Chapter 81

Yang Tuo moved his thoughts and thought about it in his heart.Jiang Ziya on the side was still talking with Chi Jing.

Yang Tuo cupped his hands to Yang Jian and said, "Fellow Daoist Yang Jian, I wonder if I can borrow you a mountain axe?"

When Yang Jian heard the words, he was stunned for a moment, and asked, "Is this the national teacher?"

Yang Tuo explained: "I have some ideas on top of my practice. I want to use your axe to experiment!"

Yang Jian heard the words and said, "Why not!" Then he took out the "King Yu's Mountain Axe" from the storage bag.

Yang Tuo took the axe.This axe is not ordinary, it is a treasure of merit and virtue left by Dayu in controlling the flood.

Yang Jian was born from Fairy Yunhua, the sister of Haotian God, and Yang Tianyou, and he was the bloodline of half-human and half-god.Because he is the second son, he is also known as Yang Erlang.

Although Yang Tianyou is a golden boy Linfan, he is still a mortal and married privately with Haotian God's sister.

As a result, Haotian God lost all face, and Haotian God dispatched heavenly soldiers and generals to suppress Yunhua Fairy under Taoshan.

Fairy Yunhua and Yang Tianyou have three children.

The eldest son Yang Jiao and his father died while fleeing.The second son, Yang Jian, was rescued by Master Yuding and returned to Jinxia Cave in Yuquan Mountain and accepted as a disciple.The youngest was a daughter, called Yang Chan, who was rescued by Empress Nuwa.

Yang Jian is of the blood of human beings and gods, with extraordinary talent.Master Yuding taught him carefully, and he soon succeeded in cultivation.

Yang Jian, who is successful in practice, wants to rescue his mother, but Taoshan's prohibition is too severe.Although Yang Jian has some cultivation, he still cannot break it.

In the end, Yang Jian found the "King Yu's Axe" left by Dayu's flood control, and with this treasure of merit, he split the peach mountain and rescued his mother.

But because of this, Haotian was furious and wanted to capture Yang Jian, but was stopped by Master Yuding.Yu Ding Zhenren is not the opponent of Haotian God, but relying on his identity as a teacher, he rescues Yang Jian again.

God Haotian was very angry and wanted to force the twelve golden immortals to bow their heads.However, the twelve golden immortals were disciples of saints, but they refused.

Haotian couldn't, and went to Zixiao Palace to ask to see Daozu.Daozu saw that the stars and gods in the heavens were vacant, the heavens and the earth were incomplete, and Haotian asked for each other, so he gave the list of conferred gods, and this was the beginning of the great catastrophe of gods.

Although it was because of Haotian, it was also Daozu who borrowed the hand of Haotian God to make up for the operation of heaven.

Yang Tuo borrowed the "King Yu's Axe", returned to the Imperial Master's mansion, and sat in the quiet room.

After he got Dinghaizhu, he kept thinking about how to use it.It is not simply used as a magic weapon to smash people.

After Daoist Ran Deng gets it, he can open up 24 heavens, and he also wants to try it.

He doesn't have the magic power of a Taoist lantern, and he doesn't have a ruler that can separate Yin and Yang.However, there is not only one way to open up the world.

He borrowed this mountain-opening axe to imitate Pangu's creation of the world.Use this "King Yu's Mountain Axe" as an artifact to open the sky.

King Yu's mountain-opening axe is definitely not as good as the sky-opening axe, but this Dinghaizhu is not a chaotic world.

Just some innate orbs containing the energy of chaos.Only then did Yang Tuo think of trying.

Looking at the mountain axe in his hand, Yang Tuo escaped his primordial spirit, wrapped the axe with his primordial spirit, and flew towards one of the Dinghaizhu.

In the blink of an eye, Yang Tuo's primordial spirit entered Dinghaizhu.

Although this Dinghaizhu is a jewel, it is an innate spiritual treasure of the space class.After Yang Tuoyuan entered Dinghaizhu, he felt that the Dinghaizhu was full of chaos.

