The art of controlling the house

Chapter 532 Repayment of Debt

Chapter 532 Repayment of Debt

Zhang Yu also knew that the communication monitoring was very powerful these days, and the Public Security Department often used this trick. Even if he went to the Commercial Administration Department, he was targeted.

Therefore, this kind of thing must be cautious.

"Okay, then go to my house." Ye Yao said directly as if she understood.

"OK." Zhang Yu agreed.

After hanging up the phone, he searched for the mountain road and continued down the mountain.

The way down the mountain was still difficult, and Zhang Yu finally came to the foot of the mountain.When he arrived, Wen Ruoxian was already waiting for him.

Zhang Yu got into the car and talked to Ms. Wen perfunctorily, only saying that it must be more than 4 kilometers, and it is estimated that it will be five or six kilometers, and his legs were broken.

And everyone knows that with such a mountainous situation, if ordinary people want to climb over the mountains, how can they be so fast.Zhang Yu's ability to turn over in this way is considered to be extremely fast.

Wen Ruoxian rolled his eyes at him, and said, "Driving in these shoes, I'm exhausted... Now you're still the driver..."

"No problem..." Zhang Yu smiled.


In a small forest that Zhang Yu had passed through before, there was a young man in a camouflage uniform sitting on a big tree.

The young man had been staring at Zhang Yu all the time. After Zhang Yu left and could no longer see his shadow, he took out a mobile phone from his pocket and dialed a number.

The phone was connected, and a middle-aged voice came from inside, "Qingzi? What's the matter?"

"Boss, a young man came over just now, it seems to be the man named Zhang Yu you mentioned last night." The young man said.

"He came here... Did you find anything..." the middle-aged man asked.

"I don't know if I found it, but this guy looks like he's talking... holding a compass in his hand... He had already looked in front of the cave, then left, and then came back to look for a while , and then went up the mountain again..." said the young man.

"Holding a mean, this kid is a bit skilled..." said the middle-aged man.

"I'm not sure about just seems...quite weird..." the young man said.

"Are you sure that this person is the Zhang Yu I told you about last night?" the middle-aged man asked again.

"It seems to be..." said the young man.

"What is it like?" The middle-aged man said angrily.

"Yes... Yes, there are more than [-]% similar..." Youth Day stammered.

"Okay, I see." The middle-aged man said.


Wunan City Office, Deputy Chief's Office.

Ulahan sat in the office, drinking tea and looking at the documents as usual.

"Ring Ling Ling..."

Suddenly, the phone in his drawer rang.

On his desk, there are two mobile phones in total. The mobile phone in the drawer is relatively private.

Ulahan opened the drawer, took out his mobile phone and glanced at it. It was the phone number of his younger brother Ulaxu.

Ulahan answered immediately and said, "Hello, third child?"

"Brother, there is something wrong." Wu Laxu said.

"What's the matter?" Ulahan asked.

"Didn't you ask me to send someone to watch Nanmen Mountain? The people at the entrance of the cave just sent news that Zhang Yu has gone." Wu Laxu said.

"Zhang Yu...has he found out..." Ulahan said.

"It's hard to say... The people below said that Zhang Yu was holding a compass in his hand. He passed it once... and then turned back... stayed at the entrance of the cave for a while, and then walked up the mountain... Is there any If they haven't found it, no one can tell..." Wu Laxu said.

"I don't know..." Ulahan pondered and said, "Then what do you think... what should I do..."

"God knows if this kid has discovered anything... But, it seems to be a bit magical... From this point of view, he dared... to take over the project of Haimen Mountain... I guess he has some... some ideas..." Wu Laxu stammered. .

"Everything is about to be settled, but this kid just came out..." Ulahan gritted his teeth, and then made no sound, as if he was thinking about something.

After about half a minute, Ulahan said: "As far as I know, this kid doesn't seem to have anything to do with Fei Linjia... So, prepare your manpower and lay in ambush near the entrance of the cave... If you find that kid, go there and kill him immediately." ...Of course, watch me carefully too... If Fei Linjia is also going, don't move..."

"Understood..." Wulaxu immediately agreed.


In a villa in the suburbs.

This is the place where Zhang Yu treated Ye Yao.

After Zhang Yu and Wen Ruoxian left Nanmen Mountain, he first sent Wen Ruoxian to the parking place, and then rushed here.

I still remember the first time I came here, I was only accompanied by Shu Qing, and I didn't see two people.But this time, there are several bodyguards in the courtyard, full of ostentation.

The bodyguard let Zhang Yu's car in, accompanied him to the large living room of the big villa, and then told Zhang Yu that Mr. Ye was in the reception room on the left side of the second floor and did not go up with Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu came to the second floor alone, and saw Ye Yao in a room with an open door on the left.

Ye Yao still had her head crossed, wearing a long white dress and white high-heeled shoes, a bit like trying to be pretty and filial piety.

The two sat opposite each other, there was no water on the tea table, only Ye Yao's pack of cigarettes.

Zhang Yu lit a cigarette, anyway, Ye Yao didn't speak, and he didn't speak, just looked at Ye Yao with a smile.

"Mr. Zhang, you said you found an interesting place and you want to talk to me face to face. What kind of place is this?" Ye Yao spoke first.

It is an experience of Zhang Yuxue not to directly introduce the topic.Especially after getting in touch with Fei Linjia, Zhang Yu faintly realized that this was a manifestation of his status.

Of course, it is also a reflection of which side is more urgent.

When Zhang Yu saw Ye Yao, he was already prepared, and he would never speak first.

"I think there is an ancient tomb in this place. I don't know what it looks like inside. So, I want to make a deal with Mr. Ye." Zhang Yu said with a smile.

"What kind of deal?" Ye Yao asked.

"Mr. Guan Ye borrowed a large sum of money before, and agreed to do three things for Mr. Ye. I wondered if I could use this ancient tomb to pay off the debt... At that time, I don't want anything in it. Mr. Ye only needs It's enough to help me complete those two projects..." Zhang Yu said with a smile.

"That's it..." Ye Yao also smiled, and said, "I'm afraid it's hard to say..."

"Why is it hard to say?" Zhang Yu smiled.

"At least you have to see how much the things inside are worth... You also know how much money you have to spend on the two projects you took over... If you can't even earn back the capital, isn't it good... "Ye Yao said, smiling at Zhang Yu.

"I understand this... I also understand whether things are worth money... If it is not worth the investment in the project, let's talk about it. If it is worth it, follow what I said..." Zhang Yu said confidently.

Regarding the value of antiques, although Zhang Yu dare not say that he knows how to do it.But Zhang Yu already knew the authenticity and age of the antiques well.

Therefore, he dares to say such things to Ye Yao now.

"Okay... If Zhenru can repay the debt, then let's make a deal..." Ye Yao said without hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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