Chapter 92
Tu Xingsun used the land to practice spells, and rescued back and forth in the battlefield. Wherever he was needed, he would appear there.

He had just escaped here with the ground movement technique, but Hong Jin flashed out from a white flag gate.

Tu Xingsun was taken aback, and realized that this was not the chief general of Cheng Tang's army.How could Tu Xingsun push it away when such credit came to his door.

Tu Xingsun slowly moved behind Hong Jin, and suddenly got out. Hong Jin was caught off guard and had no time to dodge, and was hit on the head by Tu Xingsun.

Immediately, his body died and his dao disappeared, and the true spirit went to the Conferred God Altar.This Hong Jin was originally married to Princess Longji, and she didn't want to be hit in the back of the head with a stick by Tu Xingsun and die.

Now that she died, the marriage with Princess Longji might not be able to continue.Isn't this the legendary club beating mandarin ducks?

Not to mention that Tu Xingsun broke the marriage between Hong Jin and Princess Longji with a stick.

As soon as Hong Jin died, Cheng Tang's army lost its command and gradually became unable to resist.First, the losses in small battlefields were not compensated, and finally snowballed, resulting in a major defeat.

After Chengtang's army was defeated, the morale of Xiqi's generals was even higher, and they led their troops in pursuit all the way, and they chased for tens of miles before they stopped.

Cheng Tang's soldiers and horses, except for those who were killed, only a small part escaped, and the rest were captured.

Since then, Cheng Tang's army has been defeated again.

The princes of the world saw that Cheng Tang was defeated again and again, while the Western Zhou Dynasty was invincible.

They abandoned Shang and returned to Zhou one after another, and proclaimed themselves ministers.Invite the King of Wu to join the alliance in Mengjin, and conquer Tang together, ending decades of turmoil in the world.

When it was getting late and the golden black was falling down, the generals led their troops and took the captured baggage back to Xiqi with the captives.

The following days were when Jiang Ziya was busy.Collecting captives, counting military exploits, rewarding meritorious deeds, and receiving envoys from all walks of life are simply too busy to touch the ground.

Fortunately, Yang Tuo was in charge of offering sacrifices and enlightenment, so he didn't have many affairs.Only when there is a big event, will you go out, it is still a leisurely job.

Yang Tuo found out in the battle report that Hong Jin was killed by Tu Xingsun, and was still puzzled for a while.He remembered that Hong Jin had a relationship with Princess Longji?

How did he die on the battlefield?

Yang Tuo didn't know why, and finally blamed it on the fact that there were too many variables in the catastrophe.

Although the war was over, Princess Longji did not return to Qingluan Douque on Phoenix Mountain, but stayed in Xiqi, wanting to help Zhou conquer merchants.

Yang Tuo had no choice but to order Gao Ming Gaojue to burn incense and clean the room to prepare a residence for the princess.

On this day, Yang Tuojing was extremely anxious.Since he crossed over, he was either cultivating Taoism or fighting. Only when he had just become a golden immortal, he went to the South China Sea to play for a while.

It was also coming and going in a hurry. Today he found out that he has been in Xiqi for so long, and he didn't go to see the living conditions of ordinary people in Xiqi.

Now that the war has rested for a while, the next step is to prepare for the alliance in Mengjin to attack merchants.Since then, Xiqi has stayed away from the flames of war. Some of the knowledge he has acquired from later generations can be used to improve the lives of the people, and he also intends to use it as appropriate.

But before that, it is still necessary to look at the specific situation of the people of Xiqi, and not just talk about it.

Yang Tuo was preparing to go out, but was discovered by Princess Longji.

Seeing that Yang Tuo wanted to understand the people's sentiments, Princess Longji couldn't help but want to go and have a look.As the daughter of a high and mighty Heavenly Emperor, she has indeed never seen the sufferings of the world.

Yang Tuo couldn't resist, so he had to take Princess Longji with him.Yang Tuo led the two boys, Gao Ming and Gao Jue, together with Princess Longji, and walked out of the city on foot instead of taking a car.

After several wars outside Xiqi City, it has long been beyond recognition.Fortunately, every time there was a war, King Wu would send people to withdraw the people outside the city back into the city.

However, there is no way to deal with the farmland and houses outside the city. Most of them were completely destroyed in the flames of war.Therefore, the processing work after each war is extremely complicated.This is also one of the reasons why Jiang Ziya is busy with affairs.

Fortunately, after the Xiqi War, there will always be seizures and tributes from various princes, so that they can support the back and forth destruction.

Yang Tuo and others went outside the city, and now the battle has just ended.All the people outside the city were busy checking their own losses.

Those who have no loss are elated, and those who have suffered a heavy loss cry for their father and mother.

Some houses were destroyed, some fields were trampled, and mountains and rivers were smashed, and they couldn't find their homes at all.

Fortunately, Jiang Ziya sent a special person in charge of this matter to make up for the suffering people.Although it is impossible to restore the previous life, it will not starve to death by the roadside.

It has to be said that King Wen and King Wu still deserve the title of Holy Lord, and most of the people under their rule live and work in peace and contentment.In these turbulent times, that is commendable.

In the Western Zhou Dynasty, the "well field system" was followed, that is, every eight households shared a field of the same length and width equally, and then divided it into nine pieces.Each family planted its own piece and handed over one-tenth of the harvest to the state.

Everyone can plant the remaining piece in the middle, and the grain harvested in this field is completely owned by the state, which means that the people of these eight families collectively pay taxes to the state.

As for the harvest of the public fields, it all depends on the public morality of the people of the eight families. Sometimes it is normal that only weeds are left in the fields after a year.

However, the people of Xiqi are grateful for the kindness of King Wen and King Wu, and the public's fields are also taken care of very carefully.

Therefore, the food and grass harvested by Xiqi are always more than other princes, and day after day, Xiqi's kingly paradise has been created.

Although the people of Xiqi are living a very good life in terms of the whole world.

However, in Yang Tuo's view, it is still very difficult, and often there is not much food left throughout the year.

After watching it, Yang Tuo felt that the common people at any time were a group of difficult people.Even in this world full of immortals and gods, you still have to rely on your hard-working hands and hard work to get some meager gains.

Yang Tuo looked around carefully, and he also had some concerns in his heart.

The yield of this grain is mainly determined by the three factors of heaven, earth, and people, as well as the quality of the seeds.

Seeds have been selected by the government since ancient times, and the improvement of seeds does not happen overnight.

Then there are the three factors of heaven, earth, and man.The sky refers to the weather, and the amount of rain directly determines the grain output.

The land refers to the favorable location, the fertility of the land, the location of the field and the irrigation conditions.It is impossible to completely depend on the weather for farming, and when to water is also the most important thing.

As for people, it refers to the technology of farming.Some breeds are good and have high yields, while others are poorly skilled and have low yields.

This requires someone to sum up the experience and pass on the useful experience to everyone, so that everyone can learn and make progress together.

After turning around, Yang Tuo found that there was not much he could do.

He summed up a few points, first: it is necessary to do a good job in the selection of seeds, select better seeds, and improve them from generation to generation.It is also necessary for the government to select more types of food that can be eaten.

Second: Send people to inspect the fields with high harvests, sum up the experience, and spread it to the world.Then there is a need to improve farm tools and improve efficiency.

Third: Build irrigation systems and plan the use of water sources.Also find ways to increase the fertility of the field.

Fourth, sum up the celestial phenomena and let the people know when to do things, not just relying on experience.More rain prevents floods, less rain prevents drought.

As long as we can do more of these four points, the lives of the people will be better.

(End of this chapter)

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