Chapter 103

After several discussions, the filming continued.

Staff Diao, played by Ren Shuai, runs into Shen Luxi on various occasions, and uses all kinds of tricks to tease and tease her.

Shen Luxi's small instinctive reaction got the approval of the director, thinking that her performance was very natural.

Only she knew in her heart that these reactions were not performances at all, they could only be said to be acting in her true colors.

Although Mrs. Li has a mustache and looks like a conspirator, but in close-up scenes, her focus is on her eyes.

Shen Luxi can feel that Teacher Li's eyes are very powerful, as if there is a young boy living in his heart, with a strong curiosity and desire for knowledge.

Although this feeling is somewhat contradictory to the external image, it enhances the charm of Mr. Li himself, making him look rich and three-dimensional.

And after several contacts, Shen Luxi feels more and more that there is an interesting soul living in Teacher Li, who is not as restrained or old-fashioned as other elderly people.

Shen Luxi found that she often easily overlooked Teacher Li's age.

Therefore, in some close contact scenes, she always has some inner fluctuations, and she can't restrain her blushing and heartbeat.

In this state, although there is no problem in filming the scene in the morning, there will be a strong conflict between the two in the scene in the afternoon.

If she doesn't adjust in time, she feels that she can't perform well at all.

In the plot, the hatred between her and Staff Diao can be said to be irreconcilable.

Officer Diao not only killed her partner, but also planned to kill two of her colleagues. Even Shen Luxi herself almost died at his hands several times.

Against this background, after Shen Luxi learned of Diao's real identity, her strong hatred was absolutely palpable.

Fortunately, it's lunch break now, and there is still an hour before the machine will start up in the afternoon, so she can calm down and find out how she feels.

So Shen Luxi did not have lunch with Ren Shuai at noon today. She needs to accumulate some hostile emotions, and it is best to avoid contact with Ren Shuai for the time being.

While Ren Shuai was eating his boxed lunch, he swiped his phone to update the chapters of the novel.

As soon as he logged into the author system, Ren Shuai saw two more reminders from the system.

"Congratulations to the writer, your work has received the attention of the editor. If you have any intention to sign a contract, please contact Jingying, the editor in charge."

About an hour after this entry, there was an additional reminder.

"Congratulations to the author, your work has received high attention from the editors, please contact Blame Jingying as soon as possible, after signing the contract, the platform will help promote your work so that your work can get more attention."

Ren Shuai felt a breath of urgency.

At this time, in the office at the starting line, the cute girl Jing Ying paced back and forth, glancing at her friend's reminders every now and then.

She really couldn't sit still.

In the morning, she found that in the message section of the work "Cycle and Beginning", there were several messages about attracting people and adding friends on rival platforms. Although they were cleaned up in time, those messages were always posted persistently.

Even if she blocked several accounts, she still couldn't stop it.

Obviously, among the editors who scanned the article online, several people have paid attention to this work and want to poach the author from the starting line platform.

How could Jing Ying sit idly by, so she resolutely sent another reminder message, inviting the author to sign a contract.

Later, the editors of their next-door team on the same platform also saw this work, and found that Jing Ying had sent a signing reminder, so they reluctantly gave up.

However, their platform stipulates that if the writer does not add an editor's friend within three days after receiving the signing reminder, then other editors can send the signing invitation again.

Jing Ying was in a hurry, so she simply added another message, urging the author to add her as a friend as soon as possible.

Ren Shuai sighed silently as he looked at the invitation to contact Santiao.

He is not opposed to earning royalties after signing the contract, but Naihe's work has only fifty chapters, and he can't even meet the requirements for listing.

Ren Shuai didn't plan to sign the contract unless he got the contents of the whole book, after all, no reader could accept eunuchs.

Ren Shuai ignored the news of adding friends and directly updated another chapter.

Sitting in the office, Jing Ying was a bit lazy. Even though it was lunch break, she couldn't take a nap at ease. She couldn't even remember what she had for lunch.

She refreshed the interface mechanically, and suddenly found that the author had just updated a chapter.

Jing Ying immediately became excited, clicked on her chat software, and checked the friend application.

However, there was no wave in the friend application, and it was as quiet as a pool of stagnant water.

Since the author has updated the chapter, he must have logged into the author system, and since he has logged into the system, he must have seen the signing invitation.

However, this author is as immobile as a mountain, and has no intention of adding her as a friend at all.

What's going on?

Could it be that there are familiar editors who have communicated internally?
But Jing Ying didn't get any news. Obviously, no one in the editorial department had any prior communication with the author.

She really wanted to see who the author was, so she simply contacted him.

However, the information of non-contracted authors is confidential to the editor, unless she uses other means to contact colleagues in the technical department to help check.

But doing so is not in line with professionalism and also violates professional ethics.

After Ren Shuai posted the content, he called it a day and started preparing for the afternoon scene.

The afternoon is the highlight, which requires the tension and appeal of the lines. Ren Shuai feels that his acting skills are rudimentary, and it is a little difficult to perform.

The main reason is that the inner spirit is not enough. After all, he is not really a person with 60 years of life experience. It is still a bit difficult to show that kind of sophisticated feeling.

Ren Shuai has searched for some instructive courses on the Internet, but most of them are about acting skills. For some inner expressions, you still need to have a deep understanding of acting before you can appreciate them.

This requires understanding on the one hand, and accumulation of experience on the other.

Ren Shuai's current professional level is enough to support him in his daily performances, but if it's a plot with extreme emotional ups and downs or extremely rich inner drama, it's still a bit difficult for him to control it.

This is not a problem that can be solved in a short period of time, but Ren Shuai saw that the progress bar of the elementary acting skills is almost full, and he only needs to accumulate one or two more performances, and he will soon be promoted to the intermediate acting level.

Presumably, there will be new progress in the understanding of performance at that time.

What he's worried about now is the main scene that will start soon. Although it is mainly about chasing and fleeing, he needs to carefully grasp the hatred and vicious temperament in the only dialogue.

Shen Luxi was obviously also worried that this scene would not be performed well, and there was no road for the whole noon, so she hid in the nanny's car to brew her emotions.

Ren Shuai thought that his performance must not be worse than that of Shen Luxi, he needed to find an emotional fulcrum so that he could grasp that feeling of hatred.

 Today is a great day for elementary school students to start school!

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(End of this chapter)

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