The demon girl was born in Qingmao Mountain

Chapter 104 Underwater Practice

Chapter 104 Underwater Practice
Bai Xianyu didn't feel any discomfort when entering the water.

Get used to it quickly.

Just like being on the shore, it is much easier than when I just learned to swim.

"I haven't been in the water for almost a year, but my swimming skills don't seem to have declined. On the contrary, I also feel that my swimming level may be much better than before."

Bai Xianyu guessed that all this might have something to do with the projection battlefield.

The projected battlefield has many projections of underwater creatures.

They live in water all their lives. Although they lack spirituality and are very ignorant, they have an instinctive understanding of water.

Their understanding of water continued to pile up, turned into true meaning, and instilled in Bai Xianyu.

Although he has not yet reached the level of a master, it also gave Bai Xianyu a deep understanding of water.

At this moment, Bai Xianyu dived in the water, just like a real aquatic creature, without any difference.

Bai Xianyu kept diving in the water, comprehending the changes carefully.

The perception of the waterway accumulated in his body is also constantly awakened and integrated, allowing Bai Xianyu to understand the waterway more clearly.

The fish gills on Bai Xianyu's cheeks kept buzzing, swallowing the oxygen contained in the water.

At this moment, Bai Xianyu breathed freely in the water like a real fish.

10 minutes.

Two 10 minutes.

Three 10 minutes.

With the help of the fish gill Gu's power, Bai Xianyu felt that she had no problems living underwater.

"Try using Gu in the water!"

With this in mind, Bai Xianyu stretched out his hand, and a bone-chilling ice sword appeared in Bai Xianyu's hand.

Holding an ice sword in his hand, Bai Xianyu slashed and stabbed underwater, waving it constantly.

At first, Bai Xianyu was not used to it, but later Bai Xianyu became more and more proficient.

Perhaps because of his profound understanding of strength and water, Bai Xianyu quickly adapted to how to fight underwater.

Although there are still many gaps compared to fighting on the ground, Bai Xianyu is undoubtedly much stronger than those sailors who have trained underwater for several years.

"This is the beauty of the realm!"

"The sincerity of the waterway accumulated in the projection battlefield for a long time allows me to quickly adapt to underwater combat."

Bai Xianyu was not surprised by this.

Because his strength has reached the level of a master, Bai Xianyu has a very clear and unique feeling about how to exert strength.

Looking at some strength Gu worms, Bai Xianyu even had the illusion of conceiving a strength ultimate move.

Even when reading the strength gu recipes collected in the inheritance, Bai Xianyu had an intuition that the strength gu recipes could be improved.

Because of the inspiration of the original Go All Out Gu, and the influence of the true meaning of strength in his mind, Bai Xianyu even conceived a rather vague formula of strength Gu in his heart.

Bai Xianyu doesn't know if this Tension Dao Gu formula exists in this world.

This Gu is called Fali Gu, it can help the Gu master control the power in his body.Like a martial arts master or a beast that can perfectly control its own power, it can perfectly exert the power in its body to the extreme.

Moreover, this Gu does not consume real energy, it only needs to consume the Gu Master's mental strength to activate it.

This means that this Gu can be activated easily even if it is as high as Rank [-] and Rank [-], it is a super-excellent strength Gu.

It can even completely eliminate the Go All Out Gu, even compared to the Borrowing Strength Gu.

But unfortunately.

Even if this Gu formula is deduced, Bai Xianyu doesn't want to practice strength that has no prospect.

The waterway and changing way are Bai Xianyu's first choice.

Even if you don't practice these two ways, you have to be the mainstream Gu way today.

After waving the sword underwater for a long time, Bai Xianyu didn't stop to rest until he exhausted a lot of strength.

"Exercising in the water is still exhausting."

"Fortunately, there are fish gills Gu."

"Otherwise, I would have lost my strength."

Bai Xianyu sat on the sand at the bottom of the pool.

The gills of the fish kept agitating, silently comprehending the feeling of recovering physical strength in the water.

"It's amazing!"

"After having gills, I can actually rest in the water."

"Fish gill Gu may not be very powerful for waterway Gu masters, but it is a very important Gu insect."

"The only pity is that you can't talk in the water! This can be regarded as a disadvantage of going into the water."

Sitting on the submerged sand at the bottom of the water, Bai Xianyu silently felt the consumption of his true energy, and calculated the usage time of the fish gill Gu.

When the fish gill Gu's usage time is approaching, Bai Xianyu has to swim to the surface of the water as soon as possible.

"There are still more than 30 minutes!"

"Gill Gu is a good tool for timing!"

Bai Xianyu suddenly thought of this.

There is no such thing as a watch in this world.

Perhaps, somewhere in this world, there are Time Dao Gu worms that can be used for timekeeping.

But at least now Bai Xianyu hadn't heard of it.

Bai Xianyu has been troubled by timing.

For this reason, according to the principle of the earth's sundial, a method for timing in this world is specially studied.

However, compared with accurate electronic watches, Bai Xianyu's timekeeping method is very simple and ancient, often has errors, and is very affected by the weather.

But there is no way, who makes this world without watches.

However, even so, this technique can also allow Bai Xianyu to judge the approximate time when the weather is good.

But for how to accurately time the time, Bai Xianyu has no means.

Bai Xianyu has made objects like hourglasses.But not very useful.And there is no reference, so I can only give up.Now, the fish gill Gu gave Bai Xianyu this special inspiration.

In this world, there are many Gu worms that need to be continuously activated.

The real yuan they consume when activated is fixed.

Perhaps, this timing can be used in the future.

"Is this considered to be a transformation path simulating a time path?"

Smiling lightly, at this moment, I saw a small group of grass carp swimming in the distance, about 20 or so.

Their eyesight didn't seem to be good, they didn't notice Bai Xianyu at all, and they swam towards Bai Xianyu.

With a twitch in Bai Xianyu's heart, he urged the Ice Needle Gu and the Puppet Gu to shoot out more than 20 training needles.

Bai Xianyu's needle control skills are very good, and these ice needles are accurately inserted into the grass carp's body.

Under the control of a strange force, these small fish suddenly couldn't control their bodies.

Now, their bodies are all controlled by Bai Xianyu.

What Bai Xianyu wanted them to do, they could do.

The corner of Bai Xianyu's mouth twitched into a slight smile, and he thought: "Usually in the projection battlefield, my training targets are all for single targets, but now I can try to train groups."

With a thought, Bai Xianyu began to control the swimming of the fish.

Bai Xianyu doesn't have a very detailed understanding of Nudao, and can only control the fish school as a whole to move left, right, up, and down.

All in all, it was fun.

"Unfortunately, I don't know how to control distraction. If I can control this group of grass carp to gather and disperse as I like, I can play more tricks by turning them into small teams with different movements."

Bai Xianyu didn't play for long, and the effects of Ice Needle Gu and Puppet Playing Gu disappeared.

After all, it is not a special slave Dao Gu worm, and it is thanks to Bai Xianyu's continuous practice on the projection battlefield that he can play like this.

"However. It's quite fun to control this group of fish. I can come here to play with fish and relax when I have time. I can even try to control turtles, turtles, shrimps and crabs."

After dispelling the group of grass carp, the fish gill Gu's activation time is almost at the limit.

Bai Xianyu was not playing, and planned to go to the refining hall to help the family Gu master refine Gu worms.

(End of this chapter)

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