Chapter 90 Princess Longji
Seeing that Guang Chengzi was a little anxious, Yang Tuo hurriedly said: "This plain cloud border flag is at the Queen Mother's place in the Tianting West. Whenever there is a sacred meeting in Yaochi, it will be sacrificed, and the immortals will come to see it. meeting, so it is also called Juxian Banner."

Guang Chengzi suddenly realized, and said: "I've seen this flag before, but I only know it's called Juxian Banner, but I don't think it's the western plain cloud border flag."

Yang Tuo continued: "Speaking of the plain cloud border flag, I know that there is a female fairy in the Qingluan Douque of Phoenix Mountain, called Princess Longji."

"This Princess Longji was born of God Haotian, the daughter of the Golden Mother of Yaochi, and she was relegated to Qingluan Douque on Phoenix Mountain just because she had a heart of resentment."

"If you can invite me here, it will be of great help whether you are borrowing the Suse Yunjie Banner or dealing with Luo Xuan. Then Princess Longji is very good at water magic, and she is Luo Xuan's nemesis!"

When Jiang Ziya heard this, he couldn't help but said with great joy: "So, the soup can be broken!"

After speaking, he looked at Guang Chengzi and said, "Why don't you let the senior brother borrow the Wufang flag, okay?"

Guangchengzi replied: "It should be so!"

Then, Jiang Ziya looked at Yang Tuo again, and said, "Qingluan Douque will be accompanied by Taoist friends, okay?"

When Yang Tuo heard the words, he nodded and said, "Let me run for a while!"

This Princess Longji came down to earth, probably to help the merchants of Xiqi.It is not difficult to ask now.

Finally, the three agreed to act separately.Guang Chengzi went to borrow the Wufang Banner, Yang Tuo went to invite Princess Longji, and Jiang Ziya stayed in Xiqi to guard against Yinjiao.

Not to mention that Guang Chengzi went to borrow treasure.Yang Tuo left the Xiangfu, but he didn't know the location of Qingluan Douque.He thought in his heart: "It seems that Yang Jian once entered Qingluan Douque by mistake, why not ask him."

Yang Tuo looked for Yang Jian and asked the location of Qingluan Douque on Phoenix Mountain.Then he drove Dunguang and flew to Phoenix Mountain.

In a few days, Yang Tuo came to Phoenix Mountain.This mountain is quite majestic, towering into the clouds.There is the sound of cranes and monkeys, and the image of pine trees and green willows, which is very beautiful.

Yang Tuo traveled all the way, and felt that the mountain was no less than Wuyi Mountain.Walking to the gate of Qingluan Douque, he stepped forward and knocked a few times.

A fairy boy opened the door and saw a person coming from the door, he couldn't help asking: "Where did the Taoist come from? Why did you knock on the door?"

Yang Tuo said: "I am Yang Tuo, the teacher of the Xiqi State, and I am here today to see the owner of this place!"

Upon hearing this, Xiantong said, "You wait here, and I will report to the princess!"

Then he closed the door and went to find Princess Longji to report.When Princess Longji heard that the Western Zhou State Master was visiting, she rushed out of the gate to greet her.

Yang Tuo waited for a while, and suddenly saw the door opened, and a female fairy came out, dressed as a Taoist, followed by eight fairy boys, it was Princess Longji.

Princess Longji bowed to Yang Tuo and said, "Fellow Daoist came here, but I have never greeted you from afar, you are so rude!"

Yang Tuo hurriedly replied: "Poverty Dao came here uninvited, I'm rude first, please don't blame the princess!"

Princess Longji said: "Fellow daoists are able to come, it's a blessing, I invite fellow daoists to come in and talk about it in detail."

As he spoke, he led Yang Tuo into Qingluan Dou Que.The two sat down as guest and host, and Long Ji asked, "What are you talking about here, Fellow Daoist?"

Yang Tuo sighed, and said: "Now that Chengtang's army is coming to attack Xiqi, there is Luoxuan, the Immortal of Huolongdao Yanzhong, who has powerful mana and great supernatural powers, and is very difficult to deal with. The last time my nephew Yang Jian entered this place by mistake, he returned to the city to say that the princess is holy. De, I am here today, and I want to ask the princess to come out of the mountain to help protect the people of Xiqi!"

After Yang Tuo got up and bowed down, Princess Longji stepped forward and said, "Fellow Daoist, please do not be overly polite. The emperor of Yin and Shang lost his virtue, which caused the world to be in turmoil, and the people were in dire straits, so Xiqi lived and worked in peace and contentment. Since you are invited, Longji will surely Do not refuse."

