustment and the teacher's trust. The disciple deserves death!"

After speaking, he fell to the ground and never got up again.

When Chi Jingzi saw Yin Hong, he said angrily: "Sinister, I misunderstood you as a teacher. I gave you all the magic treasures in a hole, and this is how you repay the trust of my teacher?"

As he said that, Chi Jingzi showed a tangled look on his face.Then he sighed and said, "Forget it, how did you guarantee it when you came out of the mountain?"

Yin Hong replied: "My disciple said, if you disobey the teacher's order and help each other into soup, your limbs will turn into fly ash!"

"Since that's the case, then you go!" As he spoke, he spewed out a "Samadhi True Fire".

Yin Hong was confiscated with mana, just like a common man, and turned into fly ash in just a moment.

Yang Tuo didn't expect Chi Jingzi to be so heartless!Ordinarily, Yang Tuo captured Yin Hong, but Yin Hong did not attack the teacher, making an unforgivable mistake.

It's just like Tu Xingsun, helping each other, and punishing him according to Tu Xingsun's handling method, that's all.

Not wanting this Chi Jingzi, he moved his hand while speaking, but Yang Tuo didn't react.But since Chi Jingzi wants to clean up the house, Yang Tuo has no reason to intervene.

But Yin Hong is still not the same as Tu Xingsun.Tu Xingsun went down the mountain, fearing that the grandson would be left behind, but he gave him a fairy rope and elixir.

When Yin Hong went down the mountain, he even gave him the treasure of the earthquake cave. It can be said that he handed over the mantle.

The Immortal Binding Rope is a standard magic weapon, and many of them have been refined for fear of leaving grandchildren.The yin and yang mirror is an innate spiritual treasure, with which one can become enlightened.

Expectations are not the same, the results obtained are not the same.As the saying goes, deep love comes with deep responsibility.

How much Chi Jingzi had high expectations for Yin Hong, and how much harm he did to Chi Jingzi after Yin Hong's betrayal.

In Yang Tuo's view, Yin Hong's incident is similar to that of Tu Xingsun.But in Chi Jingzi's view, that is a completely different nature.

Under the scorching fire of Samadhi, Yin Hong didn't get up at all, just knelt like this and turned into fly ash.Seeing this, Chi Jingzi couldn't help but shed two lines of tears.

Who knows that gods are ruthless!

There is a saying: If you are not filial, don't enter the Tao, and if you are ruthless, don't practice the law.

Purity of heart and few desires does not mean ruthlessness.Even the lofty Taishang Daode Tianzun, the sage Laozi, who cultivates the way of inaction, is not a machine without emotions!
Seeing Chi Jingzi crying, Jiang Ziya took a step forward and said, "Brother, why bother! Just a little punishment, after all, it's a master-student match."

Chi Jingzi looked at Jiang Ziya, shook his head, and said, "Junior brother, you don't understand, you don't understand!"

Seeing this, Yang Tuo also comforted: "Although the punishment is a bit heavy, I just hope that he can understand the painstaking efforts of fellow Taoist. After conferring gods in the future, there will be a chance to see you again!"

Hearing this, Chi Jingzi nodded, then shook his head again, and said, "How can I inherit my orthodoxy after being on the list of gods and following the path of the divine way!"

When Yang Tuo heard this, he knew that Chi Jingzi still couldn't let go of Yin Hong's betrayal.

It can be seen from this that Yin Hong has deep expectations in Chi Jingzi's heart.

Immediately, Yang Tuo took out the gossip purple ribbon fairy clothes worn by Yin Hong and handed them to Chi Jingzi.

When Chi Jingzi saw Zishou Immortal Clothes, he thought of Yin Hong again.Then he shook his head and didn't speak.

Seeing this, Yang Tuo knew that Chi Jingzi was unwilling to take back the gossip purple ribbon fairy clothes.I think seeing this fairy clothes will bring back this not-so-good memory!
But it makes sense, Chi Jingzi is the one who even gave up the Yin-Yang mirror of the innate spiritual treasure and gave it to his disciples.It's just a gossip purple ribbon fairy clothes, just refine another one!

Among the Twelve Golden Immortals, only he and Guang Chengzi would treat their disciples so wholeheartedly!
Yang Tuo thought about it, his thoughts flew a little far.Without knowing Yin Jiao, what choice would he make?

Yang Tuo sighed in his heart. He knew what would happen, but he was powerless to change it. After all, he was too weak and had no ability to influence the direction of the event.

Yang Tuo sighed, and took back the gossip purple ribbon fairy clothes.He was a little unwilling to pay attention to these internal matters of Chanjiao.

Just like this time, even if he doesn't make a move, Chi Jingzi will handle it well.

Yang Tuo thought about it, and decided to go back to the manor and continue to practice.Although he came to Xiqi to repay Jiang Ziya's kindness in preaching.

But he knew that even without him, Jiang Ziya would succeed in the end.It's just that there may be some more twists and turns, which is not unacceptable.

In addition to repaying Jiang Ziya's kindness in preaching, it is more to obtain some cultivation resources.

Otherwise, why bother to repay during this time of God Conferred Tribulation, why not at other times?

Now, his net worth is quite rich, and the average twelve golden immortals may not be as rich as him.

However, these spirit treasures are basically used superficially, without in-depth comprehension.One is that the Tao is still shallow, and the other is that there is not enough time.

But at this moment, he had some thoughts.

(End of this chapter)

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