Chapter 121 Xianyu Must Die

Baijiazhai, Baihutang.

Since the end of the endowment, Jinzhu was brought here by Baimang's servants.

Looking at Bai Mang, Jin Zhu frowned and said, "Grandpa, why are you looking for me again? Didn't you tell me last year that I will never do anything for you again!"

Last year, Bai Mang asked Jin Zhu to tell some interesting stories about the school.Jin Zhu didn't think too much, and told Bai Mang everything that happened in the school in a very naive manner.

However, because of this, Baimang seized the information he got from Jin Zhu, and arranged a demon gu master in Yangmeiling, hoping to take the opportunity to assassinate Bai Xianyu.

If it wasn't for Bai Bingji's accidental appearance and breaking the plan, Bai Xianyu would have died last year.

Jin Zhu was very angry when she learned about it afterwards.

Because of this, Jin Zhu and Bai Mang broke up, and they didn't talk to Bai Mang for a long time.

Bai Mang was unmoved by his granddaughter's anger.

He sat on the main seat, looked at Jin Zhu quietly, and continued to oppress in a report tone: "Jin Zhu, let me tell you, I need your help with something!"

After all, Bai Mang looked at Jin Zhu coldly, thinking of having a fit without saying a word.

Although Jin Zhu was afraid of grandpa's power, she also had her own strong principles, and she refused bluntly and coldly: "If it's about Xian Yu, I won't help, I can't help you harm my good sister!"

Do not help?

Bai Mang was silent.

If it wasn't for dealing with Bai Xianyu, why would he need to use the golden beads!

Recently, by observing Bai Xianyu and Bai Jiaping, he could see Bai Jiaping's plan.

It has to be said that Bai Jiaping's move is indeed a masterful one.

If it succeeds, Baijiazhai will surely prosper for a long time, and it is even possible to unify Qingmao Mountain.

It can be said that even Bai Mang has to praise Bai Jiaping for his scheming.

However, understanding is understanding, but Bai Mang has no awareness of sacrificing for it.

Once Bai Jiaping's plan is successful, Bai Xianyu's status in the clan will inevitably rise in a straight line, and she will even be able to stabilize herself forever in Baijiazhai.

How could it be possible for Bai Xianyu to walk on top of her head!

As the saying goes, there are endless ways to rule from above.

Bai Mang doesn't want to hand over his fate to others, especially if this person is Bai Xianyu.

He offended Bai Xianyu too much.

Once Bai Xianyu had the idea to deal with him.

You don't even need to deal with him personally, you just need to ask him to do a dangerous task in the name of the family, so that he has to sacrifice for the family.

Judging from Bai Xianyu's previous temperament, although there is a high probability that Bai Xianyu will choose to forgive herself.

But Bai Mang can't gamble.

Who knows if Bai Xianyu was faking it before.

In this world, there are many stories similar to Wang Mang's courteous and humble days.

As the saying goes, the most poisonous woman's heart.

No one knows whether there is a ferocious face hidden under Bai Xianyu's gentle and beautiful skin.

Many people say that there are no permanent enemies in this world, only permanent interests.

actually not.

Political enemies are absolute mortal enemies, and they must be killed no matter what.

Once you show mercy to your political opponents, it is equivalent to entrusting your life to the political opponents.

Except for those who are willing to sacrifice for righteousness, who is willing to entrust their lives to political enemies.

Therefore, Bai Xianyu must die!

This is Bai Mang's consciousness as a politician.

How could he be willing to become a sacrifice for the rise of the family!
Yes, he admitted that the family used Fengqi Gu to improve the family atmosphere before.

But the atmosphere is only the atmosphere.

The essence hasn't changed much.

Like many people, although Baimang loves the cottage, he still has selfishness.

Especially after reaching a certain age and improving his thinking to a certain level, he has already got rid of the influence of the atmosphere.

In the final analysis, atmosphere is just a means for the ruler to control the people, which Baimang has already seen through.

At most, it's just helping the family out of habit without affecting their own interests.But it is impossible for him to harm his own interests to help the family.What's more, this time he was betting that Bai Xianyu would be magnanimous to him.

Life is at stake, how is this possible!

You know, he participated in the murder of Bai Xianyu's brothers and sisters, embezzled the assets of Bai Xianyu's family, and planned to murder Bai Xianyu.

He did so many things to offend Bai Xianyu.

Think about it in another place, I'm afraid everything has a way to kill in Bai Xianyu's eyes!

