Chapter 101
After Ren Shuai opened the system backpack, he saw that there was only one item inside.

The item name is "Chapter [-]".

Ren Shuai clicked to open to view.

""Chapter 1 of "Chapter [-]: Beginning without Reason""

When Ren Shuai saw the content, he knew it was a novel, but he didn't expect the system to reward him with a novel this time.

Ren Shuai was a little looking forward to what the novels produced by the system would be about.

With curiosity, he clicked on the content and began to read.

"Luo Xing is a waiter in a hotel in a scenic spot, his phone broke today and he needs to fix it.

It's low season and there are few tourists.

He sent the phone to a maintenance point one kilometer away and was told it would be fixed tomorrow.

Luo Xing walked back bored, without a mobile phone in his hand, and his heart was empty.

There are few pedestrians on the street, and most of the shops are closed.

He passed an exquisitely decorated red telephone booth and stopped suddenly.

Because the phone rang.

If Luo Xing remembers correctly, this phone booth is just a decoration for tourists to punch in and take pictures. Although there is a phone inside, it has no actual function.

"jingle bell, jingle bell"

At this time, the phone ringing continuously came from the phone booth.

Luo Xing was curious, walked over, and picked up the red phone.

He didn't make a sound. A woman's voice came from the other end of the phone. The tone was clear and sweet, but the tone was anxious.

"Find a place to hide, you only have 10 seconds, hurry up!"

After saying this, the phone was hung up.

Luo Xing looked at the red handset suspiciously, and hung it back to the main unit.

Is it a prank?
He frowned and looked at the line at the bottom of the phone.

There's just a thin black plastic tube, symbolizing a telephone line.

The plastic pipe turned a corner and was next to the phone booth bracket. Luo Xing reached over to try to see if the wire was really connected to the network.

But he just pulled it lightly, and the black plastic tube fell off.

Turns out it's just the bottom glued in there.

Luo Xing looked at the wires that he fiddled with, and he felt great doubts in his heart.

How could the phone ring with such a decorative line?
Before he could finish his thoughts, there was a loud bang on the street, followed by another bang, crackling, crackling, as dense as setting off firecrackers.

The next moment, he saw a man in a black hat holding a gun in his hand and shooting at pedestrians on the street.

Before he could smell the fragrance, he felt a huge pain in his chest, his eyes went dark and he lost consciousness. "

When Ren Shuai saw this, he was a little curious. From this point of view, the protagonist died as soon as he came up.

I don't know what will happen in the future, could it be that I have time-traveled like myself?
He continued to look down.

"Luo Xing had a nightmare, dreaming that he was beaten to death.

He woke up, gasping for breath.

He was horrified to find that he was still standing in the phone booth.

But there were no shooters on the street.

And he was holding a dislodged black plastic tube in his hand.

This is……

Before he could finish his thoughts, there was a familiar loud noise from the street.

He suddenly realized something, but it was too late to react, his chest hurt again, and then he lost consciousness.

Waking up for the second time, Luo Xing found himself still in the phone booth in despair.

But his hand wasn't holding the phone cord, it was about to reach for it.

Luo Xing immediately withdrew his hand, turned around and ran out.

Intensive gunshots came from behind, and the few remaining pedestrians on the street fell to the ground one after another.

Luo Xing only had time to run more than ten meters away when his back hurt and he lost consciousness.

He woke up again, unsurprisingly, still in the phone booth.

This time, his hand was on the receiver he had just hung up.

Time got a little bit longer.

Luo Xing was keenly aware of the change, turned around and ran away without thinking about anything.

This time he ran more than [-] meters, but still did not escape the fate of being shot in the back.

After waking up for the fourth time, Luo Xing was close to collapse, but he had no time to think.

If you want to survive, you must escape.

He looked at the phone receiver in his hand, didn't hang it on the host at all, let it hang down, turned around and ran again.

Thirty meters away, Luo Xing felt a familiar pain in his back, and his consciousness entered the darkness again. "

Ren Shuai was slightly surprised. This novel seemed to be a cyclical story, a bit like a TV series he had watched in his previous life.

But the protagonist of that TV series was killed by the bombing.

Ren Shuai couldn't restrain his curiosity, so he read it all at once.

But when he looked at it, he found that there was no follow-up.

At this moment, Ren Shuai focused on the words "fifty chapters" after the title of the book.

This system is not authentic.

He was actually only sent fifty chapters, and I still don't know if there is a follow-up update.

Ren Shuai read halfway through the novel, feeling like he couldn't get up and down, and Geng felt really uncomfortable in his heart.

However, the novel produced by this system is indeed wonderful, and the content is very attractive, which makes him feel like he can't stop.

Produced by the system, presumably this novel is not from this world, Ren Shuai can completely regard it as produced by himself.

Since this novel is so good-looking, it would be better to have fun alone than with others.

Ren Shuai made a selfless decision to share the content of the novel with book lovers.

He decisively downloaded an app called Starting Line, registered an author number, and started publishing novels.

Send 3000 words first, and wait for the review to pass before you can publish it publicly.

Ren Shuai also occasionally read novels in his previous life. He has some understanding of these processes, and he plans to publish two chapters a day.

Calculated in this way, it can be finished in about half a month.

After he released it, he began to eat with peace of mind.

After he finished his meal, he found that the published content had been approved.

So Ren Shuai happily published another 3000 words, making up two chapters a day.

After finishing these, Ren Shuai went to wash and rest with peace of mind.

The next day, Ren Shuai woke up early and found a notification on his phone.

"Congratulations, your work has been reviewed and has reached the signing standard. Please contact editor Jingying to sign the contract."

When Ren Shuai saw the news, he didn't take it seriously. After closing it, he washed up and set off for the set.

Today is his rivalry with Shen Luxi.

The director in charge of today's shooting is Zhi Yizhao, and Chi Yi, who wears a flowered turban, follows him, observing and learning while cooperating with auxiliary work.

Seeing Ren Shuai, Chi Yi greeted him with a smile, said hello, and then said in a low voice: "Mr. Li, I started preparations yesterday. If there is no accident, it will be effective today."

Ren Shuai laughed and said, "Xiaochi, I can't understand what you are talking about. Let's get ready to start shooting."

Chi Yi nodded with a smile.

Shen Luxi wore a self-cultivation uniform today, she looked slim, with a delicate face and big bright eyes, not only more glamorous, but also full of heroic spirit.

Seeing Ren Shuai taking his place, she immediately came over to say hello.

 Ask for recommendations, ask for monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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