Chapter 113
Feed the drug to the bound girl, put a rag in her mouth and put it aside.

Bai Xianyu used Linglong Frost Sleeve Gu to put away the other three corpses in the cabin.

Looking at the blood on the ground, Bai Xianyu frowned.

After thinking for a moment, Bai Xianyu took out the rag, activated the water gu to clean the blood from the wooden house.

In fact, there is an easier way to mop up.

That was a fire that burned the whole house down.

In this way, all traces are reduced to fly ash.

However, Bai Xianyu was worried that the thick smoke from the flames would cause unnecessary trouble.

After hesitating again and again, it was safer to wipe it with a rag after all.

"After all, it's the first time to do this kind of thing, and the experience is too lacking."

"Actually, I should use Ice Needle Gu and Puppet Manipulation Gu to control them first. After that, I will feed them drugs and tie them up. This is really convenient."

"And if you do this, it will be easier to interrogate information later."

It took half an hour to clean.

He glanced at the bloodstains that still remained in the room.

Bai Xianyu gritted her teeth, and still firmly used the water Gu and a rag to scrub it clean.

Because when he attacked before, Bai Xianyu only thought about how to quickly kill the dangerous target, and didn't think too much about it.

Therefore, when Bai Xianyu struck, he killed twice with one knife.

The action is clean and neat, but it is really troublesome to clean up.

Blood splattered everywhere, especially this young girl Gu Master was also covered in blood.

Bai Xianyu's tiger died.Afterwards, refining Gu worms will also control a beast.

This girl, Bai Xianyu, has to be transferred.

In order to avoid the trouble of transferring, Bai Xianyu had to clean her up from the smell of blood and change into new clothes.

After cleaning the house and tidying up the girl Gu Master, it took a lot of time.

Only then did Bai Xianyu start searching for the loot.

The wooden house was very simple, and Bai Xianyu didn't find much.

In the whole house, apart from the four Gu worms, Bai Xianyu also found a map, a Gu book, and many hunting tools and daily necessities.

Open the map and take a closer look.

"This map should be the map on Qingmao Mountain. Most of the main content is on the side of the Gu Yue clan. There are very few topographic maps near Xiongjiazhai and Baijiazhai."

"If my guess is correct, this map should be the ancestral map of this family."

"And this family should be the escaped Orion slaves of the Gu Yue clan. It seems that the four of them should be the old man Wang's family in the original book. Unexpectedly, their world line in the old devil's previous life was still in my hands. Li. It seems that this fate is destined!"

Bai Xianyu didn't have much sympathy for Old Man Wang's family.

Weakness is the original sin.

On that day, I died in the hands of someone stronger than myself because of my weakness.

Bai Xianyu would also accept death calmly.

"As for this Gu book?"

It's not so much a Gu book, it's more like a dozen booklets that were manually bound with thread.

Bai Xianyu slowly flipped through the booklet and found that it contained a lot of practice content.

It is different from the systematic inheritance of Bai Xianyu's cognition.

This inheritance is scattered, and the content is very incomplete, almost writing whatever comes to mind.

What's more deadly is that there are a lot of typos in this booklet.

Obviously, the person who left this pamphlet is not highly educated.

Bai Xianyu flipped through it carefully, and found that this Gu book recorded a scattered inheritance left by a low-level Gu master!

The source of this inheritance is the escaped slaves of Xiongjiazhai.

He originally signed up spontaneously to become a dead soldier in the dark hall of Xiongjiazhai.

Unfortunately, before he had time to carry out his mission, he learned the news that his parents and children had died in the beast horde.

His life suddenly lost its meaning.

Because of the death of his relatives, he began to be unwilling to be reconciled to his status as a dark warrior, unwilling to just turn into dust.

He chose to escape from Xiongjiazhai, looking for a solution to his poisoning dilemma.

Unfortunately, he did not succeed after all.

Before he died, he passed down the inheritance.

This inheritance records the poisonous Gu Aishengli and the refining method of several stealth Gu insects.

There are also these methods in Baijiazhai, and they are all ordinary goods, basically of no value.

Apart from these Gu worm secret techniques, the rest of the content is his comprehension from practicing Gu Dao.

Most of them are his personal conjectures and practice essays, all of which are scattered and almost worthless.

"It turns out that this inheritance was left by a fugitive slave. No wonder this inheritance is so fragmented. A lot of practice content is written almost as soon as you think of it. It is not systematic at all."

"However, it contains some information about Gu worms unique to Xiongjiazhai, so it's worth watching!"

Although Baijiazhai also collected information about these contents, the more detailed the information, the better.

Moreover, from the perspective of escaped slaves, the information left can more or less make up for some gaps in the information obtained from the Baijiazhai investigation.

Bai Xianyu continued to read, and on the ninth page, the handwriting of the book changed.

In addition to the change of handwriting, the content of inheritance has gradually become more systematic, as if someone is summarizing the previous content.

Then, the notes completely turned into the form of a diary, recording the story of a hunter after he got the inheritance.

It is worth mentioning that this book records a place where ordinary people can gain enlightenment.

This place is close to Gu Yue Mountain Village, it is a remote cave, and it is the place where the escaped slaves of the Xiong family accidentally discovered the enlightenment place.

This cave leads to an underground river, and it is hoped that Gu will flow out of the underground river continuously.

Collecting Hope Gu in that cave for two days is basically enough for one person to get enlightened.

"The latter should be Wang Da! His love for his wife is revealed between the lines. And his younger siblings also enlightened and became Gu masters in this place!"

"Unfortunately, this place is too far away from me, so it's useless to me." Shaking his head slightly, putting away the Gu book, Bai Xianyu began to check the hunting tools left by Wang Da's family.

Three hard bows, two spears, a hatchet, and some living tools such as pots and pans.

"They are hunters, and they basically know what they need to bring in the wild."

"These items are very informative for me."

"In the future, when I leave Qingmao Mountain, I can refer to these items they carry."

Putting away these tools, Bai Xianyu walked out of the wooden house, and saw his sub-adult tiger that had been hunted down.

At this moment, the sub-adult tiger who had helped Bai Xianyu do evil was dead.

The yellow tiger skins were stripped off and set aside to dry.

Next to the tiger carcass, there was a dagger used for skinning and a large basin of tiger blood that was cooling down.

"Unexpectedly, this tiger was not killed by poison."

"There are gunshot wounds and knife wounds on the front half of the body, which should be caused by the old man Wang and the sister of the Wang family fighting with their lives. And the fatal wound is an arrow wound, which should be caused by Wang Da and Wang Er drawing the bow. This way The arrow wound runs through the head, when Wang Da shot this arrow, he should have used the flower hog Gu to burst out the power of a pig."

Looking at the skinned tiger carcass, Bai Xianyu analyzed some of the battle through its wounds.

With a faint sigh, Bai Xianyu seemed to see her own miserable end.


Shaking his head, Bai Xianyu stretched out his slender jade hand and closed the tiger's eyes that the tiger didn't want to close.

After that, put away the tiger carcass, tiger skin and tiger blood.

Bai Xianyu planned to chop up these things like the three corpses and throw them away where there were many wolves.

After cleaning up everything, Bai Xianyu checked it several times.

After confirming that there was no problem, Bai Xianyu carried the girl Gu Master on her back, intending to move it to a safer place.

"I don't have much time, I have to hunt lions quickly!"

(End of this chapter)

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