Chapter 89

While Guang Chengzi was thinking, Wu Ji came in and reported, "Teacher, Nezha and Wei Hu are still not getting better, they are seriously injured!"

Jiang Ziya heard the words and said: "If they still don't recover, we can only send someone to send them back to the mountain to recuperate."

Guang Chengzi was on the side, after hearing this, he asked, "I don't know what happened?"

Jiang Ziya said: "In the previous battle, Jin Zha was injured by Yinjiao Fantian Seal, and Wei Hu was injured by Luohun Bell. Now the two are seriously injured and have not improved."

After hearing this, Guang Chengzi said, "Since my rebellious disciple hurt me, I, the master, should make up for it."

Then he took out two golden pills and said to Wu Ji: "You take this golden pill separately, and the wound will heal itself!"

Wu Ji took the golden pill and went to heal Nezha and Wei Hu.

Guang Chengzi and Jiang Ziya are still thinking hard about countermeasures.

In fact, for Guang Chengzi, he could ask for help, but he didn't intend to do so.Yin Jiao disobeyed his teacher's order and helped the tyrant to do evil. It is because he is incapable of teaching. If he can't even deal with his disciples, it will prove that he is incompetent as a teacher!

Guang Chengzi said to Jiang Ziya: "Now Yinjiao is difficult to treat, I don't want to ask for help, I wonder if Ziya has a good plan?"

Jiang Ziya thought for a while, and felt that it was not easy to win Yin Jiao with himself and others.He wanted to ask Yang Tuo what he thought first.

In Jiang Ziya's mind, Yang Tuo's origin has always been mysterious, and his actions are quite methodical.

Now that Jiang Ziya encountered a problem, the first thing he thought of was to ask Yang Tuo, this fellow Taoist would probably have some ideas.

"I want to discuss it with the national teacher first, what do you think?" Jiang Ziya said to Guang Chengzi.

Guang Chengzi nodded when he heard the words, and said, "That's fine!" Guang Chengzi also had a good impression of Yang Tuo.

Seeing that Guang Chengzi agreed, Jiang Ziya hurriedly sent someone to look for Yang Tuo.

After a while, Yang Tuo came to the Prime Minister's Mansion, saw that Guang Chengzi was also there, and hurriedly greeted him and said, "I don't think that fellow Taoist Guang Chengzi is also here, the poor Taoist is polite!"

Guang Chengzi sighed and said, "After something like this happened, I had to come!"

Yang Tuo nodded upon hearing this, and then looked at Jiang Ziya.

Seeing Yang Tuo's eyes, Jiang Ziya said, "Senior brother Guang Chengzi can't help Yin Jiao now if he makes a move. I don't know what you can do?"

Seeing Jiang Ziya's inquiry, Yang Tuo felt quite distressed.If he is someone with a background and directly pays for the money, then Yin Jiao will be captured in no time.

Now, if you can't expose your innate spiritual treasure, there are not so many ways you can think of.But in Yang Tuo's view, there is no way to solve Yin Jiao.

The easiest thing is to go to Yuanshi Tianzun to borrow the Pangu Banner, or go to Daode Tianzun to borrow the Tai Chi Diagram.

Then find someone with powerful mana to use it, such as Daoist Burning Lamp or Antarctic Fairy.It is estimated that Yin Jiao can be reduced to fly ash in just one click.

But looking at the current situation, Guang Chengzi might not plan to ask for help.Otherwise, he wouldn't have been invited to discuss it, probably because he wanted to clean up the door himself.

With Guang Chengzi's current cultivation base, it is estimated that he can't move the Pangu Banner and the Taiji Diagram.If it was the time when the Dao Fruit had not been cut off by the Yellow River Formation, then needless to say, Yin Jiao could be easily subdued.

Now it is impossible, just like Chi Jingzi subduing Yin Hong.If Yang Tuo hadn't captured Yin Hong, Chi Jingzi would not be able to use the Tai Chi Diagram he had borrowed, so he would have to trick Yin Hong into entering the Tai Chi Diagram himself.

Now, Yin Jiao is not the only one in the Chengtang camp, Luo Xuan is also present.Moreover, when Yin Jiao went up the mountain, he was much older than Yin Hong, so he might not be easy to deceive.

