Chapter 88

Everyone thought about the place to seal Ma Shan, and there was no good choice for a while, they were afraid that they would escape if they were not strictly guarded.

In the end, it was Yang Tuo who said, "Let me do it, I have a mountain and river pearl, just to seal him."

After speaking, he took out the mountain and river pearl. After a period of care, some vegetation has grown in this pearl.

Everyone saw that the national teacher had a precious pearl, which contained mountains, rivers and rivers.Knowing that it is a blessed place, I am very envious in my heart.

Seeing that Yang Tuo wanted to use this treasure to seal Ma Shan, he felt it was a bit wasteful.

However, Yang Tuo felt that it didn't matter.That Lantern Taoist, when he broke the Ten Jue Formation, asked Yang Tuo to sacrifice to the Formation.

Although Yang Tuo broke out safely, he still kept Taoist Ran Deng in his heart.If Haizhu had not been fixed at that time, he might have died in the battle.

Now that he has captured the glazed lamp flame of Taoist Randeng, how can he let it go so easily.In his cave, there is still a big sun missing.

Seal Ma Shan in it, and just use its fire to perfect your own cave.It can be said to kill two birds with one stone, so there is no reason for Yang Tuo to let it go.

I saw Yang Tuo sacrificed the Shanhe Pearl and took Ma Shan in at once.Afterwards, Yang Tuo continued to pinch the formula, and various talismans were printed on it.

Soon, Ma Shan's real body appeared in the cave, which was a ball of lamp flame.Finally, under Yang Tuo's control, it turned into a round of red sun, hanging high in the cave.

At this point, there is a difference between day and night in this mountain, river and cave, and it is only necessary to control the light emitted by Ma Shan.

Seeing that Yang Tuo had already sealed Ma Shan, everyone started talking about Yin Jiao and Luo Xuan.

Luo Xuan can still handle it, but Yin Jiao is difficult to deal with.

Yang Tuo said to Jiang Ziya: "This Yin Jiao is probably a disciple of fellow Taoist Guangchengzi, and the Fantian Seal he used is the treasure of the Taoyuan Cave in Jiuxian Mountain."

All the disciples who explained the teachings were silent, many of them had seen Guang Chengzi use Fan Tian Yin.With the lessons learned from Yin Hong, he also understood what went wrong.

In the end, it was Jiang Ziya who said, "Senior Nephew Yang Jian, I have to trouble you to go to Jiuxian Mountain and explain the situation to Senior Brother Guang Chengzi."

Yang Jian received the general order and fled to Jiuxian Mountain again.

On Xiqi's side, because neither side could do anything to the other, the fighting was temporarily stopped, and each of them rectified their troops so that they could fight again next time.

Yang Jian flew to Jiuxian Mountain, and within a few days, he arrived in front of Taoyuan Cave.

When Yang Jian saw Guang Chengzi, he saluted and said, "I've seen Master!"

Guang Chengzi asked: "Why did my nephew come here? Some time ago, I ordered my disciple Yin Jiao to go down the mountain to help Ziya. I don't know how it is now?"

Yang Jian replied: "Uncle Master, this disciple is here for this! After Yinjiao went down the mountain, instead of helping the Western Zhou Dynasty, he helped Chengtang. Now he is leading the army outside Xiqi City, fighting against us."

When Guang Chengzi heard this, he couldn't help but asked in surprise: "Why is this so?"

Yang Jian replied: "It seems to be because of his younger brother Yin Hong, who disobeyed his teacher's order and helped the tyrant to do evil. Uncle Chi Jingzi cleaned up the house with his own hands."

"Yin Jiao went down the mountain, heard the news of Yin Hong's death, and immediately led his troops to take revenge!" Yang Jian finally said: "These are just speculations, and the specific reason is still unknown."

After hearing this, Guang Chengzi said, "In that case, I will go to Xiqi with you and ask what this animal is for."

After speaking, he got up and followed Yang Jian back to Xiqi.

But he said that Guangchengzi did not enter the city when he traveled to Xiqi, but only went to Chengtang Daying to see Yinjiao.

At this time, Yin Jiao was thinking of a good strategy in the big tent, when suddenly a soldier came to report: "There is a group of people outside the big camp, please go and answer, Your Highness!"

Yin Jiao thought to himself that he didn't recognize many fellow Taoists. Suddenly a Taoist came to look for him, and his heart moved: "Could it be that the teacher is here?"

