The demon girl was born in Qingmao Mountain

Chapter 125 Fengxian, Is This Your Enlightenment?

Chapter 125 Fengxian, Is This Your Enlightenment?

"Miss, you are back!"

Yiqing Jiangshan downstairs.

Seeing her lady come back, the little girl Yuanyang's eyes lit up, she quickly put down the broom in her hand, and trotted over to help Bai Xianyu clean up the dust.


Handing the snacks in his hand to Yuanyang, Bai Xianyu tapped the little girl's forehead, and said with a smile: "Yuanyang, today, I'm exhausted. You can ask Ah San Ah Si to cook something hot later. Water, I want to take a bath, no, I want to take a bath!"

"Well, one more thing, you go to Madam's place later and ask Sister Parrot to inform Mrs. Sang in the weaving building to order two sets of dark military uniforms for me. My clothes are torn again!"

"Okay, miss!"

The little girl took the snacks, took a peek at them, her eyes were crooked with a smile, and said rather obediently: "Miss, how did you get out this time?"

"Fortunately, it's barely enough to satisfy me!" Bai Xianyu smiled lightly, and said, "There are five Gu worms in total, one wild boar king and one snake king, not too bad!"

"A boar king and a snake king!"

"It's not that spiced pork, twice-cooked pork, pouch meat and snake soup can be made!"

"Wow, miss, I really love you!"

The little girl's eyes lit up, she was very excited, and she was going to stick with Bai Xianyu!
Bai Xianyu declined rather coldly: "No, I'm covered in ashes now!"

"Okay!" Yuanyang looked regretfully at the good figure of his young lady.

"This guy!"

Bai Xianyu was powerless to complain, shook his head helplessly, and said, "Yuanyang, I have already delivered these ingredients to the hotel, and you can get what you want to eat later! Also, do what I told you as soon as possible! Go get busy, I want to take a bath early!"

"Okay, miss!"

Yuanyang mentioned the snacks, and excitedly ran to perform the task.

"This girl is still so hot!"

Bai Xianyu shook her head lovingly.

Picking up the broom thrown by the mandarin duck, gently putting it aside, sitting gracefully on the stairs waiting for the boiling water.

At the same time, Bai Xianyu's mind turned back to the aperture.

I saw a thin film of light in the mysterious and vast aperture.

On the light film, the brilliance flows and folds glow.

In the light film, there is an endless sea of ​​pale silver true essence, corresponding to Bai Xianyu's three-turn primary cultivation base.

After two battles.

In the sea of ​​true essence, only [-]% of the consumed light silver true essence was recovered.

"You don't need to refine Gu today, keep [-]% of your true energy to keep the bottom line, and use the other [-]% to refine your aperture!"

Think about this.

Bai Xianyu mobilized Danyin's true essence and began to refine his aperture.

Since the completion of rank three.

The speed of primordial stones to restore true essence has dropped significantly.

Dozens of primordial stones are needed to recover full silver real yuan.

Therefore, since turning three, Bai Xianyu stopped frantically absorbing the true energy from the primordial stone.

Even if there is a surplus of primordial stones on hand, it will not be such a luxury.

Most of the primordial essence that warms and nourishes the aperture depends on the natural recovery of the aperture.And for these true essence, Bai Xianyu's daily consumption of refining Gu and fighting needs to be subtracted.

Therefore, Bai Xianyu's practice speed has dropped significantly compared to the period of the first and second revolutions.

This was the main reason why Bai Xianyu's practice speed dropped sharply.

In addition, there is another factor affecting Bai Xianyu's practice.

That is, there is no Qixiang wine worm.

The loss of the real essence refined by the wine worm was also one of the reasons why Bai Xianyu's practice speed dropped sharply.

"Seven Fragrance Wine Insect, in the original book, only records the types of Gu material, not the refining method."

"If you want to refine it, you need to conduct relevant experiments."

"And its Gu materials are not so easy to obtain. It needs wine worms. Wine worms are rank one cherished Gu, so they are very rare. At least there is no way to produce wine worms in Baijiazhai!"

Thinking of this, Bai Xianyu showed a trace of helplessness.

As far as Bai Xianyu knew.

After Bai Qi and Bai Shangshu's wine worms were recovered, they were consumed as voodoo materials.And the few wine worms collected by Baijiazhai last year also have their own purposes.

One of the wine worms was lent by Baimang and transferred to the three Jinzhu sisters to assist them in their cultivation.However, the wine worm has also been recovered by the family and consumed as Gu material.

Wine worms are very precious Gu worms.

In addition to refining true essence, wine worms are also the secret recipe for many excellent Gu worms.

Gu masters who get wine worms will basically consume wine worms after they become rank three, and try to refine a certain secret recipe that is widely circulated - Menghandie.