This chaotic air consumes all things.Yang Tuo hurriedly placed the protective white lotus at his feet.The white lotus exudes bursts of clear light, temporarily isolating the aura of chaos.

Although the Qi of Chaos is isolated, the clear light emitted by the white lotus consumes a lot of mana.In this chaotic atmosphere, I'm afraid it won't last long.

Yang Tuo felt everything in Dinghaizhu. Although he was the owner of Dinghaizhu, he had never entered the chaos.

Yang Tuo sat cross-legged on top of the white lotus, a Primordial Primordial Pearl above his head exuded a scorching brilliance, and the axe was placed between his knees.

Yang Tuo entered Dinghaizhu this time and was fully prepared. He brought in all the spiritual treasures he could bring.

After Yuanshen came in, Hun Yuanzhu changed.Although the Primordial Pearl is only a magic weapon, it is because Gao Youqian is not good at sacrificing and refining, and its quality is not bad.

This Primordial Orb is also a natural orb formed after the formation of heaven and earth.Among them, there is chaos, so it was named "Hunyuanzhu" by Gao Youqian.

However, this Primordial Primordial Pearl was formed after the day after tomorrow, and there is no chaotic energy in the Pearl.

However, after Yang Tuo's Yuanshen entered this Dinghaizhu, there was a little change, and there was a tendency to continue to evolve.

Yang Tuo let go of the control of Hunyuanzhu, and Hunyuanzhu actually absorbed a trace of chaos in Dinghaizhu.

With the entry of Chaos Qi, the Primordial Bead completed its final evolution and truly formed an acquired spiritual treasure.

Although it is far from Dinghaizhu, it is also contaminated with a chaotic atmosphere, and its own quality has been greatly improved.

After the Primordial Pearl absorbed a trace of Chaos Qi, there was no response.Yang Tuo didn't care either. When he entered Dinghaizhu this time, there was nothing to do with Hunyuanzhu.

Yang Tuo continued to feel the chaotic aura in Dinghaizhu.After a long time, when the clear light of protecting the white lotus couldn't support it, it turned into a streamer and exited Dinghaizhu.

In the days that followed, Yang Tuo kept repeating this process to prepare for the breakthrough.

I don't know how long it took, maybe days, maybe months.Yang Tuo felt that he had a sufficient understanding of the chaotic energy in this Dinghaizhu.

Although he has never seen real chaos, he can still understand that there is still a big difference between the chaotic energy in this Dinghaizhu and the real chaos.

Although the Qi of Chaos in this Dinghaizhu also comes from chaos, after countless years of evolution, and within the Dinghaizhu, it has long lost the violent aura of the Qi of Chaos.

Ding Haizhu is also Yang Tuo's spiritual treasure, and this chaotic energy can also be influenced by him.Otherwise, with his Jinxian cultivation, it would be impossible to appear in chaos.

It only needs Chaos to turn up a small wave, and it will be extinguished and assimilated into a member of Chaos.

Yang Tuo looked at the boundless aura of chaos in Dinghaizhu.He knew that this was an illusion, because there was no concept of space in chaos.

Even if it was just a small mass of Chaos Qi, he would feel boundless.

Yang Tuo stood up from the top of the white lotus, looked at the chaos in front of him, mobilized the mana of his whole body, and swung the mountain axe with force.

Just listen to the sound of "Boom", like the first sound that came after the creation of the world.The chaos in Dinghaizhu boiled.

There are two clear and turbid qi manifesting, but just for a moment, the evolution stops.

Seeing this, Yang Tuo waved his axe again and again. The power of this treasure of merit and virtue is really not small, and it has set off countless waves in the chaos.

The evolution of heaven and earth began again, and the two qi and turbidity appeared.There is a distinction between upper and lower in Dinghaizhu, and there is a concept of space.

The sky is clear and the earth is turbid, where the clear qi is above, and where the turbid qi gathers is below.With the separation of turbidity, a small piece of heaven and earth appeared.

(End of this chapter)

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