Chapter 533 Ambush
It's night, eleven o'clock in the evening.

Zhang Yu and Ye Yao came to Nanmen Mountain together.

Naturally, it was impossible for Ye Yao to come here alone, with more than 30 men accompanying her.Some of these people held shovels and picks in their hands, and some held guns. They looked like a well-trained team.

Zhang Yu was already aware of Ye Yao's situation and didn't care.On the contrary, he was still a little excited, wondering what kind of ancient tomb would be on this mountain.

These people went up the mountain together, and when they came during the day, Zhang Yu had already memorized the location.He has a strong sense of direction, even at night, he can still find the place with ease.

Under Zhang Yu's guidance, they walked through the grove all the way to the steep mountain wall.Under the mountain wall is the small soil slope.

Zhang Yu stretched out his hand and said, "This small slope is very strange... I think there must be something strange under it..."

"It seems that there is indeed something wrong." Ye Yao stretched out her hand and said, "Dig it out and see."


Immediately, a man agreed to go up first with a pickaxe, and other men with pickaxes and shovels followed, and the big guys started digging the slope together.

After digging for only a few seconds, there was a sudden "chug chug" gunshot from the surrounding area.

"Ah..." "Ah..." "Ah..." "Ah..." "I'm dead..."...

Ye Yao's subordinates were shot and fell to the ground one after another. The rest of them were startled first, and then looked for cover.Ye Yao couldn't stop shouting: "Withdraw! Withdraw!"

Zhang Yu had never seen this scene before, so he hurried back to the woods, and together with Ye Yao, shrank behind a big tree.

"Pudg..." "Bang bang..."...

Outside the woods, there were still loud gunshots.Can't help it, even bullets fell on a few trees in the forest.

"Ah... ah..." "Yeah..." "I was shot..." "I died..."...Ye Yao's subordinates uttered screams one after another.

Seeing this, Zhang Yu quickly showed two divine amulets, one was pasted on his body, and the other was directly stuffed into Ye Yao's neckline.

Ye Yao already showed panic on her face, Zhang Yu's move made her startled for a moment, and then she calmed down immediately.She stared at Zhang Yu and said, "What's going on? Are you partnering with someone to harm me!"

Zhang Yu hurriedly explained: "How is this possible... I don't know who the other party is..."

"Pudg..." "Bang bang..." "Pud..."...

At this moment, although most of Ye Yao's men were lost, the rest of them also shot back after finding cover.

However, the vantage points were obviously occupied by ambushing people, even if Ye Yao's men opened fire, they didn't seem to hit any targets.The only consolation is that because they have guns on their side, the opponent can only fire from behind the bunker, and the two sides become a stalemate for a while.

"You don't know? If you don't know, how could someone be ambushing here?" Ye Yao gritted her teeth and said.

It seems that she is also very angry.

Zhang Yu said aggrievedly: "I really don't know... Think about it, if I really want to harm you, can I still put a god's amulet on you... Besides, I really want to do something now, but you also want to do something. Can't stop..."

"I can't stop it... Can those people outside stop it... If you are so capable, you should take out the ambush first..." Ye Yao said angrily.

Her words immediately reminded Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu immediately said: "Okay, look at mine..."

After saying this, he glanced around, and there were sparks from bullets everywhere, and there was no one in sight.

Zhang Yu naturally wouldn't leave the bunker, even if there was a god to play the talisman, he couldn't be so desperate.

With a move of his consciousness, he cast the Celestial Eye Technique.

A golden eye appeared above Zhang Yu's head.

He then adjusted the angle, condescendingly looking down at everything around him.Soon, he was able to discover that there were four black shadows shooting at the four big trees around the grove.

On the left and right sides under the front mountain wall, there are black shadows lurking behind the stones, shooting.Even, on their way, there are dark shadows lurking.Looking at the number of opponents, there can be three to 40 people, all of whom use submachine guns.

Good guy!
This is the first time Zhang Yu has seen such a battle.In the past, at best, it could only appear in the movie screen.

At this moment, I have gained a lot of knowledge.Similarly, he also wondered that he was provoking someone, and there were still so many people ambushing here.Obviously, this is to want their lives.

"Nimmabo! If you don't show any color to you, you don't know how many eyes Lord Ma has."

Zhang Yu cursed in his heart, and with a thought, the money sword woven with 36 gold five baht appeared in his hand.

He immediately urged the money sword, and shot towards a black shadow on the tree.

It has to be said that under the control of Tianyan, the money sword is like a homing missile, and it goes straight to the head of that black shadow.



In an instant, Soi Ying's head was smashed to pieces, and the person also fell down and fell to the ground.

Zhang Yu was overjoyed, and without stopping, he used the money sword to shoot at the black shadow on another tree.



This black shadow also looked normal, its head was smashed and the person fell to the ground.

One after another, Zhang Yu dealt with all four shadows in one go.

"Made! How dare you ambush me...don't ask I easy to provoke..." Zhang Yu was quite proud.

Although gunshots continued to ring out in the grove, Ye Yao could still hear the sound of the corpse falling to the ground.Ye Yao looked at Zhang Yu and could fully realize that these were all written by this young man.

What is this?
Flying sword?
Zhang Yu still didn't stop, he solved the four on the tree, and he aimed at the people who were ambushing behind the woods.There were fourteen people in ambush here, some were hiding behind trees, some were hiding behind stones, and some were hiding in bushes.

It can be said that if Zhang Yu and the others dare to return the same way, they will inevitably be ambushed by them.

Zhang Yu set them as the second group of targets and manipulated the money sword to move there.



This time, a black shadow under the tree had his head smashed.But before the man died, he let out a scream.

"Tug..." "Tug..."... The people outside the forest on the back side, as soon as they found that their companions had been killed, regardless of whether they saw the figure or not, they immediately pulled the trigger and started shooting.

This is nothing more than useless work, Zhang Yu continued to manipulate the money sword, as if harvesting, and shot towards the shadows one by one.

"Ah..." "What is this..." "Ah..." "I'm dead..."... After a while, another eight black shadows lost their lives.

The remaining five people obviously found the problem.And this money sword is not something they can deal with at all.

"There is a ghost!" "Run!"...these people yelled, but they didn't dare to stay, they turned around and ran down the mountain.

How could Zhang Yu let them run away, just urge the money sword to pursue.

He has the eyes of the sky, like a tracker, how could these people outrun the money sword.

"Pfft!" "Pfft!" "Pfft!" "Pfft!" "Pfft!"

Soon, all five were brought down.

(End of this chapter)

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