From janitor to actor

Chapter 1 Dreams Come True

Chapter 1 Dreams Come True
Bixing, the central city of Yezhou, Meijing City.

Monday, November 3th.

At the back door of Meijing Academy of Film and Television Arts, a well-known film and television university in the whole continent, an old gatekeeper is dozing off.

The campus patrol car creaked and stopped in front of the guard room.

"Li Laifu, why are you sleeping during working hours again? How many times is this the first time this month? Even if you have three months to retire, you still have to stand on the last shift!"

A middle-aged man in his forties got out of the car and knocked on the glass to teach him a lesson.

The concierge was woken up, and after seeing the person, he nodded in disappointment and said, "Understood, pay attention next time."

The man with the back of the head saw that his attitude of admitting his mistake was quite sincere, and he didn't bother to care about it any more, so he beckoned the driver to continue patrolling.

Li Laifu, who was woken up, sighed, his thoughts surging.

Although he is now a concierge who is about to retire, his core is a 24-year-old time traveler.

In the original world, his name is Ren Shuai, and he is an ordinary 997 office worker. He fell asleep during overtime work one day, and when he woke up, he found that he had become a janitor.

When he came, he took advantage of the opportunity to obtain the memory of the uncle.

This uncle named Li Laifu had dreamed of becoming a movie star since he was a child, but his fate was so unfortunate that he finally came to the place closest to his dream and became a concierge.

And the place he passed through, although it looked the same as his previous life, was a completely different world.

The world here is unified, divided into five continents, each continent is autonomous, the world is peaceful, and the entertainment industry is developing rapidly, reaching the level of national entertainment.

It's been a month, and Ren Shuai still doesn't quite believe what happened to him.

Although I have made countless wishes, hoping to live a happy retirement life immediately, I never thought that my wish would come true so quickly and suddenly.

Seeing that it was only three months before retirement, Ren Shuai felt empty, lonely, and bored all over his body.

"I'm just sleeping. Why do I travel through time? Forget about time travel. Why is it the concierge? Forget about the uncle. It doesn't count for the uncle. It's your uncle."

Handsome Ren stood up grunting, pointing at the ceiling and cursing.

The reason why he dozed off every day was that he hoped that he was just dreaming, and when he woke up, he could return to being an ordinary office worker.

However, every time he wakes up from the dream, he sees the same face—Gao Dagui, the captain of the security team.

He wanted to slap that flat face every time he looked at it, thinking that I was the one who recruited you into the security team back then, but now as a small captain, I just hold a chicken feather as an arrow, bah.

Ren Shuai thought deeply, and suddenly felt that he had accepted Li Laifu's identity.

too frightening.

The only advantage of traveling to become Li Laifu was sitting in the guard's room every day, watching the beauties coming in and out of the entrance of the film and television academy.

And around each beautiful woman, surrounded by two or three flower protectors.

Ren Shuai looked at himself in the mirror, although he could vaguely see the handsomeness of his youth, but the tempering of the years still left a lot of vicissitudes on this face.

I have just stepped into society, and I am about to retire...

He sighed unwillingly.

Regret for my once youthful and frivolous.

So I made a wish again, if I can do it all over again, I will work hard and never expect to live a boring life of pensions and square dancing.


The moment he made his wish, a pleasant voice sounded.

[Congratulations to the host, the activation conditions have been met, do you want to activate the actor training system? 】

Ren Shuai burst into tears, this heavenly voice, counting from the first day of crossing, has been looking forward to... for many days.

"Turn on!"

Following his order, the dream interface appeared in his mind.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo touching."

Ren Shuai was in tears, carefully looking at the system interface.

Name: Ren Shuai/Li Laifu

Occupation: Concierge

Achievements: none
props: none
Skills: none

Recognition degree: 0
System functions: shopping mall, lucky turntable

There are no achievements, props and skills, and I don't know what is the use of this system?

Ren Shuai muttered, and then checked the system functions, and found that the lucky wheel was gray, and only the mall button was lit.

Enter the mall to view.

The entire panel is clean and uncluttered, with only one red package flashing.

[Ding, the mall is successfully opened, and a gift package will be rewarded for newbies]

Ren Shuai's eyes lit up, and with excitement, he opened the red beginner's gift bag with trembling hands, no, with his mind.

The novice gift pack is open.

[Ding, get three Charm Cards, which can increase your personal charm after use, valid for 1 day]

[Ding, get a makeup card, after use, you can get the effect of makeup and hair styling, and the time limit is 15 hours]

Ren Shuai looked at the two item cards and couldn't help but want to try them out.

However, according to the number of rewards, it can be inferred that the value of the two cards should increase sequentially.

Makeup cards are definitely more precious and need to be used with caution.

He opened the personal property page again to view it.

Name: Ren Shuai/Li Laifu

Occupation: Concierge

Achievements: none
Props: Charm Card*3, Makeup Card*1
Skills: none

Recognition degree: 0
System functions: shopping mall, lucky turntable

Ren Shuai thought to himself, since he has nothing to do anyway, he might as well try the effect of the Charm Card.

"Use a charm card."

