Chapter 534 Cave
"Tutu..." "Tu..." "Tu..."...

In the dark in front of the woods, the black shadows kept shooting into the woods with their submachine guns, fast and slow, and they seemed to be very organized.

However, in their ears, the screams of their companions behind the woods, as well as some strange sounds, have already sounded.

At this time, they unconsciously stopped pulling the trigger and looked towards the direction of the woods.

Soon, those who were lying in ambush on the left saw a sword woven from copper coins coming abruptly from the forest.Seeing this, someone hurriedly shot at the money sword.

"Tutuchu..." "Tuchu..."


The bullet hit the money sword, making the sound of gold and iron clanging, and also set off brilliant sparks.

The money sword didn't fall because of this, let alone stop, but rushed towards a man in black at a faster speed.


The brain of the man in black was blown out by the money sword.

The corpse fell to the ground on the spot, and the money sword was suspended in the air, ready to kill for the second time.

"Run!" "There is a ghost!" "Run!"... The men in black shouted loudly after seeing this scene.

They didn't dare to stay any longer, and jumped out of the bunker one after another, preparing to flee for their lives.

All of this, Zhang Yu, who used his heavenly eyes, could naturally see clearly.

How could Zhang Yu let these people run away like this.With a thought in his mind, the money sword instantly dispersed into 36 copper coins, and scattered towards these men in black.

"Ah..." "Yeah..." "Ouch..."...

A group of men in black were hit by scattered copper coins, some were hit to the vitals and died directly, some were not hit to the vitals, but fell to the ground in pain.

The men in black who were ambushing on the right at this moment naturally saw the situation of their companions on the opposite side.

They were all stunned by the scene in front of them, and there was no need for anyone to order them to run away, they all shouted, "Run!" "Fuck!" "My God, what is this!" "Run! "...

These people jumped out of the bunker one after another and ran away.

Zhang Yu in the woods chuckled, turned his palm over, and held a money sword woven from 108 copper coins in his hand.

With a thought in his mind, the money sword flew out and went straight to the men in black who were running away on the right side.When the money sword was about to reach the top of these people's heads, it immediately dispersed and turned into copper coins one after another, shooting at these people like shooting stars chasing the moon.

"Shhhhhh..." "Shhhhhh..."

"Puff puff!"……

"Ah..." "Ah..." "Yeah..." "Yeah..."...

One by one, the men in black were hit by copper coins and fell to the ground, making painful noises from their mouths.

Ye Yao has been hiding by Zhang Yu's side, observing everything around her by the way.

Seeing that Zhang Yu used the money sword to beat out the ambushing people, and even beat the people upside down, how could she miss this kind of opportunity.

Ye Yao immediately shouted loudly: "Rush out and kill them! Remember, keep two alive!"

"Come on!"...

Although there are not many Ye Yao's subordinates left, there are still ten of them.They rushed out of the woods with submachine guns in a swarm, and fired wildly at the left and right sides.

"Tutuchu..." "Tuchu..."

I don't know if he was suppressed just now, or he was cruel, or he wanted to avenge his dead companions.They were unceremonious to the fallen man in black, just "chug" to death.

Of course, on the battlefield, there is only cruelty, not kindness.After all, kindness to the enemy is cruelty to oneself.The opponent has a gun in his hand, but he is not unarmed. Even if Ye Yao said to keep alive, it depends on the situation.

"Ah..." "Ah..." "Ah..." "Ah..." "I'm dead..." "Take care of my seventh uncle..."...

After a relentless shooting, the men in black didn't move, and Ye Yao's men started to clean up the scene to check if anyone was panting.

Soon, they found a man in black who was still alive, but this guy was shot three times, so even if he wanted to live, it would probably be enough.

"Here's a live one!" shouted a man.

Ye Yao and Zhang Yu walked out after the gunfire stopped.Zhang Yu collected the two money swords with his heart, and then put them into the Zangzhen ring.But he is still using his eyes to check the surrounding situation, looking for anyone alive.

After observing for a while, but didn't see a living creature, he closed his eyes.

He and Ye Yao came to the seriously injured man in black, Ye Yao lowered her head and said coldly, "Who are you?"

"Uh..." The man in black opened his mouth, and there was blood in his mouth. He glanced at Ye Yao and Zhang Yu with resentment, and said, "You are dead..."

Then just close your eyes.

But it can be seen that he is not dead, but he just doesn't want to say it.

"We are going to die, it depends on whether you die in front or I die in front." Ye Yao said lightly, turned to look at the man, and said: "Call for help, put all the corpses here Get rid of it."

"Yes." The man nodded in agreement, then took out his mobile phone, made a call, and called for reinforcements.

Ye Yao strolled to the slope, and Zhang Yu followed.Ye Yao looked at Tupo, smiled lightly, and said, "It seems that this place is really interesting..."

"It's really interesting..." Zhang Yu said so, but he was extremely suspicious in his heart.

He really didn't understand who would be ambushing here.

"Come and dig this place!" Ye Yao ordered.

Six men came over immediately, picked up the picks and shovels on the ground, and started digging.

The soil slope is not small, and the six men dug for a long time, from front to back, until they reached the mountain wall.

On the mountain wall, what is exposed is not a stone wall, but large stones.

"Boss... there is something weird here..."

The men stopped and looked at Ye Yao.

"It seems that someone has dug up here... Move the stone away..." Ye Yao said.

"Uh... just us... I'm afraid..." A man looked at the exposed big rock with a look of embarrassment.

With a few of them, it's not a joke to want to move all these big rocks away.There must be at least a dozen more people.

"I'll help you." Zhang Yu said directly.

He walked to the stone pile and was the first to move the big stone.

Zhang Yu's current strength is extremely great, far superior to ordinary people, he can move a block by himself, and fight with several people.

When the men saw this, they were all startled, and they were even wondering whether the stone might just look heavy, but actually not too heavy.

They worked together, only to find that six people can lift a stone.For a moment, they couldn't help but be amazed by this kid, what kind of power this must be.

Of course, for this, Ye Yao was not surprised at all.

When Zhang Yu and the six men removed all the stones together, a cave that could be three meters high was revealed.The cave is very deep, and with the light of the flashlight, the end cannot be seen at a glance.

At this time, Ye Yao's reinforcements arrived, there could be thirty people.It is not difficult to confirm that Ye Yao's strength is really strong, and there are many people under her command.

Ye Yao ordered the people who came after to clean up the battlefield and clean up all the corpses so that they would not be seen.Afterwards, greeted Zhang Yu and four of his men, and entered the cave together.

(End of this chapter)

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