Chapter 115 Unbelief Gu
On June [-]th, the day when the toad caravan arrived was getting closer.

Yiqing Jiangshan Building, the second floor, the secret room for refining Gu.

Bai Xianyu was alone, sitting cross-legged on a futon carved with lotus patterns.

Adjust the state and prepare to refine Gu worms.

First, Bai Xianyu took out a stinky fart Gu.

This Gu is orange in appearance, about the size of a fist, and shaped like a spherical air bag.

Its skin is wrinkled, a little thick, and it feels a little uncomfortable to the touch.

Stinky Fart Gu doesn't look good, but because of its cheap price, it is very popular among Gu masters.

Therefore, it has a very wide range of uses for refining Gu.

The refining of many Gu worms requires stinky fart Gu as Gu material.

Looking at this stinky fart Gu, Bai Xianyu gradually adjusted his mentality.

Taking a deep breath, Bai Xianyu began to infuse light silver real essence into this stinky fart Gu according to the original Gu refining steps.

With the blessing of Bai Xianyu's true essence, the volume of the stinky fart Gu rapidly expanded.

After the volume reached a stable limit, Bai Xianyu controlled the enlarged Fart Gu to float in the air.

After completing this step, Bai Xianyu opened a jar.

This jar is filled with putrid mud and permafrost, so it is called a mud jar.

"Rice bag grass, go!"

With a wave of Bai Xianyu's hand, a grass Gu flew out of the aperture and quickly shot into the clay jar.

At the same time, Bai Xianyu also poured light silver real essence into this grass Gu.

With the blessing of Bai Xianyu's light silver true essence, a dark green vine grew out of the clay jar in an instant.

Not long after, the vines began to branch, and fat green leaves with glossy luster began to grow.

These green leaves are as full as a barrel.

Small at first, it quickly expanded to the size of a bowl.

This is the rice bag grown from rice bag grass.

Inside, filled with fragrant rice.

Many southern border Gu masters will carry a rice bag Gu when they travel to southern border.

Basically, rice can grow wherever there is dirt.

Moreover, rice bag grass is also very easy to feed, and the food is water and light.

Open the rice bag, and you can see the fragrant rice grains exposed in the rice bag.

However, Bai Xianyu did not intend to eat these rice balls.

Take out all the white rice and pour it all into the mud jar.

At the same time, sending down the stinky fart Gu, Bai Xianyu is using two things at the moment, activating the stinky fart Gu and the rice bag grass at the same time.

I saw the stinky fart gu emitting orange light, and the rice bag grass emitting green light.

The two kinds of light reflected each other, and under Bai Xianyu's control, the consciousness of the two Gu worms also began to blend slowly.

I saw the clay altar kept vibrating, and the two kinds of light kept flickering, mixing together as the Gu worm's consciousness gradually merged.

With the continuous infusion of true essence, the mixed brilliance gradually restrained and penetrated deep into the clay altar.

Finally, the clay jar kept vibrating and stopped, and a new Gu flew out of it.

The whole body of this Gu is yellowish brown, like mud, and exudes a slight stench, like a lump of stool.

This is the Shit Gu.

"Although the feces Gu doesn't look good, it also has its value. This Gu can cause diarrhea. Many doctors use it to treat diseases and detoxify, and it has good practical value."

Bai Xianyu pinched the Gu worm and secretly calculated the light silver real yuan he had consumed.

"A stinky fart Gu is worth about 30 yuan stones. Rice bag grass is a little more expensive, and the value of a rice bag grass is about 70 yuan stones. In addition to Gu insects, there are hope refining Gu materials, then It’s sapropel frozen soil, worth about five primordial stones.”

"The cost of refining stinky fart Gu is about one hundred and five primordial stones."

"As for refining Gu worms, in addition to the input of materials, the real energy invested in refining Gu worms and combined refining Gu worms also needs to be counted. However, this part is of relatively small value, and the input does not exceed ten yuan stones, so the cost is considered Make ten dollars."

"Not counting the cost of feeding and time, the cost of refining a Shit Gu is about 110 five yuan stones. But the refined shit Gu is indeed a rank two Gu insect, and the recycling price alone is worth five hundred yuan stones .”