With his thoughts, the white charm card shone and then disappeared.

Ren Shuai suddenly felt an invisible aura lingering around him.

He turned to look in the mirror.

This... Although it doesn't seem to have changed, it can't help but make people feel good. What's going on?

I feel good about myself...

This is narcissism.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for using the Charm Card, your personal charm has increased]

This is more than just an increase in charm, it should be a skyrocketing price, right?

Ren Shuai was very satisfied with the effect of the charm card.

With this system, the needle does not poke.

Ren Shuai turned off the system, thinking about how to try his own charm.

Looking at the time, it was [-]:[-] in the afternoon, when it was time to get sleepy, I needed to go out and stretch my muscles and bones to drive away the sleepiness.

Although Uncle Li Laifu failed to become a movie star, he has always demanded himself with high standards, his body is well managed, and daily exercise in the morning, noon and evening is essential.

At this time, in the square of the Film Academy, a thin, dark-skinned middle-aged man was on the phone.

"Director Zhang, I'm looking for it, but it's really difficult, I..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the voice on the other end of the phone: "It's not difficult, you still need to find it, anyway, you must find me a suitable person tomorrow!"

The black and thin middle-aged man showed helplessness, and continued to complain: "But the funds are too tight, and there is no time..."

His words were interrupted again, and the other side of the phone seemed very impatient: "That's your business, remember, you must not delay tomorrow's shooting!"

After finishing speaking, the phone was quickly hung up, not giving the middle-aged Hei Shou a chance to speak again.

"Uh, I..."

The black and thin middle-aged man looked at the phone with a sad expression, choking back all the words that came to his lips.

He couldn't help cursing and said, "The crew is tight on budget, so it's hard for me, an assistant director, to spend that little money, and still want to invite an old actor back, what a dream!"

The black and thin middle-aged man's name is Liu Xiaobao, and he is the assistant director of the crew of "Nine Lives and Nine Worlds", their crew will have a big show tomorrow, and the show will be a gathering of heroes from the fairy world, and the heroine will shine under the protection of her ancestors. plot.

Unfortunately, the actor who played the role of the ancestor suddenly encountered a car accident the day before yesterday and is still being treated in the hospital.

The actor is a veteran actor, so he acted as a friend.

The role of this old fairy has a respected status in the play. Although he only shows his face in one scene, he must have the temperament of a fairy.

If you pull a group of performers at will, the temperament can't keep up, not only can't hold the stage, but also destroy the credibility of the plot.

"Nine Lives and Nine Worlds, My Heart is Your Heart" is a big production, and it is committed to creating a benchmark for fairy tales. The actors, service, and special effects must be refined, so the funds are burned very quickly.

The actors were temporarily unable to act, and the budget was tight, so the crew suddenly couldn't find anyone to save the scene, so Liu Xiaobao was sent to the Film Academy to try his luck.

Liu Xiaobao had nothing to do either, he used all the contacts he could, but the time was too tight, and there were a lot of film appointments for veteran actors, so it was impossible to find someone to save the scene.

Most importantly, the pay he can give is extremely low.

Later, he found several teachers from the Film Academy, but they all arranged their homework and couldn't get away.


Liu Xiaobao felt that he might have to change jobs.

He walked out of the school melancholy.

Under the shade of a tree near the school gate, Ren Shuai stretched his muscles and began to practice fitness boxing.

Although Ren Shuai didn't have the habit of exercising in his previous life, Uncle Li Laifu's body has inertia, and he feels uncomfortable if he doesn't exercise for a day.

So he continued the habit of Uncle Li Laifu.

Liu Xiaobao, who was passing by, suddenly stopped and stared straight at Ren Shuai, his eyes sparkling.

This old man is full of immortal energy, with a unique temperament, as if sent to him from heaven.

Gotta take a chance!
"Master, hello, excuse me."

Liu Xiaobao showed what he thought was a friendly and warm smile.

Ren Shuai stopped punching and saw a man with a strange smile approaching, couldn't help but took two steps back.

"Why?" Ren Shuai asked warily.

Liu Xiaobao continued to smile, and said, "Master, I am the director of the crew of "Nine Lives and Nine Worlds, My Heart Is Your Heart". Seeing that you have such an extraordinary temperament, you are very suitable for the role of an old fairy in the play. I would like to invite you to appear in our TV series."

After hearing this, Ren Shuai sneered in his heart, thinking of me as a gullible old man, right...

Just by looking at this smile, I know you have bad intentions!


[Ding, the task is triggered, playing the role of the old fairy, rewarding a random skill]

The sneer in Ren Shuai's heart froze.

No, it actually triggered a system task...

It's not a liar!

"it is good."

Ren Shuai decisively agreed.

Liu Xiaobao was taken aback for a moment, all the words he planned to persuade were choked back.

This, this agrees?
So crisp.

"Master, we are short on time. We will start filming tomorrow morning. The filming location is No. [-] film and television base. Is it okay?" Liu Xiaobao asked tentatively.

"No problem." Ren Shuai said cheerfully.

Since it is the first task of the system, of course it must be done well.

 New book for collection~
(End of this chapter)

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