Chapter 93

Yang Tuo summed up four items, which he could think of for the time being.He intends to implement them one by one, so that the people of the clan can live better.

Princess Longji followed Yang Tuo all the way, not saying much, just observing silently.The common people in this world are still not the same as the heavenly beings.

The body of a deity is extremely pure, free from dirt and dirt, full of light like glass, and its eyes are even more clear and bright.

The common people in the world have to suffer from the eight sufferings, which are birth suffering, old age suffering, sickness suffering, death suffering, separation from love and separation, meeting hatred and hatred, not getting what one wants, and blazing five skandhas.

Therefore, the way of heaven is the first way of the six paths of reincarnation, and it is the highest way.The human path is the third path of the six realms of reincarnation, and it is also ranked after the Asura path.

However, although it is unspeakably miserable in the human way, it is also the easiest way to achieve a positive result.As the saying goes, the world of mortals refines one's heart, that's what it is, only after experiencing it can it be discovered.

Princess Longji was born as a celestial being, and has never suffered from the sufferings of the world.Even if he was relegated to the Qingluan Douque in Phoenix Mountain, he would still be clothed in rich clothes and fine food, rich in nectar and jade dew.Fairy Tong attends to the left and right, and Gong'e attends to the daily life.

When have you seen the horrors of this world?This may also be one of the reasons why Haotian God demoted him to the human world.Let him experience many hardships in the world, and then break through the world of mortals, and his cultivation will go a step further.

Along the way, Princess Longji's kindness sprouted, and she would not hesitate to meet anyone who needed help.

Among the people of Xiqi, he left a good impression.

Yang Tuo traveled all the way, and saw the customs of the Western Zhou Dynasty, the lives of the people, and the thoughts of the people.

Relying on the four frameworks summarized by myself, a lot of ideas gradually appeared in my mind.

Only after it is perfected, the appropriate ones will be implemented one by one.

In the end, Yang Tuo returned to the city and ordered some issues that needed to be dealt with by the government, and someone else would take over.

And he resumed his old life, meditating and practicing Qi every day.But besides this, he has one more thing, which is to write books and set up slips.

What can be thought of and used in agriculture is compiled into a book and spread to the world.Make your own contribution to the human race in this prehistoric world!
On this day, Yang Tuo was meditating and practicing Qi when he heard Jiang Ziya's visit.Jiang Ziya has been very busy recently, and rarely has time to come to Yang Tuo's National Teacher's Mansion.

Come here today, according to Yang Tuo's thinking, I'm afraid there is something important to discuss.Immediately, he led Gao Ming and Gao Jue, two boys, out to meet them.

Yang Tuo looked at Jiang Ziya and asked with a smile, "Brother Dao, why are you free today? Come to my place?"

Jiang Ziya said: "The matter after the war has just been dealt with, and today I have something important to discuss with fellow Taoists."

When Yang Tuo heard it, he thought to himself: "It's true." He didn't speak, but just looked at Jiang Ziya.

Jiang Ziya said immediately: "So far, Chengtang has attacked me more than [-] times, and I have won a complete victory in Xiqi. All the eight hundred princes in the world have all listed, and invited King Wu to form an alliance with Mengjin to attack Wudao together. Therefore, I have come to discuss with fellow daoists!"

After listening to Jiang Ziya's narration, Yang Tuo thought to himself, "It's time for the Eastern Expedition!" Then, his eyes turned out of the window.

The weather outside the window has passed the cold winter, and the breath of early spring is permeating.Several months have passed since the last war, and time has erased the traces of war.

The trees in the courtyard have sprouted new shoots, just like this world, it is time to change the dynasty and rejuvenate.

Yang Tuo turned his head and said to Jiang Ziya: "Now, the time has come to defeat Zhou. This world should return to peace!"

Jiang Ziya also excitedly said: "That's right!" He had a mission to go down the mountain, and he needed to be a god on behalf of the heavens to complete the mission assigned by the teacher.

He could never forget that it was his wish to become an immortal and attain the Tao.As long as he completes the teacher's task, he will have the opportunity to continue to practice.

Afterwards, the two discussed and set the date of sending troops to March 30th, the [-]th year of King Zhou.

