Chapter 200 Why


Outside the water curtain Tianhua, Bai Chongshui and others watched nervously.

Inside Water Curtain Tianhua, Bai Jiaping and Bai Axiu were even more nervous.

"Shuimu Tianhua's time is almost over!"

Bai Axiu opened Qiushui's eyes, looked at the light blue water cover, and said, "Will she choose to leave?"

Bai Axiu was very worried that Bai Xianyu would just leave.

In this way, she will not be able to avenge her.

Bai Jiaping shook his head, he didn't know either.

Before that, Bai Jiaping thought that with Bai Xianyu's temperament, he must have a fight with him.

But Bai Xianyu squatted underground for so long.

Up to now, Bai Jiaping is not sure whether to fight or escape.

At this moment, Bai Jiaping had no choice but to use his scouting Gu to keep an eye on Bai Xianyu's movements.

Ready to attack Gu worms from a distance at any time, and knock down Bai Xianyu who was about to take off and escape.

At this moment, the blue water cover suddenly disappeared.

The duration of the water curtain sky has expired.

As soon as Shuimu Tianhua disappeared, Bai Chongshui and others who were full of worries wanted to come in and ask about it immediately.

However, after receiving Bai Jiaping's danger signal, they could only run out quickly, away from the battlefield.

"She didn't move underground!"

Bai Axiu pressed close to the ground, her fox ears moved slightly, but she couldn't hear Bai Xianyu's voice below.

On the side, Bai Jiaping commanded: "She can be invisible, and she has a stealthy step Gu, we have to be on guard against her climbing up from stealth, so your Autumn Water Gu can't stop urging!"


Bai Axiu nodded, and was about to speak, when she suddenly turned her head to look at the ground, and hurriedly said, "Wait, she moved? This, how could it be?"

After all, Bai Axiu looked at the ground in surprise, her eyes revealing disbelief.

"what happened?"

Bai Jiaping didn't care about saving his status anymore, and with doubts, he hurriedly activated Tide Gu.

Immediately, the six underground voices continued to sweep over.

"Six, six directions?"

Bai Jiaping frowned.

Soon, he understood what was going on.

I saw the ground shaking continuously, and the underground torrent as thick as six large water tanks shot out from the ground violently.

Accompanied by Bai Xianyu's wanton laughter.

These six underground torrents as thick as water tanks turned into six pythons and rushed towards Bai Jiaping and the others.

Bai Xianyu's ultimate move can actually draw groundwater to increase his strength.

Moreover, the transition between movement and stillness is too quick, like a poisonous snake preying on food.

"Have a frenzy!"

Bai Jiaping's eyes sharpened, he activated the Ice Dragon Gu and rushed towards him.

However, after the ice dragon collided with the two anacondas, the attack was stopped in an instant.

On Bai Xianyu's side, the remaining four anacondas rushed towards Bai Jiaping and the other with fierce murderous aura.

"How is this possible?"

Sensing the power of the ultimate move, Bai Jiaping's face changed in horror, and he ran away desperately while holding Bai Axiu.

Time won by virtue of space.

Bai Jiaping activated two more rounds of Ice Dragon Gu in succession, and only by activating Rank [-] Gu three times did Bai Xianyu break up all the anacondas.

At this time, the six scattered anacondas regrouped and turned into a water dragon that was even bigger than the ice dragon.

And Bai Xianyu.

Standing on the water dragon, with a murderous look on his face, without saying a word, he drove the water dragon and rushed directly.

There was a tendency to crush Bai Jiaping and Bai Axiu to death.


Bai Jiaping cursed angrily.

Instead of activating the Ice Dragon Gu, he directly used the Rank [-] killer move - Hidden Needle in Mianli.

Water is impermanent vs needles hidden in the cotton

A ferocious collision.

The two ultimate moves turned into two big rivers competing for currents and rushing against each other, colliding with each other, their power canceling each other out.

A large amount of water splashed and hit the ground, turning the battlefield into a wetland in an instant, and ice needles of different colors fell to the ground in disorder.

Looking at the ice needles on the ground, Bai Xianyu's complexion changed, and he said coldly to Bai Jiaping, "Is this a needle hidden in the cotton?"

Although Bai Jiaping's ultimate move was at the fourth rank, how could Bai Xianyu not recognize it!
This is his ultimate move, hiding a needle in the cotton.

It's just that because Sneak Attack Gu is only Rank [-] and Stream Gu is Rank [-], this ultimate move seems a little uncoordinated.

Seeing this killer move, although Bai Xianyu was surprised, she found it even more amused.You know, there is sneak attack Gu involved in this ultimate move.

Bai Xianyu looked at Bai Jiaping with sarcasm, and said tauntingly: "It seems that I am not the only one who is cruel. Bai Jiaping, you are an upright patriarch, don't you also refine demon Gu worms? You and I are the same, and there is What qualifications stand on the commanding heights of morality and say that I am refining demonic Gu worms?"

At this moment, Bai Xianyu was no longer thinking about how she was discovered.

This is his unique killer move.

Bai Jiaping can master his own unique ultimate move, knowing that he can refine the magic way Gu worm is nothing unusual.

After all, there are too many Gu worms with different functions in this world.

It's not surprising that Bai Jiaping knows his every move.

Bai Xianyu thought of a Gu that could achieve this effect.

This Gu worm is Territory Gu.

In Southern Border, generally medium and large cottages will plant Territory Gu.Those who master Territory Gu will be able to know everything that happens in the territory.Although Baijiazhai does not have Territory Gu, it is estimated that there are Gu insects with similar effects to Territory Gu.

Bai Jiaping was not embarrassed when he saw that his methods were being thwarted by Bai Xianyu. He smiled cheekily and said cheekily: "Joke, this is obviously the bottom-selling method of this Baijiazhai. Don't talk nonsense, you crazy girl." language."