"Even based on the recovery price, if you refine Gu worms four times, as long as you can succeed once, you will make a profit."

"However, the level of refining this Gu worm by other Gu masters may not be as good as mine, and refining Gu worms may not be profitable."

After writing down the characteristics of the feces Gu, Bai Xianyu began the second step of refining the Gu.

This time, what Bai Xianyu refined was Vigorous Feces Gu, and the Gu insects that synthesized it were Vigorous Gu and Feces Gu.

It is different from the common ones of stinky fart Gu and rice bag grass.

Dali Gu is a bit difficult to buy, and Bai Xianyu found it after searching three stores.

Vigorous Gu can allow the Gu master to burst out twice his own strength within fifty breaths.

Because the strength of the explosion is twice the strength of the human body.

Therefore, the side effects of activating the Vigorous Gu are far less than the Flower Boar Gu, which can explode with the strength of a pig, and the Brute Force Beetle Gu, which can explode with the strength of a cow.


Dali Gu is not as rare as Black and White Boar Gu.

Its price is relatively cheap, generally only about 130 primordial stones can be purchased.

Vigorous Gu has few side effects, is cheap, and is easy to feed. All these factors make Vigorous Gu quite popular with some low-level Gu masters.

In the market, when the powerful Gu appears, it will be bought by some low-level Gu masters who need strength.

It was luck that Bai Xianyu was able to purchase Dali Gu in a small place like Baijiazhai.

There is no need to be so troublesome in the refining of Vigorous Feces Gu.It is enough to directly control the fusion of Dali Gu and Shit Gu.

Not long after, a rank three Gu worm, Vigorously Nibbling Shit Gu, appeared in Bai Xianyu's hands.

The effect of Vigorous Shit Gu is three times that of ordinary Shit Gu, and quack doctors have misused it to kill people.

However, although Dali Shishi Gu is not as convenient as ordinary Shit Gu in terms of use.

But anyway, it is a Rank 1000 Gu worm, the price is still very high, more than [-] yuan stones.

"Good luck!"

Squeezing the feces Gu vigorously, a smile appeared on Bai Xianyu's face.

This time, Bai Xianyu prepared three Vigorous Gu, which he did not expect to succeed in one attempt, saving a lot of cost.

"The next step is the most important step!"

This step is the Gu worm that Bai Xianyu really wants to refine. The Gu worms refined in the previous few steps are all paving the way for refining this Gu worm.

Bai Xianyu took out the Lion's Roar Gu, and at the same time activated the Lion's Roar Gu and Dali Shishi Gu.

A phantom of a lion's head emerged, its mouth opened wide, and it began to swallow Dalixi Shit Gu.

After eating one-third of the volume of Dali Xi Shi Gu, the shape of the phantom of the lion's head became unstable, approaching the verge of collapse.

Seeing this, Bai Xianyu immediately threw into a paper crane Gu.

After the phantom with the lion's head swallowed the paper crane Gu, the light suddenly ceased to slack and condensed as before.

Bai Xianyu continued to urge it, swallowing Dali Shishi Gu.

After swallowing another third, the phantom of the lion's head returned to its old ways, and there was a crisis of laxity.

Bai Xianyu did the same, and threw in another paper crane Gu.

After the Lion Roar Gu completely devoured the Vigorous Feces Gu, the phantom of the lion's head shrank in half, exuding light blue, dark blue, and pink lights, and screamed "eat shit", "eat shit" .

This is the unbelief Gu!

The state of unbelief Gu didn't last long, after only ten breaths, Bai Xianyu watched the phantom of the lion's head dissipate in front of him.

However, although the false promise Gu disappeared, it also proved that Bai Xianyu's experiment was a complete success!

"As expected, there are few Gu recipes with descriptions in the original book, and the success rate is top!"

"Successful just once!"

Bai Xianyu took out the Linglong Frost Sleeve Gu and began to record her experience in refining the Unbelief Gu.

Unbelief Gu cannot be preserved, so it can be used immediately after refinement. This is the first time Bai Xianyu refines a Gu that cannot exist for a long time.

This opened Bai Xianyu's horizons.

(End of this chapter)

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