Yang Tuo was still thinking, Jiang Ziya saw Yang Tuo's expression and didn't urge him.

Then Yang Tuo said: "The Shattering Seal is infinitely powerful, and it may be difficult for ordinary magic weapons to resist. Now Xiqi can only be blocked by Brother Dao's Yuxu Xinghuang Banner. But it is just a defense, and Yin Jiao cannot be captured."

Yang Tuo paused for a moment, and then said: "Unless we can find a way to trap Yin Jiao and prevent him from escaping, and then use the apricot-yellow flag to support Fan Tianyin, there may be a chance of winning."

Jiang Ziya thought for a while and said, "Why don't you set up a formation and trap Yin Jiao in it?"

Yang Tuo thought for a while and said, "Maybe it's a way."

However, Guang Chengzi who was at the side said: "The Fantian seal is so powerful that ordinary formations may not be able to trap him. Just sacrifice the Fantian seal, most likely he will be able to break through the space and escape."

When Jiang Ziya heard it, he also felt reasonable.Formation traps people, generally in the form of puzzles and traps.When encountering such unreasonable ones, if you drop ten times with one force, you can probably get it out.Unless the formation can withstand the attack of Fan Tianyin!
There must be such a formation, but they don't know it.Yang Tuo didn't think that his Sanjue formation could stop Fan Tianyin.

This is different from Ten Jue Formation.At the time of the Ten Absolute Formation, it was to break the formation, not to escape.If he wanted to escape, Lord Shitian probably wouldn't be able to stop him.

Back then Chi Jingzi escaped from the Falling Soul Formation.

Finally, Yang Tuo thought about it and decided to follow the original method!
Yang Tuo said to the two of them: "We only need to find three more magic weapons that can block the Heaven-shattering Seal. If we surround Yin Jiao from four directions, we can capture Yin Jiao!"

Jiang Ziya said: "Where can I find so many defensive treasures?"

Yang Tuo said: "We still have to find a solution from Brother Dao's apricot-yellow flag. Although this Yuxu apricot-yellow flag is an innate spiritual treasure, it is also a treasure of defense. But there is more than this in the world."

It never occurred to Jiang Ziya that a spirit treasure like Yuxu Xinghuang Banner was not unique.

I was very curious in my heart and asked, "I don't know what else?"

Guang Chengzi said: "I know that! There are five flags in the world, divided into five directions, east, west, north, and middle. They come according to the five elements, and they are all the best innate spiritual treasures!"

"In the east there is the Qinglian treasure color flag, in the south there is the flame flag from the ground, in the west there is the plain cloud border flag, in the north there is the Xuanyuan control water flag, plus the central Wuji Xinghuang flag in your hand, they are collectively called the innate five directions. flag."

"Each side has incredible abilities, and its defense ability is unparalleled in the world. As long as it is sacrificed, it is almost invincible!"

Jiang Ziya was shocked after hearing this, and couldn't help asking: "Who owns the other four flags?"

Guangchengzi replied: "I only know that the Southern Flame Banner is in the hands of Uncle Uncle, and the Oriental Qinglian Baose Banner is in the hands of the saints of the Western religion."

Guangchengzi paused for a moment, then continued: "As for the other two sides, the western plain cloud border flag and the northern Xuanyuan control water flag, I don't know whose hands it is!"

Jiang Ziya thought about it: "Even if we borrow the master's Lidiyan flag and the Western religion's Qinglian Baose flag, there are only three flags, and there is always one direction that cannot stop Yin Jiao."

At this time Yang Tuo said: "I know where the plain cloud border flag is."

When Jiang Ziya heard the words, his heart moved, this fellow Taoist Yang Tuo was indeed very knowledgeable, senior brother Guang Chengzi didn't know it, but he knew it.I'm afraid that he has recovered some of the memories of his previous life!
Jiang Ziya always believed that Yang Tuo was the reincarnation of a certain supernatural being!I don't want Yang Tuo to come here through time travel.

Guang Chengzi hurriedly asked: "Where is the plain cloud border flag?" Guang Chengzi was a little impatient, as long as he could find another five-party flag.No matter who owns it, he is sure to borrow it.

This is the prehistoric teaching, explaining the self-confidence of disciples.

(End of this chapter)

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