On the side, Bai Axiu also said: "Hmph, Bai Xianyu, don't try to use your clever tongue to sow discord."

"Do you think the patriarch would be as bloodthirsty as you? It's just a killer move. Don't think that you are the only one who can create a killer move. My Baijiazhai has been passed down to this day. What's so strange about having one or two bottom-of-the-box killer moves? !"

"Hehe!" Bai Xianyu smiled lightly, and said indifferently, "You can do whatever you want!"

"However, for the sake of master and apprentice. I just want to remind you that if you use my ultimate move against me, you will regret it! Because, although this ultimate move has changed, I have kept its shortcomings. Clearly."

Apart from this point, Bai Xianyu didn't say anything else.

That is, Bai Xianyu, a needle hidden in Mianli, has not been updated for a long time.

This ultimate move was deduced by Bai Xianyu several months ago.

At that time, Bai Xianyu didn't even have the Qixiang wine worm, and his cultivation was only at the beginning level of rank three.

Insufficient true energy, if there are too many Rank [-] Gu worms that make up the killing move, it will not be able to activate too many times.

Therefore, the core Gu of this ultimate move is just stream Gu.The power is stronger than Rank [-] Gu, not very powerful.

The rare thing is that compared to Rank [-] Gu, Mianli Zangzhen has more stealth characteristics and can ignore defense.

However, as the saying goes, one generation after another, one generation after another.Zangzhen in Mianli could no longer keep up with Bai Xianyu's growth rate.Although Bai Jiaping copied his ultimate move and upgraded it to rank four, it was not enough for Bai Xianyu.

"Hehehehe, it's useless to talk too much!"

I saw Bai Jiaping smiled after hearing Bai Xianyu's words. He looked at Bai Xianyu with a sure chance of winning, and said, "My dear apprentice, although you have rank four combat power, you are still too young. You can't be me opponent! Today, let me teach you the last lesson!"

"Hahahaha!" Bai Xianyu was amused, and said with a smile: "Since you kindly reminded you that you didn't listen, then I will kill you directly!"

After all, Bai Xianyu brazenly launched the water impermanence.

I saw the water on the ground gathering rapidly.

Transformed into a water dragon twice as big as an ice dragon.

Feeling the power of the water dragon, Bai Xianyu laughed arrogantly, and said unscrupulously: "Teacher, I would like to remind you one last thing, you should hurry up and use other means to please me to your heart's content! Because my ultimate move can absorb the power of the needle hidden in the cotton. able."

After all, Bai Xianyu launched the water dragon brazenly and ran towards Bai Jiaping.

But at this moment, Bai Jiaping conceived a tricky smile on the corner of his mouth, and directly activated a certain Gu in the aperture.

Immediately, the Stream Gu died.

Bai Xianyu was backlashed by the killing move.

A mouthful of blood spewed out, his face was like gold paper, and he fell to the ground with a breath of air.

"This, this is?"

Bai Xianyu spit out these three words with all his strength.

I just feel that the injury on my body is too serious.

It was as heavy as if it was going to die.

The natal Gu died, and the ultimate move was added to counterattack.

Double damage stacks together.

If it weren't for Bai Xianyu's perennial battles in the projection battlefield, he might not even have the last strength.

Bai Jiaping looked at the unwilling Bai Xianyu and sighed quietly, "Xianyu, you don't have to be so unwilling! Every time the Baijiazhai produces a stream Gu, it is marked with the family's unique water source Gu. As long as the water source Gu The waterway Gu worms that have been marked by Gu can easily cause them to self-destruct. If you use the stream Gu as your natal Gu to deal with it, you are doomed to lose."

"I see. Hehehehe!"

Bai Xianyu smiled sadly.

I'm so unhappy!
Unexpectedly, he was defeated by this inexplicable reason.

It's really not reconciled.

Since I was reincarnated into this world, I never dared to relax for a moment, even if I got a cheat, I didn't dare to slack off, I worked hard to improve myself all the time, and even decided to embark on the road of magic in order to become stronger.

Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, he would be defeated by this inexplicable reason.

It's really not reconciled.

"Are you not convinced?" Bai Jiaping looked at Bai Xianyu with complicated eyes, and said, "Hehe, indeed, you, Bai Xianyu, are peerless in talent and elegance. You can even be said to be the most talented person I have ever seen. You are defeated Given it to me, I am naturally very unconvinced."

"However, why can you be so crazy, why can you think that your efforts alone can defeat the thousands of years of accumulation of my Baijiazhai ancestors."

Hearing Bai Jiaping's words, Bai Xianyu couldn't help but fell silent.But thinking of his previous life again, he somehow felt that this kind of words seemed familiar.


Although he felt that this made sense, Bai Xianyu was still very unwilling.

Why can't my own efforts surpass the accumulation of thousands of years in Baijiazhai?

Why do some people have a higher starting point than mine when they are born?

Thinking of this, Bai Xianyu felt very dissatisfied.

I am very dissatisfied!
However, even if Bai Xianyu refused to accept it, he could still feel his consciousness dissipating.

Dissipated, kept dissipating, consciousness seemed to be pulled away from the brain.

I thought.

In the face of failure, I can calmly say that the morning is like a blue silk and the evening is snow like an old devil, whether it is right or wrong, success or failure is empty.

But after all, I am still so unwilling!

It seems that my weekly program stopped here.

It is really a pity that the information of this life is not passed on to the next life, what a pity!

next week.

Next week, I should leave alone in this caravan.

However, next week's goal I will face the reincarnated old devil.

It is really too difficult to snatch resources from the old devil.

However, no matter what, you have to work hard, me next week!
(End of this chapter)

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