Chapter 613
The treatment of the three of Ulahan is obviously not as good as that of Zhang Yu.

When Zhang Yu came to see Concubine Linjia, the chief executive always went to sit with Zhang Yu on the sofa.When facing these three, Fei Linjia sat behind the desk without moving her butt.

After Catherine poured tea and left, Fei Linjia said, "Deputy Chief, what do you want from me?"

"It's about the arsenal..." Ulahan looked at Ula Zongcai and said, "I'll report what happened to the chief soon..."

"Yes, father." Wula Zongcai looked at Fei Linjia and said politely: "Chief, you actually came to our arsenal without authorization..."

Immediately, he told him exactly what Ye Jun reported to him.

After he finished speaking, Ulahan added: "Chief, the search warrant signed at the beginning was only for him to check the accounts to make sure there was no shortage of arms in the arsenal and to prove the innocence of the arsenal. What the police team is doing now is simply lawless , and ask the chief to preside over justice."

"There is such a thing..." Fei Linjia groaned, followed by looking at the clock hanging on the wall, and said, "It's late now, and I'm about to get off work. I don't think it's better to ask Cao Dahua to arrive early tomorrow morning." The Commissioner’s Office will come and explain in person.”

"Tomorrow morning!" Ula Zongcai yelled immediately.

"What?" Fei Linjia's phoenix eyes swept away, emitting a sharp cold light.

Seeing Fei Linjia's eyes, Ula Zongcai couldn't help being startled, and quickly lowered his head, not daring to look at Fei Linjia.

Ulahan hurriedly said: "Chief, don't get angry. Zong Cai's voice is indeed a little louder. Zong Cai, hurry up and apologize to the chief."

"Chief, I'm sorry." Wula Zongcai said with his head down.

"It's nothing. Well, if there is nothing else, you can go back first. Come back tomorrow morning." Fei Linjia said.

"Chief, Cao Dahua is rampant and lawless in the arsenal. Let him come back tomorrow, isn't it... a little too late..." Ulahan said.

"What time is it? It's time to get off work in a while. The arsenal is not close to the government office. When Cao Dahua rushes over from the arsenal, what time will it be?" Fei Linjia said.

"It's a little late...but...the situation is urgent...there are so many prisoners in the arsenal...don't let anything serious happen..." Ulahan said.

"My stomach is not very good, and I have to eat on time every day. I can't say, let me wait for him here for two or three hours. Then, I will go back to eat first. You should also do your work first. When Cao Dahua comes back, Meet directly at my official residence."

"Okay." Ulahan said immediately.

After all, it is unrealistic for Cao Dahua to appear in the chief's office immediately. Fei Linjia is already saving face, so let's wait for someone to come back.

Fei Linjia picked up the office phone on the table again and asked Catherine to notify Cao Dahua to come to her mansion.


Wunan Cultural Palace.

The host venue of Wunan Guqin Cultural Festival.

The cultural festival officially started at [-]:[-] p.m., and by [-]:[-] p.m., the auditorium was almost filled.

When it's six o'clock, the host will first explain the Guqin culture.Of course, I can't talk too much, the focus is on the guqin competition.

According to the rules of the conference, each contestant will play a piece of music on stage, and as for the sequence, it will be determined by drawing lots.Then, there will be expert judges present to score.At the end, the highest score and the highest score are removed, and the remaining scores are added together, which is the player's actual score.

Generally speaking, at the beginning, the judges have always been more cautious and will not give particularly high marks.Therefore, the first player to appear will inevitably suffer a bit.

However, the rules are determined by lottery. Whoever goes first and who goes last depends on luck.

Xiao Yueying, Chu Yunzhu and other contestants were waiting nervously in the background.It can be said that no one wants to be drawn out first.

Now, the host draws lots by hand. There are a total of 20 people in the contestants. Everyone's name is written on a note, and the note is placed in the ball.The suits on the balls are the same so that it is impossible to tell who is who.

The host took out a small ball, unscrewed it, and read: "The first contestant on stage is... Liu Mingliang..."

The contestants in the backstage all brought their own pianos. After the host read in front, they could hear it backstage. A staff member immediately came to a boy and asked him to come on stage.

Most of the Guqin players are girls, and there are relatively few boys, but there are also three boys among the players who signed up.Of course, there is a famous saying in the industry, regardless of the number of men, the level is very high.

When the contestants take the stage, there will also be an introduction about Liu Mingliang, a student of the Guqin Department of Wunan Conservatory of Music, on the big screen on the stage.

Liu Mingliang set up the guqin and started playing after the host reported the repertoire.

Needless to say, this guy's level is really good, and all the judges in the audience nodded repeatedly, even the contestants in the backstage secretly nodded in praise.

Xiao Yueying has been participating in piano competitions before, and this is her first time participating in guqin competitions.Originally, he thought that his opponent was only Chu Yunzhu, but now it seems that this is not the case at all.

With Liu Mingliang's level alone, Xiao Yueying felt that she might not be sure of winning.

After a while, the sound of the piano stopped, and there was warm applause from the audience.

Then, it was time for the judges to score.The host will read out each judge's score, so the backstage can also hear it.But, in fact, just listen to the total score.

The host finally shouted: "Liu Mingliang's final score is 93 points!"

There are 12 hosts in total. After removing the highest score and the lowest score, they still got 93 points. It can be seen that Liu Mingliang got at least 4 full marks.

Liu Mingliang on the stage returned to the backstage to sit down again. After everyone congratulated, they began to nervously wait for the front desk to draw lots.

Soon, the host's voice sounded, "The second player to play on stage is...Xiao Yueying..."

Upon hearing this voice, Xiao Yueying's heart skipped a beat, she never thought that she would be so close to the front.

The staff came to ask Xiao Yueying to come on stage, but Xiao Yueying could only bite the bullet and walked towards the front desk.

On the big screen, Xiao Yueying also started to be introduced.For Xiao Yueying's introduction, she is completely from playing the piano. Guqin is a hobby, but she hopes to improve herself through competitions.

When she came to the stage, Xiao Yueying couldn't help but glance at the audience first, she was looking for her father and Zhang Yu.

The tickets were set by Xiao Yueying, and it was almost the best position, No. 15 and No. 16 in the fifth row.

At this moment, Xiao Yueying could see that her father Xiao Zhendao was sitting on seat number 15.And the position at number 16 was actually empty.

Seeing this, Xiao Yueying couldn't help feeling disappointed, "He, why didn't he come... Didn't he promise to come..."

Xiao Yueying was a little dazed, and stood there without moving.

According to the previous arrangement, the contestants don't need to say anything after they come to the stage, just take the piano and sit in their seats.

The host saw Xiao Yueying not moving, and hurriedly said: "Welcome Miss Xiao Yueying to the stage, please sit here now."

(End of this chapter)

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