Chapter 91 Duobao Fairy
Luo Xuan saw that there could not be three people victorious, so he sacrificed the five dragon wheels, the magic weapon.

When Wulonglun shot, it turned into five fire dragons, breathing out flames, waving its claws, and attacking the three of them.

Seeing this, Yang Tuo held up the Hunyuan Umbrella.The fire-avoiding beads on the Hunyuan Umbrella shine brightly, and the flames cannot get close.

The flames attacking the Feather Wing Immortal were instantly extinguished by a flap of its wings.Luo Xuan didn't care when he saw this, the three of them had fought twice, and they already understood each other's methods.

Luo Xuan sacrificed the five-dragon wheel just to harass and take a look at the methods of the new female fairy.

Before the three of them could fight back, Luo Xuan raised a cloud of smoke and shot at the three of them.Yang Tuo and Yu Yixian each dodged and defended.

Seeing this, Luo Xuan sent Zhao Tianyin to fight Princess Longji.The first two magic weapons are to attract the attention of Yang Tuo and Yu Yixian.

He knew that there was nothing they could do, and planned to open the gap from Princess Longji.But he didn't know that he just hit the muzzle of the gun.

Princess Longji took her time and put the fire dragons and rockets that were attacking her into the bowl with the Four Seas bowl.

Then he unfolded the magic weapon Wulu Qiankun Net, and according to Tianyin's overwhelming aura, he fell into the Wulu Qiankun Net, like a fish caught in the net, struggling hard, but being entangled more and more tightly.

Zhao Tianyin was caught in the net of Wulu Qiankun and could not escape.Luo Xuan was startled, he didn't expect this female fairy to be so powerful.

He had no choice but to call out the Wanya Pot, and call out the Fire Crows to surround him.Then use Feiyan Sword to kill Princess Longji.

Princess Longji spread the Wulu Qiankun net around her body, and as soon as the fire crow encountered the Wulu Qiankun net, it was stuck and could not escape.

Then countless mist, dew and water vapor gushed out, and the fire crows were extinguished one by one.In the end, it turned into wisps of blue smoke and disappeared into the air.

Luo Xuan felt a strong pressure at this time. The fairy seemed to restrain him by nature. His magic weapon and spells were destroyed in an instant in front of her.

In the end, he had no choice but to rely on his physical supernatural powers to rush towards Princess Longji.

Unexpectedly, Princess Longji sacrificed the Erlong Sword again, the sword turned into two water dragons in the air, and entangled Luo Xuan.

Luo Xuan had no choice but to sacrifice the Feiyan sword, turning the two Feiyan swords into two fire dragons.Four giant dragons rolled back and forth in the sky.

Sometimes it spits flames, and sometimes it spits real water.Sometimes the dragon wags its tail, and sometimes the real dragon claws.For a while, the fight was evenly matched, and the fire and water ran wild.

At this time, Luo Xuan had already exhausted all means, and there was no other way to think about it.Unexpectedly, Princess Longji sacrificed another treasure, which was the dragon rope.

The binding dragon rope turned into a stream of light, and tied it to Luo Xuan.Seeing this, Luo Xuan knew something was wrong, and wanted to run away as soon as he urged Chi Yanju.

However, Yang Tuo and Yu Yixian at the side couldn't make his wish come true.When Yang Tuo saw Princess Longji's magic weapons one after another, Yang Tuo, who had so many magic weapons by himself, sighed a little!
Fortunately, she is the daughter of God Haotian, and this magic weapon is one after another.Although only four pieces have been sacrificed so far, but judging by his expression, it seems to be saying, if it is enough, I will take it if it is not enough.

Seeing that Luo Xuan was entangled by the two, he wanted to struggle again.Princess Longji took out two magic weapons.

One also looks like a flying sword, with pictures of luan birds painted on it, which is the flying luan sword.One is a needle-shaped magic weapon, three inches and five minutes long, and its name is Qiankun Needle.

After Princess Longji sacrificed two more magic weapons, Luo Xuan almost lost his soul.Hastily retracted the Feiyan Sword, protected himself with the Wanya Pot, and tried his best to resist many magic weapons.

At this time, Yang Tuo found an opportunity to display the innate divine water that he had comprehended when he opened the sky, and a wave of overwhelming waves rushed towards Luo Xuan.

