Chapter 104
Ren Shuai thought hard, he lived a pretty good life since he was a child, and it is hard to hate or even resent anyone, this feeling is really not easy to grasp.

"Okay, the lunch break is over, everyone is in position, we are ready to start the machine!"

Chi Yi held a small horn and helped his teacher call everyone over.

This afternoon's scene is very important, and it can be regarded as the climax before the end of the TV series.

Although he can't direct this scene, he can learn a lot of things that he doesn't usually understand by following his teacher Zhi Yizhao.

The filming location of this scene is a small forest in the film and television city, where the pros and cons finally confront each other.

When Ren Shuai heard the greeting, he quickly got ready to take his seat, but he couldn't find the emotional fulcrum, and he was a little unsure about this performance.

Hearing the assistant's prompt, Shen Luxi also got out of the nanny's car, but her face was ugly at this time, and some kind of flame was burning in her eyes.

Obviously already in character early.

Ren Shuai felt a sense of crisis when he saw her like this.

It is necessary to get into the state quickly. Facing an emotional opponent actor, if he only relies on acting skills, it will appear that the performance has no soul.

Ren Shuai's thoughts changed.

When Zhi Yizhao saw that the actors were in place, he picked up the walkie-talkie and said, "Attention all departments, 3, 2, 1, switch on!"

The camera first scanned Shen Luxi, her eyes were firm, but there was a deep hatred hidden deep inside.

The camera continued to move forward, and Ren Shuai, who was standing opposite Shen Luxi, had complex expressions in his eyes, including hostility towards her, anger at being forced into a desperate situation by the other party, and unwillingness for what happened to him.

He finally found the emotional fulcrum one second before turning on the machine. With the support of his junior acting skills, he was full of emotions and his acting skills exploded.

Officer Diao, played by Ren Shuai, said sternly, "I didn't expect you to hide so deep, lurking inside us, and I didn't notice it. I have to admire your good methods."

Shen Luxi's heart was boiling with hatred, and the hatred in her eyes was about to overflow. She restrained her excitement, and said in a calm and forceful tone: "Consultant Diao, you have successfully hidden, but since I caught you out, today is your death day!"

After Shen Luxi finished speaking, she raised her gun without hesitation.

Staff Officer Diao had been prepared for a long time. When he saw her raising the gun, he immediately dodged and hid behind the tree.

At the same time, he also pulled out a small pistol from his back and shot in Shen Luxi's direction.

The heroine played by Shen Luxi is an all-round female agent who has received professional armed training, while the officer Diao played by Ren Shuai is just a person who is good at scheming and disguise, and can only be said to be barely qualified for marksmanship and martial arts.

Therefore, he could only cower behind a tree, waiting for Shen Luxi to approach.

But Ren Shuai's eyes shone with a strong desire to survive.

In the face of desperation, this scheming and calculating officer Diao remained calm, with a cold gleam in his eyes.

He reached into his bosom, took out a grenade, held the pull ring in his mouth, and pricked up his ears, listening carefully to the sound of Shen Luxi's footsteps on the fallen leaves.

"Sand, sand, sand"

Shen Luxi held the gun and approached step by step.

Ren Shuai's eyes flickered fiercely, and a ruthless intent came out.

Just as he was about to pull out the ring, the footsteps stopped abruptly.

Shen Luxi had a firm expression, bright eyes, and kept holding the gun, aiming at the tree trunk.

"bang bang bang bang"

A series of five bullets all hit the same spot on the trunk.

Staff Diao was terrified, subconsciously turned his head to look at the tree trunk covering his figure, and suddenly realized what Shen Luxi wanted to do.

However it was too late.


The last shot rang out, and the trunk was pierced by bullets, and along with the trunk, was the head of Staff Officer Diao.

His surprised eyes gradually lost focus, and his expression gradually lost.

With a "plop", he fell to the ground.

Before the grenade in his hand could be fired, Gululu rolled aside.


Zhi Yizhao immediately got up and applauded: "Okay, very good, this one you two performed really well."

Chi Yi, who was standing next to Zhi Yizhao, also applauded. In this scene, both of them performed almost perfectly.

As a bystander, he was completely brought into the situation by the two of them, and his mood kept fluctuating with the progress.

"One pass!" Zhi Yizhao made a final decision.

For a plot full of emotions and intense conflicts like this, it is best for actors to be able to go through it alone, otherwise it will be difficult to have such a strong explosive power.

As the so-called one-shot, and then decline, three and exhausted.

Shen Luxi let out a breath slowly, unable to calm down after a long time.

Ren Shuai, who was lying on the ground pretending to be a corpse, sat up slowly, recalling the performance just now, feeling a little complicated.

The emotional fulcrum he found is his hometown, the earth.

Assuming the role played by Shen Luxi as a stumbling block preventing him from returning to his hometown, his emotions immediately rose.

This chasing and fleeing scene is shot to the end. The bullet holes on the tree and Ren Shuai's headshot wound will all be in the form of post-production.

The advantage of this is that there is no need to stop and put on special effects costumes halfway through the filming, thus interrupting the emotions of the actors.

Both Ren Shuai and Shen Luxi slowed down, and then gradually separated from the emotions just now.

But Shen Luxi was still a little sad, and asked the director to rest for half an hour, and went to find a place where there was no one to relax.

Ren Shuai is fine, his mood rises and goes away quickly.

After the filming of this important scene, the rivalry scene between him and Shen Luxi was basically completed.

Only some individual close-ups of the two of them were left to be reshot.

After all this was done, it was time for Ren Shuai to leave the crew and return to his job.

Taking advantage of the rest time, Chi Yi turned on his phone, then smiled, and immediately approached Ren Shuai.

"Ms. Li, it's working, you see."

With that said, Chi Yi handed the phone to Ren Shuai.

Ren Shuai lowered his head and scanned the phone screen.

It was the entertainment news section, and the hot search headline read, "Actors don't memorize their lines, yet they are counted on the set?"

Immediately afterwards, the next trending search read, "Bring funds into the group, and surprise the zombie acting skills!"

The third line is marked in red and bold and reads, "Explosive, the number artist is actually the same person as the zombie acting department!"

The top three hot searches on the hot search list are all about Chao Kexin, which has obviously attracted a lot of attention.

Ren Shuai smiled slightly, this result was already in his expectation.

When he proposed to Chao Kexin that he should be the number one, Ren Shuai had already laid the groundwork.

At that time, what Ren Shuai thought was that as long as he could finish the filming along the way and the other party didn't offend him, he wouldn't take the initiative to find fault.

However, what Chao Kexin did clearly touched Ren Shuai's bottom line.

Then don't blame him for having a stress response.

But Chao Kexin's uncle is a producer, so naturally he couldn't offend him, so Ren Shuai seemed to have a good idea and taught Chi Yi the operation process.

In this way, the pressure of public opinion can be used to force Chao Kexin to leave the crew, and it is also possible to avoid confrontation with Chao Kexin.

Kill two birds with one stone.

 Ask for recommendation, ask for collection!


(End of this chapter)

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