From janitor to actor

Chapter 2 Charm Full Score

Chapter 2 Charm Full Score
Liu Xiaobao felt that he was lucky, and he couldn't stop it. This is really a savior from heaven!
The uncle not only has the right temperament, figure, and appearance, but also has a straightforward personality and is not sloppy at all.

The goodwill in my heart soared.

"Then let's set off now, it may be 10 o'clock in the evening." Liu Xiaobao said enthusiastically.

Just as Ren Shuai was about to nod his head, he suddenly remembered that he still had his job, so he raised his hand and said, "Wait for a few minutes."

After finishing speaking, he quickly walked to the guard room and informed Gao Dagui to send someone to take over.

After 5 minutes, the familiar "creaking" sound of brakes sounded, Gao Dagui got out of the car aggressively, and went straight to the security room.

But it was empty.

Ren Shuai, who was watching under the shade of a tree in the distance, nodded, and then left with Liu Xiaobao in peace.

He is very responsible for his work.

Liu Xiaobao was puzzled the whole time, and didn't understand the purpose of the uncle's confusing behavior just now.

But he didn't dare to ask too much. Now that the actor has been found, other things are not important.

Both of them were in a hurry, one was eager to complete the work, the other was eager to complete the system tasks, and their actions were unprecedentedly unified.

Quickly rushed to the train station and took the fastest train to No. [-] film and television base.

On the way, Ren Shuai and Liu Xiaobao exchanged names, and Ren Shuai also introduced his situation. When Liu Xiaobao knew that he was actually the security guard of the Film and Television Academy, the expression on his face was wonderful.

Liu Xiaobao gradually lost his mind and couldn't help muttering to himself.

The security guard of the film and television academy should also be able to act, right?

Liu Xiaobao glanced at Ren Shuai quietly again, and found that the other party's temperament was solid, and he didn't look like a gatekeeper at all.

An old man over fifty years old, with a well-proportioned figure and a concise temperament, but still retains the vitality of youth in his eyes.

No matter how you look at it, it is unusual!
Liu Xiaobao began to diverge his thoughts, feeling that he might really meet the hermit master.

Ren Shuai, on the other hand, closed his eyes and began to check the system interface.

Name: Ren Shuai/Li Laifu

Occupation: Concierge

Achievements: none
Props: Charm Card*2, Makeup Card*1
Skills: none

Recognition degree: 1
System functions: shopping mall, lucky turntable

There seems to be some changes in the interface, the approval level has changed from 0 to 1, and I don't know why.

The big lucky wheel is still gray, and the mall button has turned gray since receiving the big gift package, but now it quietly lights up again.

Click to open the mall.

Driven by the idea, the mall interface unfolds.

Impressively, there are two items listed.

Charm Card: 100 approval

Makeup card: 300 recognition

However, the purchase buttons are all gray, obviously because Ren Shuai does not have enough recognition points to purchase these two items.

The moment he saw the price, Ren Shuai regretted that he used skill cards indiscriminately. He didn't know how to accumulate recognition, so he consumed a charm card worth 100 recognition.

Blood loss!
It is said that good steel should be used wisely. If you don't know how to accumulate recognition, you should use skill cards with caution.

But he thought about it again, Liu Xiaobao took a fancy to him and invited him to play the role, maybe it was the role played by the charm card.

This triggers the first system task, and when the task is completed, a skill can be obtained.

No loss!

He closed the interface contentedly, and took a nap on the way.

At 10 o'clock in the evening, Liu Xiaobao rushed to the set with Ren Shuai.

Because it is a fairy tale drama, there are many exterior scenes that need to be filmed, so the crew shoots exterior scenes during the day and interior scenes at night.

Although it was 10 o'clock in the evening, the lights were still brightly lit.

Liu Xiaobao wanted to introduce Ren Shuai to the director, but found that the filming was still going on, and he didn't dare to disturb him, so he took Ren Shuai to the dressing room to try on the makeup first.

"Ms. Li, you can try some makeup here first, and I'll call the director over." Liu Xiaobao said politely.

The name changed from the original uncle to Mr. Li because of the soaring favorability.

Ren Shuai nodded in agreement, and he also wanted to get into the state quickly so as to successfully complete the system tasks.

Although he has never been in contact with the actor industry in his previous life, he occasionally likes to watch a drama, which is considered interesting.

In addition, in this life, Uncle Li Laifu has been a fan of performing arts and has always been eager to become an actor, so Ren Shuai himself is still very happy to accept the system task.

The make-up artist is a young girl in her early 20s. Seeing Li Laifu's demeanor, she didn't dare to speak casually.

But the styling took at least an hour, the quiet atmosphere was a bit weird, and she felt an inexplicable sense of intimacy with Ren Shuai, so she took the initiative to say: "Mr. Li, it's really hard for you to come to try on clothes so late, You must be in a hurry, right?"

Ren Shuai sat on the chair, thinking that his role in this role would mostly depend on the bonus of the Charm Card, and the time limit was only until tomorrow afternoon, so he was really in a hurry.

Answered: "Yes."

The little girl thought for a while, and then asked: "Then you are usually busy with work, right?"

Comrade Li Laifu is the concierge of the Meijing Academy of Film and Television Arts. Although he only needs to sit in the room, he needs to keep an eye on the door. He doesn't even have time to play mobile games or watch videos. He is really busy.

Ren Shuai nodded slightly: "Yes."

The makeup artist girl was a bit at a loss, she really didn't know how to chat, and the questions she asked could always be answered simply, so she had to find something topical to talk about.

So she thought of the plot, and began to ask: "You are playing the role of the old fairy. I have read the original book, but it is one of the characters with the highest force value in the book. Only the evil old devil can touch it. What do you think?" Which of these two characters is stronger?"

The little girl was very satisfied with the topics she brought up, so that Teacher Li could chat about his understanding of the characters, and the atmosphere would not be so quiet.

This question really stumped Ren Shuai, he thought about it and answered truthfully: "I haven't seen it."

He just accepted the system task, so he agreed without knowing anything about the role he was about to play.

Liu Xiaobao didn't introduce him to him in the car, and he was too obsessed with the analysis system, so he forgot to ask.

Most importantly, both of them fell asleep in the car with peace of mind.

The little girl with makeup was embarrassed.

Didn't everyone say that the old actors are very dedicated? Why are you filming tomorrow and haven't read the script today?

Is this information about my own level, or is it a big one?

No, that's not what she should care about. What she cares about is that this issue has been left silent again.

Fortunately, when she was in trouble, Ren Shuai said thoughtfully: "The eyebrows are crooked."

"Ah, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, I'll fix it right away."

After finishing speaking, she didn't dare to think about talking, and concentrated on putting on her makeup.

The original one-hour makeup, the little girl finished in 40 minutes.

When the work was finished, she secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and now she had time to pay attention to the results of her makeup.

This, is this the effect I can draw?
The little girl looked at Ren Shuai in a daze, and in front of her eyes was a living old fairy!

The white toga, matched with white hair and eyebrows, not only reveals a sense of carefree, but also has an irresistible fairy spirit.

Most importantly, it's handsome!

 Ask for collection!

(End of this chapter)

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