How can it be possible to ask for forgiveness from political objects!

If people involved in politics are so naive, they really might as well go home and raise pigs.

Although Bai Xianyu didn't show any intention to deal with him, he probably kept it in a notebook!
On the contrary, he should have stepped up and beat Bai Xianyu to death before Bai Xianyu was born.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but think of the information he had accidentally learned before - Bai Xianyu was investigating wild hope Gu.

After learning this information, he had a strong intuition.

As long as the investigation is clear about Bai Xianyu's purpose of probing the wild hope Gu, it will surely injure Bai Xianyu severely.

The relationship between him and Bai Xianyu is very stiff, and he needs a ghost to do this.

He has already chosen someone for this inner ghost, and that is Jin Zhu.

Since he asked Jin Zhu to come over, he was sure of making Jin Zhu obedient.

He stared at Jin Zhu, and said in a low tone: "Jin Zhu, I know your secret!"

"What secret?" Jin Zhu asked.

"Hehe!" Bai Mang said, "Jin Zhu, you want to plan to murder Bai Hong?"

"You actually know about me and Bai Hong!"

"Wait, you said I wanted to plan to murder Bai Hong?"

Jin Zhu shrank his pupils, thinking it was very funny, and asked with a smile, "Grandpa, what are you talking about? Bai Hong is my boyfriend, how could I plan to murder him. Even if you are my grandfather, you can't slander me like this !"

Bai Mang looked at Jin Zhu, smiled appreciatively and said, "Hehe, the acting skills are really good. She really deserves to be my granddaughter! Even in this situation, she can still act so calmly."

"If it weren't for laziness, your intelligence would definitely not be inferior to Mingzhu and Yinzhu!"

"However, I already have substantial evidence."

"A long time ago, I got a piece of information about you. The one you like is actually a girl!"

"And Bai Xianyu is the one you admire!"

"How did you know?"

Jin Zhu's face was ugly, but she knew she couldn't hide it.

"Ha ha!"

Bai Mang smiled lightly, and said: "Last year, I found out that you and Bai Qi had sex together in an accident."

"After that, I observed many times and found that you had frivolous behavior towards women in Baijiazhai."

"But the way you look at Bai Xianyu is the most special. How should I put it, as someone who has experienced it, I understand it very well, so I should like it!"

Jin Zhu said silently, "Since you understand that I like Xian Yu, you should know that I will never harm her!"

"Ha ha!"

Bai Mang didn't answer, but asked, "When did you become interested in these things?"

Jin Zhu blushed, but she remembered the little yellow book in Bai Xianyu's dormitory.

That book opened the door to a new world for her.

This is where it all started.

And Bai Qi was the main reason that catalyzed this matter.

Jin Zhu is a very lazy person.

Because of something, he begged Bai Qi for help and gave Bai Qi a kiss.

And Bai Qi, of course, helped her accomplish that very well.

After that incident, Jin Zhu accidentally discovered that there is a special shortcut for beauty in this world, and many things can be easily achieved by sacrificing a little bit of beauty.

Therefore, Jinzhu got deeper and deeper.

Xu Shi stared at the abyss for too long, and Jin Zhu gradually had the idea of ​​liking women.

And Xianyu was the person she gradually fell in love with.

Bai Hong threatened her precisely because she discovered this.

She couldn't let Xianyu know this.

Otherwise, Xianyu would definitely stay away from her.

She couldn't think of the consequences of losing Xianyu.

She had no choice but to paralyze Bai Hong and wanted to get rid of Bai Hong secretly.This is also the reason why she is unwilling to officially announce that she and Baihong are lovers.

This is her story.

"I see!" Bai Mang laughed.

Looking at Jin Zhu in front of him who was putting on a bad face and telling all the embarrassing things, Bai Mang smiled and said: "Good granddaughter, Bai Hong, I can help you deal with it! Even, I can let you really have Bai Xianyu!"

"What do you mean?" Jin Zhu asked.

"Hehe!" Bai Mang laughed, and slowly revealed his plan.

Seeing Jin Zhu's brighter and brighter eyes, he bewitched: "Jin Zhu, the most important thing to love someone is to possess her, even if you destroy her, you still have to possess her. If you can't get her, you have to destroy her! Otherwise! , once she is possessed by someone, you can't imagine the pain."

After all, Bai Mang started his brainwashing operation!

(End of this chapter)

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