Chapter 82
I was really caught off guard when I suddenly received the notification of the listing, because it was already the last two days of July.


To be honest, I was a little surprised, because there was no time to prepare at all.But if you think about it carefully, it seems that there is nothing to prepare.

As Xiaobai who is writing for the first time, I have also read books for many years, and I have always had an idea, or I should write a book myself.

Develop the plot according to my own ideas, and plan many unsatisfactory places when reading novels according to my own route.

The idea is beautiful, but after uploading it, I found that it was not realistic at all.

Internet novels are different from ordinary writing methods.Because it needs to be updated every day, there is not enough time to polish the plot, and there is not enough time to revise and refine it over and over again.

It can only be modified briefly after writing, but many times it is still not so satisfactory.

It is the first time that I feel the difficulty of writing. No matter what happens, I need to update every day.

As a newcomer, writing on a mobile phone, typing is really slow.Usually a chapter takes more than two hours.

I'm not a full-time writer, just a newcomer trying to write.A few times, in order to keep updating, I got up very early to code.

As a novice, there are many things I don't understand.It is also very susceptible to the influence of readers' evaluation.

People didn't like it, so I had to rebuild the storyline.It will also cause some disconnection of thoughts.

After the update, even two chapters per day are not guaranteed.But I still try my best to update it every day, even if there is only one chapter, I have done my best.

From uploading to today, the last day before listing, a total of 52 days.It is really not easy for me to do it without interruption.

The original intention of writing may just be for self-entertainment.But from the moment I signed the contract, I had a different idea.

I want to see how far I can go.Because there are recommendations for signing contracts, and only recommendations can be seen by more people.

From 10 favorites a day at the beginning, to more than 100 favorites a day later.The change in data still gave me a lot of confidence.

Until the moment before I learned that it was on the shelves, I suddenly realized that I might be going cold!

The collection dropped from more than 500 per day to more than 100.I started to reflect, is there something wrong with my writing?
It may be because the martial arts and immortals on the homepage did not maintain the most basic update numbers when they recommended it.

Or is there a problem with the direction of writing recently?I don't know, but reflected on it anyway.

But after thinking about it carefully, I still feel that this has actually exceeded expectations.

The first time I wrote it, I still encountered many problems, and I never had any communication with the editor.Since adding friends, I haven't sent a single message.

However, although I have not been in touch, I can still feel the editor's attention to the work.Since the signing of the contract, the recommendation has not been interrupted, and I still want to thank the editor for supporting the newcomers!
In my life, I may be a person who is not good at words, but I took this opportunity to post my testimonials to write down my feelings during this period.

As for why I wrote novels about gods, I can only say that I had some ideas when I read the novels.

As a newcomer, I feel that I should choose a theme that I can control!Traveling through Fengshen, he has a basic main line, and he will not let himself go astray as he writes.

Another one, works such as Fengshen and Journey to the West naturally have their own traffic.It should be a better choice for newbie writers.

Among them, in my heart, I hope to reach [-] collections before putting it on the shelves.When I want to write for the first time, I can have the opportunity to step into the ranks of high-quality works.

However, in the end, it proved that I thought too much, and I should continue to improve myself step by step.

Although there are only more than 1 collections.As the first work, I don't know whether this data is high or low.

But before I wrote it, I didn't expect so many friends to support it.My first wish was to be able to watch it.

It is very satisfying to see about 10 new favorites every day.But people are always not satisfied, and they have to look forward to Shu.

When I see hundreds of collections every day, I will have some unrealistic ideas, hoping to have thousands of collections every day.

It's about to hit the shelves, so it's probably hopeless.However, there are more than 1 people who support it, so I still have the motivation to write it down.

Every recommendation, every monthly pass, and every tip from you is the greatest encouragement to me.

In the process of writing online, this may be the biggest motivation that the author can persist.

I have never asked for any recommendations, monthly tickets, or collections, not once.But now that it's on the shelves, I still hope to get everyone's support.

I don't want to make any other requests, I just want to see the pre-determined data and see how many readers support me.

I hope everyone will wave your little hand to get rich, watch a 15-second advertisement, and give me a pre-determined data, thank you!

Finally, I would like to thank the editors of the website. You guys discovered me, signed me up, and made me feel recognized.

Thank you readers, looking at your comments, I feel that we are creating our own works together.

Even if it's not perfect, it still carries my expectations.

Thank you to those readers who have become fans before it's on the shelves, thank you for giving me the motivation to move forward!

Thanks to every reader who has read this book, you have made my efforts worthwhile!
Finally, I would like to thank everyone, and wish everyone happiness every day, peace and happiness follow closely!
(End of this chapter)

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