Enlightenment begins with the consecration of God

Chapter 94 Agricultural Books and Zhang Qi

Chapter 94 Agricultural Books and Solar Terms

Yang Tuo took this opportunity to go back to his residence to compile his own book "Nongshu".Hope this can be done before the expedition.

For several months, I have already had a draft in my heart, and only when it is finally perfected can it be a book.

For several days, he was sorting out his thoughts and preparing for the final book.

On this day, he used the purple bamboo in the purple bamboo forest as the material to make a slip.He threw the bamboo slips in the air with both hands, and waved his right hand eagerly.

With the stroke of the right hand, a handwriting appeared in the air.Densely packed, flying all over the sky.Yang Tuo pointed his hand, and countless words flew into the bamboo slips with Yang Tuo's thoughts.

On the bamboo slips, many words appeared, and they circulated endlessly, slowly filling the entire bamboo slips.

When the entire bamboo slip was filled with words, Yang Tuo stopped and wrote the word "Nong Shu" on the other side of the bamboo slip.

Since then, the whole book has been completed.It may not be complete, but it is Yang Tuo's hard work, and it can be added and revised slowly in the future.

There is a lot of content in this book. With ordinary bamboo slips, there are probably several hundred volumes, which is too inconvenient. Yang Tuo made it into a magic weapon and recorded all the content in just one volume.

Just as Yang Tuo was about to put away the bamboo slips, the wind and clouds in the sky changed color.There is a faint sound of thunder, and there are images of sages floating in the air.

In the Huoyun Cave, the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors and all the sages set their sights on Xiqi City.The great power of the heavens, almost all felt it.

Only because of this book [-]%, the human race's luck suddenly skyrocketed a lot.Those who are anti-human related to the great supernatural powers can feel the tumbling of the human race's long river of luck.

In the endless void, a long river of luck, representing the fate of humanity, slowly appeared from the void, which contained the fate of the entire human race, and countless figures appeared from the river.

But it is the figure of all the sages who have vindicated Da Luo for countless years in the human race.They have been suppressing the fate of the human race, each of them is the heritage of the human race, and is the divine needle of Dinghai.

At this time, a huge stream of air luck gushed out from the long river of air luck, followed the induction, fell from the sky, and fell into the bamboo slips that had just been formed.

But it was the beginning of the "Nongshu", and the luck of the human race grew.

The agricultural book is of great benefit to the luck of the human race, and it has been blessed by the luck of the human race, forming a spiritual treasure of luck.

Only in the future, this book will be widely spread all over the world, the human qi and luck will soar, and when the merits are perfect, there will be a drop of humanistic merits.

Yang Tuo didn't think that he just wanted to make some contributions to the development of the human race, and he didn't want this book to be so related.

But he underestimated the role of agriculture in the development of the human race.

Since the emperor Shennong handed down the five grains, the human race has ushered in long-term development.You can no longer rely on the natural world for food.

The development of agriculture has enabled the human race to feed more clansmen and have reserves to resist disasters, so that they will not be easily overwhelmed by natural disasters.

This is also one of the reasons why the human race can rise from the prehistoric tribes.

Yang Tuo's "Book of Agriculture" is divided into more than 12 volumes and is rich in content, including [-] items such as agriculture, field system, farming, water conservancy, agricultural implements, arboriculture, sericulture, planting, animal husbandry, manufacturing, famine preparation, and diet. .

Among them, the agricultural book mainly expounds the idea of ​​agriculture-oriented, as well as the selection, improvement, and seedling cultivation of seeds.

The field system introduces the basic situation and advantages and disadvantages of the well-field system, the farmland system, the land occupation system, the land-equalization system, and the land-sharing system.

It was also formulated that the patients with fertile soil but no floods and droughts are the top grades, those with fertile soil but suffering from floods and droughts, and those with barren but no worries about floods and droughts are the middle grades, and those who suffer from floods and droughts are the lower grades. .

And according to the three grades of upper, middle and lower grades, the top grades are awarded [-] mu, the middle grades need [-] mu, and the lower grades need [-] mu.After that, taxes are collected on the basis of the standard of [-] mu to erase the difference caused by the quality of the land.

He also recorded a series of systems such as stalls entering the mu, many of which are not suitable for today, but Yang Tuo still recorded it.

Farming records various activities in agricultural production, instructing farmers in deep cultivation, better planting, weeding, pest control, fertilization and many other skills.

Water conservancy records matters such as irrigation, flood control, and drought resistance.

Farm implements introduces various tools for agricultural production and configures maps.

Arboriculture introduces the planting and cultivation of saplings, etc., including a series of techniques such as pruning, grafting, and planting.

Sericulture records all kinds of silkworm raising and weaving.

Planting records the planting techniques and differences of various crops.

Shepherding records the stocking of livestock and the breeding of poultry and fish, increasing the food choices of the human race.

Manufacturing records the manufacturing and improvement methods of various agricultural instruments, as well as the promotion of agricultural production.

Famine preparation is to introduce how to store, how to fight against pests and diseases, and how to defend against various natural and man-made disasters.

Diet is an introduction to many edible plants, as well as healthy eating methods and habits.And record the types of edibles one by one.

This book contains a lot of agricultural knowledge that Yang Tuo will know in the future.There are many that are not suitable for the current situation, and we can only choose the appropriate knowledge dissemination according to the progress of the times.

This "Nongshu" records all aspects, but it lacks the time of day.This day is the most difficult to identify, and after the gods are conferred, natural phenomena such as wind, rain, thunder, and electricity between heaven and earth are all under the jurisdiction of the heaven, and the human race has no chance to grasp it.

But there is one thing. Although the world today is divided into four seasons, spring, summer, autumn and winter, there are no 24 solar terms to guide agricultural production.

The human race cannot grasp the celestial phenomena, nor can they be restricted by the celestial phenomena.

Yang Tuo decided to formulate 24 solar terms to complete the operation of heaven.Let the people know when and what to do, no longer need to rely on the experience of the elderly to judge.

Experience is sometimes not so accurate, such as planting, if it is late, it will definitely affect the harvest.

However, it is not so easy to divide the 24 solar terms. It is necessary to determine the four solar terms of vernal equinox, summer solstice, autumnal equinox, and winter solstice.

By measuring the length of the sun's shadow on the corona, the day with the longest day in a year is set as the summer solstice, the day with the shortest day is set as the winter solstice, and the two days with the same length of day and night are respectively positioned as the spring equinox and autumn equinox.

Then use this as a basis to divide the year into 24 equal parts.There are six solar terms in each season of spring, summer, autumn and winter, and two solar terms in a month.

They are:
Beginning of Spring, Rain, Insects, Spring Equinox, Qingming, Grain Rain,

Lixia, Xiaoman, Mango, Summer Solstice, Small Heat, Great Heat,

The beginning of autumn, the end of the summer heat, the white dew, the autumnal equinox, the cold dew, the frost,

Beginning of winter, light snow, heavy snow, winter solstice, small cold, big cold.

Among them, Beginning of Spring, Beginning of Summer, Beginning of Autumn and Beginning of Winter is the beginning of the four seasons.

It will take several years to observe, summarize, and finally formulate a perfect solar term table.

Now that the expedition is imminent, there is no time to perfect it.However, Yang Tuo still made a small sundial to observe and summarize the rules.

Yang Tuo let out a long sigh and looked at the purple bamboo slips in front of him. This agricultural book is [-]%, the luck of the human race has increased a lot, and Yang Tuo's luck has also received a lot of feedback.

The movement just now was really not small. I didn't want to make such a big noise when I didn't want a small scroll.

(End of this chapter)

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