After the conversation between the two was over, they flew back to Xiqi together.

Not a few days after Jiang Ziya saw Yang Tuo, he invited Princess Longji and hurried forward to greet her.I saw a female fairy standing beside Yang Tuo, who was so beautiful.

Its eyebrows are like green feathers, its muscles are like white snow, its waist is like willows, and its teeth are like shellfish.Sure enough, it was the nine-day fairy who descended to the mortal world, and she was graceful and graceful.

Jiang Ziya hurriedly welcomed the two of them into the prime minister's residence, and said: "Daoist Longji can come to help, I am very grateful!"

The three of them talked very happily, and they only waited for Guangchengzi to borrow the Lingbao, and then they could raise troops to attack Chengtang's camp.

After a while, Guangchengzi borrowed three precious flags.Seeing that the time had come, Jiang Ziya stopped delaying.

After deliberation, Jiang Ziya led Yang Jian, Wei Hu, and Nezha, each holding a spirit treasure, to surround Yinjiao so that they could not escape, and then Guangchengzi cleaned up the house.

Yang Tuo led Princess Longji and Yu Yixian to fight Luo Xuan, and the rest of the generals went to attack Cheng Tang's army.

As soon as Xiqi left the city and was in the Chengtang camp, Yin Jiao got the news.After a period of rest, the soldiers have recovered their morale.

Then he also led the troops to fight.The two sides did not speak, and each found their old opponent.

Jiang Ziya led Yin Jiao to fight and retreat, Yang Tuo and Luo Xuan also fought aside, everyone stayed away from the army, so as to let go.

Jiang Ziya led Yin Jiao to Qishan, and he never retreated. Yin Jiao couldn't help Jiang Ziya even with the magic weapon.

At this time, Nezha came from the east with a flag of Qinglian Baose, Yang Jian came from the south with a flag of flames from the ground, Wei Hu came from the west with a plain cloud flag, and Jiang Ziya stood in place with a flag of Wuji Xinghuang to block it. Northern retreat.

Seeing that there was an ambush, Yin Jiao was not afraid at all. His teacher Guang Chengzi was no match for Fantian Yin, and two of the three were defeated by him.

In a flash, Yin Jiao appeared again with three heads and six arms, and he wanted to fight with the generals of Xiqi.

He didn't want to throw the Fantian Seal at Nezha, but was supported by the Qinglian Baose Banner, rolling in the air endlessly, unable to fall.

The Falling Soul Bell hit Wei Hu, but was also stopped by Su Seyunjie Banner.

The male and female swords killed Yang Jian, and they couldn't get close.

Yin Jiao was shocked, and hurriedly rotated the magic weapon.But it didn't work at all, no matter how they changed, they couldn't break through the defense of the three of them.

Yin Jiao had no choice but to kill Jiang Ziya with Fang Tian's painted halberd.Among the four, Jiang Ziya had the lowest mana.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Ziya blocked Yin Jiao with the apricot-yellow flag, and dodged back to the side, and a person appeared behind him.

It was Yin Jiao's teacher, Guang Chengzi.Guang Chengzi yelled: "Rebel, if you don't listen to the teacher's words, you will be in trouble today."

As he spoke, he pulled out a plow-shaped magic weapon and plowed towards Yinjiao.Yin Jiao was trapped by four precious flags and couldn't get out. He was plowed into two halves at once, and the real spirit went to the Fengshentai.

Guang Chengzi sighed, and took back the magical weapons such as the Fantian Seal.Looking at Yin Jiao's corpse, he spread his hands apart, and a gap opened in the ground, the corpse fell into it, and then closed.

Since then, the two princes of the Yin and Shang Dynasties have all died, and there is no successor.Destruction is only a matter of time!

Guang Chengzi cleaned up the house here, and Luo Xuan was having a hard time there.

Yang Tuo and Yu Yixian are old rivals, very difficult to deal with.This new female fairy also has the cultivation base of a golden fairy, and the Taoism she practices restrains him very much.

There was a sense of inadequacy in this battle.All the techniques were restrained by the opponent, and for a while, they were still at a disadvantage.

This was the first time since going to war, and Luo Xuan had an ominous premonition in his heart!
But on the battlefield, before he had time to think about it, he still used supernatural powers to fight the three of them.Only the sky was dimmed, and the sky was filled with water and fire.

Sometimes the fire is soaring into the sky, and sometimes it is pouring rain!

(End of this chapter)

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