The art of controlling the house

Chapter 614 Where are you?

Chapter 614 Where are you?

After listening to the host's words, Xiao Yueying finally came to her senses. She hugged Qin and came to the seat and sat down.

At this moment, her heart was extremely tense, as if she had no confidence at all, and her original self-confidence disappeared.

"What about people... Zhang Yuren... why hasn't he come yet... he can't forget it... definitely can't... then what's going on... Could it be that he has something to do...even if there is something, I This is also a big deal, and it was agreed before..."

Xiao Yueying's heart was agitated, and it had been announced on the stage that Xiao Yueying was going to play the song - "Si Niang".

There was no way, Xiao Yueying's hand was slowly placed on the strings.In fact, she has already played this piece proficiently, but right now she forgot how to play it.

At this moment, there were crowds of people in the audience, and a young man was walking towards the front row from behind.

Seeing the young man approaching, Xiao Yueying couldn't help but cheer up, the person who appeared in sight was none other than Zhang Yu.

She seemed to have found the melody right away, stroking the strings with her fingers, and the melodious music followed.

"Siniang" is a sad song, expressing children's longing for their mother.

During her playing, the scene was completely silent.

But in the background, there is already a lot of discussion.

"Xiao Yueying is majoring in piano, right? How can she play the guqin so well?" "Who said no, it's incredible." "Didn't you just introduce that her guqin is just a hobby. This... what is this?" Hobbies, obviously have more than ten years of experience..." "Chu Yunzhu, you are all from the Music Department of Wunan University, have you ever seen her play the guqin..." "No. In my impression, she has never played the guqin .” “I haven’t played it before…” “Impossible…”…

These people discussed at first, but after a while, they all quieted down.Some people's faces showed sadness unconsciously, and some people even shed tears silently.

Not to mention those who know the rhythm, even some of the audience at the scene, some of them were unconsciously saddened and shed inexplicable tears.

A piece of "Si Niang" was finally played.

Unlike before when Liu Mingliang finished playing, there was no intense applause at the scene, and it was still silent.

After a while, there was applause from the audience, followed by even more enthusiastic applause.

"Papa..." "Papa..." "Papa..."...

The applause stopped after a long time, and the host came to the stage and said: "What a song "Si Niang", I can't help but think of my old mother in my hometown. Miss Xiao Yueying's guqin is so wonderful, it doesn't look like It's an amateur..."

He sighed with emotion, and then asked the judges at the scene to score.


After the judges score, the calculation will be carried out on the spot, and the highest score of 10 points will be removed, and the lowest score of 9 points will be removed.

Soon, Xiao Yueying's final score - 96 points - appeared on the big screen.

"96 points! Xiao Yueying's final score is 96 points!" The host shouted loudly.

Xiao Yueying also stood up, bowed to the audience, and then retreated holding the guqin.

Backstage, all the contestants congratulated Xiao Yueying one after another. Although they were opponents, they were sincere.

The competition did not continue immediately, and the stage began to introduce Guqin culture and talk about some allusions.This is the arrangement of the conference. After every two contestants have played, such a section will be inserted.

After all, it is a Guqin cultural festival, and it cannot be all competitions.After the interlude of guqin culture was finished, lots were drawn again, and players were selected to play on stage.

Zhang Yu was sitting under the stage, his position was next to Xiao Zhendao, when they met, he just nodded his head, and when Xiao Yueying's song finished playing, Xiao Zhendao was already in tears.

At this time, Zhang Yu was even more inconvenient to say anything.But in his opinion, since Xiao Zhendao shed tears, it meant that Xiao Yueying had succeeded.

It's just about the matter of Xiao Zhendao bringing a woman home, Zhang Yu is really inconvenient to participate too much.He only hoped that Xiao Zhendao and Xiao Yueying's father and daughter could clear up their past suspicions and the family would be happy.

As for other things, he can't worry about it.

The reason why I came a bit late was mainly because the arsenal was too far away, and when I returned to the city, it happened to catch up with the evening rush hour, which was called a traffic jam.Being able to come before Xiao Yueying played was already the fastest.

The contestants came on stage one by one. I don't know if it was because Xiao Yueying was too good. Six consecutive contestants didn't get high scores after playing. The highest score was only 91 points.


The leadership compound of the Office, the official residence of Chief Concubine Linjia.

It was already eight o'clock in the evening, and Cao Dahua, Lu Huaxun, Wulahan and Wulazongcai all came here.

Fei Linjia asked them to talk in the reception room upstairs, that is, in front of Fei Linjia, otherwise, Ula Zongcai would definitely yell at them.Even so, Ula Zongcai also stared at Cao Dahua viciously, and said in a calm tone: "Captain Cao, what do you mean by the military police team? Why do you search the personnel department of the military factory, and what right do you have to arrest people without authorization!"

Cao Dahua didn't look at him at all, but looked at Fei Linjia, and said calmly, "Chief, I'm handling the case with a search warrant from the office. Asking questions to determine whether the daily production amount is the same as recorded in the account book. But... the arsenal did not cooperate at all, saying that we can only look at the account book and cannot ask questions... Is there such a thing..."

In the end, Cao Dahua looked innocent.

Fei Linjia nodded and said, "That's right, even though it's an account check, you can't just look at the account books, it's within the reasonable range to ask routine questions. Why didn't the arsenal cooperate?"

"We...we didn't cooperate..." Wula Zongcai obviously didn't expect that Cao Dahua came up and beat him up first.He looked at Cao Dahua angrily, and said, "Cao Dahua, don't talk nonsense! Besides, if you want someone to ask questions, just ask. What do you mean by arresting people from the personnel department? What do you mean by searching the personnel department? This has nothing to do with you." What's the point of asking someone to ask?"

"Of course it has something to do with it! Because you didn't cooperate with me to ask someone to question me, I was blinded in the arsenal, and I didn't know who was who. What should I do? Files, looking for relevant personnel. For example, the people in the production workshop and the warehouse, and then ask yourself. No, the people in your personnel department don’t cooperate with our work at all. We are a police team. If they don’t cooperate, doesn’t it mean Obstructing official duties. Since it is obstructing official duties, according to the law, is there any problem for my people to arrest them?" Cao Dahua said without showing any weakness.

"I told them that if you want to check things that are not in the ledger, you have to get the nod from me, the factory manager. I think the people in the factory should have told you about this. Why don't you come to me?" Ula Zong Cai said with widened eyes.

"Where are you?" Cao Dahua asked back.

(End of this chapter)

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