Then he went out of the camp and saw that it was indeed Guang Chengzi outside the camp.Yin Jiao has already fought Xiqi, and there is no turning back.

Seeing the teacher coming here, he didn't get off his horse.He bowed immediately and said: "I don't know that the teacher is here, please forgive me that I can't fully salute because of the armor!"

Seeing that Yin Jiao looked disrespectful, Guang Chengzi said angrily, "Beast, do you remember what you said to your teacher when you came down the mountain?"

Yin Jiao said: "I naturally remember that I was devoted to helping the Western Zhou Dynasty, but I didn't expect to hear that my younger brother died in Xiqi. My younger brother committed such a serious crime and suffered from it. Now I only have this relative, how can I not Avenge him!"

Guang Chengzi sighed: "My apprentice is confused, but Yin Hong didn't obey his master's order, and helped each other to make soup, and even died. How can you blame Ziya?"

It is difficult for Guang Chengzi to say that Yin Hong was killed by Chi Jingzi.

Yin Jiao heard the teacher's words and said: "Teacher, don't say too much, since my younger brother died in Xiqi, I will attack Xiqi and avenge him!"

Seeing that Yin Jiao didn't listen to people's words and insisted on going against the sky, Guang Chengzi couldn't help but cursed: "You rebellious disciple, why don't you listen to what your teacher says, or disaster will come your way, and it's too late to regret it!"

Yin Jiao said: "Even if disaster is imminent, I will avenge my brother, otherwise how will I face my mother who died tragically!"

Guang Chengzi saw that Yin Jiao couldn't be persuaded, so he couldn't help but angrily said: "You bastard, how dare you do this, you don't want to be a son of man!"

Then he raised his sword and chopped at Yin Jiao.Yin Jiao hurriedly raised his halberd to meet him.Immediately said: "Teacher, why bother to do this, just wait for the disciple to break Xiqi, and he will naturally return to the mountain to accept the crime!"

Guang Chengzi slashed with his sword again, and said, "Since you don't listen to the teacher's words, you will be killed!"

Seeing that his teacher was merciless, Yin Jiao was also saddened in his heart, and said: "Since the teacher can't tolerate the disciple, the disciple can't care too much about it."

He raised Fang Tian's painted halberd and struck at Guang Chengzi.However, Yinjiao martial arts were all taught by Guang Chengzi, and his cultivation level was not as good as Guang Chengzi's, so he soon fell into a disadvantage.

Seeing this, Yin Jiao didn't care about anything else, so he sacrificed Fantian Yin and went to fight Guang Chengzi.Guang Chengzi naturally knew the power of the Heaven-shattering Seal, and knew that he was no match for it.

I had no choice but to escape back to Xiqi with golden light.

Guangchengzi couldn't do it, so he had to come to Xiangfu to see Ziya.

Jiang Ziya got Yang Jian's report first, and knew that Guang Chengzi was looking for Yin Jiao, so he couldn't help asking: "Senior brother, I don't know what's going on?"

Guang Chengzi shook his head and sighed: "I saw Yin Jiao, and I tried to persuade him again and again, but he didn't listen. I was so angry that I wanted to capture him back to the mountain gate, but I didn't want him to send Fan Tianyin to be my teacher."

Ziya also knew how powerful the Fantian Seal was, and his brother was cut off three flowers in the Yellow River formation, and now he is only a Golden Immortal, so he might not be able to match the Fantian Seal, so he stopped asking.

Guang Chengzi was alone by the side, unhappy, the Heaven-shattering Seal was extremely powerful, and there were not many magic weapons that could block it. Among Xiqi, only Jiang Ziya's Xinghuang Qi had this ability.

But he didn't know that the Luobao money in Yang Tuo's hand was the nemesis of Fan Tianyin.But until the critical moment of life and death, Yang Tuo was determined not to use the Xiantian Lingbao in front of everyone.

Once people know about it, there may be some powerful people who will come to kill people and seize treasures.Even if he is Xiqi Guoshi, he can't stop the greed caused by the innate spirit treasure.

Guangchengzi thought about it and came up with a solution.Surround Yin Jiao with four magic weapons that can resist the Fantian Seal.

He couldn't escape, so he was captured naturally.It's just that this magic weapon is hard to find!

(End of this chapter)

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