After Jiang Ziya and Yang Tuo had finished discussing, they returned to the mansion and prepared to serve as a teacher, and prepared to advise King Wu.At the same time, he ordered people to prepare food, grass and supplies, select soldiers, and train soldiers and horses.

Soon after, at the court meeting, Jiang Ziya made a statement:

"Today, the king of Shang disrespects the heavens and blasphemes the sacred. He harms the people and poisons the countries. He is devoid of conscience and cruel."

"Put torture, kill loyal and good people, kiss the villain, far away from virtuous ministers. Kill wives and sons, conduct caesarean section to test babies. Build deer palaces, build wine ponds and meat forests, and entertain women's hearts with the wealth of the world."

"If the country is not repaired, the ancestral temple will not be enjoyed. Evil is full of evil, and heaven and man will abandon it. Today, the princes will meet in Mengjin and form a division that punishes the people and fights crimes, so as to save the people from the fire and water."

"My Majesty, I ask that the heavens have the virtue of loving life, that the princes have peace of mind, and that the common people have the suffering of being upside down. If you lead the king's teacher and lead the heavens to punish you, the society and the people will be very fortunate!"

When King Wu heard the words, he was silent for a long time.

Then King Wu said: "The prime minister's words are very reasonable. King Zhou has no way, and the world will abandon it, so it should be punished."

He sighed and said, "Of course, the former king had a saying that you should not be punished by your ministers! If you violate the former king's words, you are not filial. If you use your ministers to defeat the emperor, you are disloyal. If you do this, wouldn't you be an orphan Unfaithful and unfilial people!"

Jiang Ziya hurriedly said: "How dare I set up a king and a place of disloyalty and filial piety. However, all the princes in the world will ally with Mengjin.

There were also Dongbohou Jiang Wenhuan, Nanbohou Eshun, and Beibohou Chong Heihu, who issued a document to inform the world. If any princes did not come along the way, they would first ask their crimes, and then attack Wudao.

If I, Xiqi, don't come, I will cut myself off from the princes.At that time, the world will fight together, and there will be no regrets.Please think twice, king! "

A senior official, San Yisheng, stepped forward and said: "The prime minister's words are really words for seeking the country. Your Majesty must listen to them. Today, all the princes are in Mengjin. If I don't come to Xiqi, they will be labeled as helping the tyrant and abusing the king. When the army comes, I, Xiqi, will never have peace."

Yang Tuo also stepped forward and said: "Your Majesty, why don't we lead the troops to meet in Mengjin first, and join the princes of the world in presenting soldiers and Shangjiao to observe the politics of Shang, if it is changed and the world is stable, then we will return to Xiqi, and if we don't change it. , then the world will be punished together. Wouldn’t it be the best of both worlds!”

After hearing this, King Wu said: "The words of the national teacher are reasonable! It is indeed a complete strategy. I don't know how many troops are needed for this dispatch?"

Jiang Ziya replied: "Although the Shang Dynasty has lost the popularity of the people, it has a profound foundation after all. The accumulation of hundreds of years should not be underestimated. This time, we should have an army of 60 to have a chance of winning!"

King Wu heard the words and said, "Since that's the case, follow what the prime minister said."

Afterwards, the king of Wu issued a decree: "Worship the prime minister as the general, give Baiyan and Huangyue to take charge of the army, and specialize in killing and attacking, so it can be done cheaply! Worship the national teacher as the general of the left, and King Wucheng as the general of the right. They will lead the army together. Allied with Mengjin."

So far, the Eastern Expedition has been decided.Jiang Ziya ordered Wuji to build a high platform in Qishan. After the national teacher sacrificed to heaven and earth on March [-]th, he would pay homage to the general at Jintai and swear to his master to go to war!

He himself led the army to practice formations in the school field.

They are:
Long snake array,

Two dragons come out of the water array,
Three mountains and moon array,
Four-door fight bottom array,
Five Tiger Bashan Formation,
Rokka ecstasy array,
Seven Star Big Dipper Formation,
gossip son-mother formation,
Nine palaces and eight trigrams array,
All directions are destroyed.

A group of soldiers practiced hard in the school grounds and did not dare to slack off.

(End of this chapter)

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