Luo Xuan was entangled in Princess Longji's magic weapon and couldn't escape.Yang Tuo's innate divine water was slapped away in a wave, and the fire crows around him were slapped with sparks, and green smoke curled up.

The Mancrow Pot was hit by this blow, and most of the Fire Crow was shot out.There was a loophole in the protection of Luo Xuan's whole body in an instant.

Yang Tuo sacrificed the white jade vajra cut, the vajra cut was extremely fast, and hit Luo Xuan on the shoulder, breaking an arm immediately, Luo Xuan was also staggered and fell off the red flame horse.

Feather Wing Immortal rushed down from the air at this time, and smashed a head with one claw.Princess Longji's dragon rope climbed onto Luo Xuanfen's body.

Luo Xuan was hit hard, and the Feiyan sword in his hand stopped.The three-inch-five-point Qiankun Formation rushed through the opening and nailed into Luo Xuan's body.

As soon as Luo Xuan's magic power stagnated, the dragon-tying rope bound Luo Xuan tightly.At this time, Erlongjian and Luanfeijian lost their opponents, two streamers flashed across, and two heads fell from their shoulders.

Luo Xuanyuan's spirit escaped, so he wanted to escape.However, Princess Longji had been prepared for a long time. When a white rainbow flashed across, Luo Xuan's primordial spirit was chopped into ashes and annihilated.

Yang Tuo knew that Princess Longji was Luo Xuan's nemesis, but he restrained himself so thoroughly when he didn't want to.

In this battle alone, Princess Longji used seven magic weapons.They are: Four Seas Bottle, Wulu Qiankun Net, Qiankun Needle, Binding Dragon Cable, Erlong Sword, Luanfei Sword, and Yaochi White Light Sword.

This is only used, and I don't know how many are not used.Yang Tuo felt dizzy thinking about it.

He worked hard for a magic weapon, one after another as soon as others made a move.From this point of view, the title of Duobao Daoist Duobao Boy should be given to her!

The three cleaned up the battlefield, and Yu Yixian led Luo Xuan's Chiyan horse.This Chiyan horse was very lucky and survived the battle.

Yang Tuo didn't object when he saw Yu Yixian like this, he was short of a mount for the time being.Although this red smoke horse is ordinary, it is okay to use it for transportation.

Immediately, the three of them returned to Xiqi. At this time, Jiang Ziya and Guang Chengzi also killed Yin Jiao and prepared to return to the city.

The victory of the two important battlefields means that Cheng Tang has no power to recover.

On the frontal battlefield outside Xiqi City, Huang Feihu led Huang Feibiao, Huang Feibao and other members of the Huang family to the central army.

Nangong Shi led Xin Jia, Xin Mian and other Xiqi generals to the left army.

Xin Huan led Tao Rong, Deng Zhong, Zhang Jie and a group of surrendered generals to the right army.

Jin Zha, Mu Zha, Li Jing, Tu Xingsun and others also found their own opponents.

Among Cheng Tang's army, Hong Jin was the main general, commanding the battle.

The two sides fought a battle from dawn to dusk.Although Cheng Tang's army lost several generals in the last battle.

But after all, the foundation is deep, and there are still some martial arts immortals who can barely block the crowd of explaining the teachings.

The two sides fought fiercely, with heavy casualties, killing Zhentian, and full of evil spirits.The soldiers on both sides desperately killed the enemy, sacrificing their lives.

Hong Jin met Li Jing on the battlefield, and both of them had similar backgrounds.They are all good at spells and martial arts, and they are evenly matched in fights.

The two sides fought fiercely for dozens of rounds, regardless of the outcome.Li Jing then sacrificed the Linglong Pagoda, intending to take Hong Jin's life.

However, Hong Jin is not an idle person, he is good at escape from Qimen, Zaoqi is the inner Qimen, and Baiqi is the outer Qimen.

The inside and outside are connected, tossing and moving, disappearing like a ghost.Whenever Li Jing threw the pagoda, Hong Jin used Qimen Dun to change the formation and move the direction.

As a result, Li Jing's magic weapon often failed.

However, when Hong Jin approached Li Jing with the help of escape, Li Jing retracted the pagoda to protect himself.

Hong Jin had no ability to break through the defense of the pagoda, and neither side could help the other for a while.

This time, when Li Jing threw the pagoda, Hong Jin changed direction and returned without success.

A dwarf emerged from behind Hong Jin, not Tu Xingsun, but who else.

(End of this chapter)

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