This Gu can stun the opponent.

It is a very useful Gu.

It can be used to stun the enemy, and it can also be used to anesthetize the patient. Many Gu masters are eager for this Gu.

Except for this well-known route.

There are still many secret recipes in this world that need to consume wine worms.

This is also the reason why wine worms are basically sold every year, but they are rare every year.

"If you want wine worms, the family has no reserves. We still have to wait for this chamber of commerce."

This time at the Chamber of Commerce, according to the agreement between the family and the Toad Caravan, the caravan will provide the family with three wine worms.

Including the wine worm that the caravan used to auction to attract customers, there will be four places for wine worms.

"It's just that the competition for these four wine worms will be fierce! Even if I am the young master, it will be very difficult to get these four wine worms into my pocket. The most important thing is that this secret recipe is not complete. Even if it costs a lot Buy them, but can you really refine the Qixiang wine worms by consuming these wine worms?"

Bai Xianyu considered the gains and losses repeatedly, but chose to give up refining the Qixiang wine worm.

"My four-flavored wine worm should be refined back to the wine worm and take the route of Menghan butterfly. In this way, I can count as an extra means of controlling the enemy in the wild."

Bai Xianyu had used the drug in Lion Roar Ridge before, and felt that this method was very useful. If he could cooperate with the Hidden Scale Gu to form a killing move, the effect would probably be even better.

"I remember that there seems to be a mist Gu formula in the family that also needs to consume wine worms."

"This Gu can form a misty mist that traps people, and it belongs to the waterway. The other wine worm after the reverse refinement can be used to refine the mist Gu!"

"This caravan, I have to purchase too many things. In addition to these things, I also need to purchase materials for refining other Gu insects, such as the materials for reverse refining stream Gu, and the combined refining of waterway core Gu tide monster Gu. Materials, the refining materials for the Water Channel Auxiliary Gu Fine Water Long Flow Gu, etc."

"The funds are still not enough!"

"Furthermore, if a Silver Relic Gu or a Flying Gu appears in the chamber of commerce this time by chance, then shall I fight for it or not? The 5 Yuan stones I raised in the past six months may be a drop in the bucket for these commodities!"

"Oh, it looks like it's going to be a waste of time!"

Bai Xianyu narrowed his eyes.

I began to think about which of the Gu worms I collected in the past six months were not in high demand.

"The red iron relic Gu, it's useless to keep it, buy it when you need it later, sell it!"

"Flowerhouse Gu, provide a comfortable residence in the wild, not demanding, sold!"

"The collected Tiger Transformation Dao Gu worms are currently incomplete and sold!"

"The Transformation Dao Gu worms collected on the lions are useless, so sell them!"

(Note: Bai Xianyu, the Flame Dao Gu worm in the lion group, has long been sold, including the [-] capital.)
"Gill Gu, those that can enter the water, keep them!"

"Drilling Gu, can enter the ground to save your life, keep it!"

"Frost Sleeve Gu, I have enough for one Linglong Frost Sleeve Gu, and I sold it!"

"Wind blade Gu, used to gamble on stones, is not important, it can be sold."

"Wait, stone betting!"

"I forgot about this good thing. With my current status, I can make a fortune by gambling on stones."

"Based on last year's harvest, there is a high probability that betting on stones can raise about 6 yuan for me, but [-] yuan is still a drop in the bucket!"

Bai Xianyu thought to himself.

Determined to sell all the useless Gu worms in his body to update his equipment.

"The Gu worms on my body, such as the Ice Needle System, Ice Blade Storm System, and Dao Refining System, are all very important to me. As for the human and animal burial Gu, the Gu worms such as the Siweijiu worm cannot see the light. There are too many benefits in it. As for the strength Gu, sneak attack Gu, hidden scale Gu, these are the best Gu insects that are easy to use, although they can see the light, they are definitely not for sale."

"Besides these, there are actually not many Gu that can be sold and transformed into water system."

Bai Xianyu actually wanted to sell the Ice Dragon Gu.

This Gu is up to rank four.

Once sold, the pressure on Bai Xianyu to build a practice system will be greatly reduced.

However, rank four Gu is too rare.

The first three ranks of Gu insects are considered easy to refine, but the success rate of rank four and rank five Gu is very low.

Selling rank four Gu is very profitable.

"Oh, it's a pity that I didn't have the opportunity to design my father."

"Otherwise, with the savings of the White House, I am afraid that it can provide me with a rather optimistic income, which will greatly relieve the pressure on me to build the water system."

"You can prove the truth by killing your father!"

"Fengxian, at this moment, I also deeply understand your state of mind at that time."

(End of this chapter)

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