Chapter 102
In the office of the starting line company, a cute-looking girl in a cartoon sweater is staring at the chat software.

She checks every now and then to see if there are any friend requests.

Last night, when she was reviewing a new book, she suddenly published a very interesting new book.

In this world, there are very few works that flow endlessly, and this one caught her attention immediately.

So she immediately sent a signing notice and waited for the author to take the initiative to contact her.

Although her editor's nickname is Jing Ying, she is actually a soft and cute girl, whose real name is Jing Ying.

During the three years as an editor, she occasionally discovered one or two works that were slightly popular, but none of them could explode.

It can be said that her work performance is mediocre.

This time, Jing Ying had a premonition that if she could successfully sign this author, it might be a milestone in her editing career.

This work has a bright future and great ideas.

Although it is only 6000 words, it is already full of expectations, and I really want to know the content behind it.

However, I don't know if the author didn't see it, or for some other reason, until now, she hasn't received a friend request.

Ordinary authors, seeing the editor actively requesting to sign a contract, will definitely add friends as soon as possible to communicate.

Jing Ying was very anxious, but could only wait passively.

Ren Shuai didn't know at this time that there was an editor girl waiting for him to contact.

He is concentrating on playing the villainous boss.

Today's scenes mainly include Diao's daily dialogue with the heroine, and the chase and escape scene with the heroine after he finally revealed his true identity.

In the morning, I mainly shot some scenes where Ren Shuai met the heroine occasionally when he played the role of Diao's staff officer.

During this period, Staff Diao also claimed to take advantage of the heroine.

After announcing the start-up, Ren Shuai entered the state, pretended to come out of the office, and met Shen Luxi in the corridor.

Shen Luxi lurks inside the enemy, and usually pretends to be very timid and fearful, and usually doesn't communicate well with people.

On the surface, Staff Diao is the director's dog-headed staff. He looks smart, but in fact he is a liar, and he likes to moles the female colleagues in the unit.

"Hey, isn't this Xiao Liu, are you busy today?" Ren Shuai smiled maliciously.

Shen Luxi was slightly taken aback, meeting Ren Shuai's burning gaze, her face flushed instantly.


Zhi Yizhao immediately stopped.

"Lu Xi, your expression is wrong. You should show a trace of disgust and cover it up." He raised his head and said.

Shen Luxi felt ashamed all of a sudden, she certainly knew what emotions the characters should have in their hearts and how to express them.

However, for some reason, her attention was immediately attracted by Teacher Li's eyes, especially those obviously provocative eyes, which made her blush and heartbeat.

The emotions I originally wanted to express were all messed up.

Shen Luxi thought to herself, her current performance, in the eyes of Mr. Li, is an ironclad proof that her acting skills are not good enough.

Every time I want to show my acting skills in front of Teacher Li, I always encounter Waterloo.

Shen Luxi was really regretful.

Now Teacher Li should think that she is a vase actor again, and it is even more difficult to ask Teacher Li for acting skills.

Seeing Shen Luxi's preoccupied look, Ren Shuai asked, "Is there something uncomfortable?"

Shen Luxi immediately returned to her senses, quickly waved her hands and said, "No, thank you Teacher Li for your concern, I just haven't found the status yet."

Zhi Yizhao said, "Lu Xi, do you want to stop and feel yourself?"

Shen Luxi thought for a while, and she knew that her problem was not with her feelings, but with too much focus on Teacher Li.

She took a deep breath and said slowly: "Director, don't bother, just try another shot."

"Okay, then come again."

The director turned on the phone again, and Ren Shuai still teased him frivolously.

Shen Luxi was prepared this time, trying to control her attention, avoiding Ren Shuai.

She showed a look of disgust, and quickly covered it up, forced a smile and said: "Fortunately, it's just a routine file arrangement, not too busy."

Ren Shuai frowned, took a step closer, lowered his head slightly and said, "Are you free tonight? I just got two movie tickets. Would you like to see the latest release of "Ups and Downs"?"

Sensing Ren Shuai's approaching breath, Shen Luxi didn't dare to look up at all, and lowered her head.


Zhi Yizhao stopped again.

"Xiao Shen, the first sentence is a bit out of order, but why is this sentence wrong?"

Shen Luxi felt that she was wronged, so she didn't dare to speak.

Zhi Yizhao said again: "Although you pretend to be a timid and shy person on the surface, you should still show subconscious disgust when faced with the provocation of someone like Staff Officer Diao, and take a few steps back to create a distance."

Shen Luxi took a peek at Ren Shuai with a little grievance, lamenting in her heart that she was not able to live up to her expectations, and her performance completely lost her usual level.

Ren Shuai happened to see Shen Luxi's gaze, and wondered if she looked at him like this, because she wanted to help smooth things over, and don't always let the director talk about her.

As a first-line actress, she was instructed by the director at the beginning of filming, and she probably lost face.

Ren Shuai understood that since Shen Luxi asked for help, he should also lend a helping hand.

So he said: "Director Zhi, I think Luxi's is not bad."

Shen Luxi was startled, and looked at Ren Shuai in surprise, not understanding why Teacher Li suddenly spoke for her.

Director Zhi Yizhao didn't understand either, and asked, "Mr. Li, what's your opinion?"

Ren Shuai rolled his eyes and said, "Since she was able to lurk in the enemy's organization without being noticed, she must have a very good camouflage skill."

Zhi Yizhao nodded in agreement, waiting for his next words.

Ren Shuai continued: "A successful agent must have undergone strict training. Even if it is a subconscious behavior, it cannot reveal her true heart. So her performance just now is fine, and it fits the character traits she pretended to have."

For an introverted, timid and shy girl, it would be difficult for her to show an obvious hostile attitude when facing a veteran like Staff Officer Diao.

At most, it's because of the disgust in his heart, but he accepts it, and is very passive to get rid of the entanglement.

After hearing this, Zhi Yizhao fell into deep thought.

After deliberating over the plot in his mind, he felt that what Mr. Li said seemed to make sense, but he didn't pay enough attention to the details and didn't think so deeply.

Zhi Yizhao nodded again and again, "You are right, but I didn't think about this detail."

Shen Luxi was almost dumbfounded listening to it.

It never occurred to her that her instinctive performance, which was completely out of the play, was approved by Mr. Li.

Even the director admitted that the performance just now fit the characteristics of the character.

Shen Luxi didn't know whether to cry or laugh, her heart was extremely contradictory, and she just felt that she was being hit right.

Ren Shuai was even more emotional than Shen Luxi, he just made up a nonsense reason simply to help Shen Luxi out of the siege.

Unexpectedly, Director Zhi Yizhao approved it.

It's really a crooked shot.

 Ask for recommendations, ask for monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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