From janitor to actor

Chapter 100 Spokesperson

Chapter 100 Spokesperson

Seeing that Ren Shuai was not in high spirits, Shen Luxi cut a long story short.

"My agent contacted me and said that Fenden Co. Niche would like you to endorse their classic suits."

Ren Shuai was stunned for a while, and it took him a long time to remember that Fendenko Nikki was the brand of suit he wore on the red carpet day.


According to Ren Shuai's knowledge, this kind of international first-line brand is very cautious in finding spokespersons, and has extremely strict standards for coffee positions, routes, and the character and style of spokespersons.

When he walked on the red carpet, with that outfit, absolutely no one would know who he was.

Besides, even if he knew, with him being a little-known actor, how could such a big brand find him as an endorsement.

Ren Shuai's first reaction was that Shen Luxi's manager had encountered a liar.

Shen Luxi smiled and said: "The suit you walked on the red carpet that day became popular, and even the classic suits from Fenden Co. Niqi's company during this period are all sold out, and the orders have been piled up until next year."

Seeing Ren Shuai's unbelievable expression, Shen Luxi continued: "Not only that, but the market value of their brand has been raised by 0.2 percentage points. Many successful people will ask for the suit from Fenden Co. Niqi Company when they see you on the red carpet. increase sales."

Ren Shuai was speechless, thinking that this was the legendary inadvertent insertion.

Shen Luxi said happily: "Faced with this situation, of course their company immediately invited you to be the spokesperson for the classic suit, but because you are rather mysterious, they can only contact my agent and ask her to convey it on your behalf.

Thanks to you, I was also invited to be the spokesperson for their new season womenswear, thanks to you. "

"You're welcome, you rely on your strength, congratulations."

Ren Shuai knew that the endorsement of such a big brand was not only expensive, but also an increase in the value of the actor.

He was naturally very excited, but without a makeup card, he didn't know if the makeup artist had the ability to make himself as handsome as the day he walked the red carpet.

"Mr. Li, you're welcome. It's definitely thanks to you that you won this endorsement."

Shen Luxi is obviously very happy to get this endorsement.

Ren Shuai didn't know how to become a spokesperson, so he asked, "When will the contract be signed?"

Shen Luxi immediately knew that it was the first time for Mr. Li to be a spokesperson and he was inexperienced.

However, there are very few endorsements by old artists. First, they are relatively noble, and second, they cherish their feathers. They are very cautious in choosing endorsement brands.

Shen Luxi smiled and said: "If you want to reach an endorsement agreement with Fenden Kou Niqi, you need to meet with the person in charge of their industry continent first. As for signing the contract, let the agent be in charge. I know you don't have an agent for the time being, so just Let my agent act as an agent for the time being."

Ren Shuai asked again: "When will I see them?"

Shen Luxi thought for a while and said: "There is no need to be too anxious about this, at the beginning of next year, Fenden Ko Niqi will hold a spring show.

At that time, all spokespersons and artists who intend to become spokespersons will be invited to participate, because most of the artists in the circle are busy, and the bosses of their companies are even busier.

Only when everyone vacates that period of time together can they have the opportunity to communicate face-to-face. After the big show is over, they will enter the process of signing the contract. "

Ren Shuai understood, so there are still more than two months to go, and then maybe he can get another makeup card, or directly exchange it with recognition.

This will neither affect my main task nor affect the money I get from endorsements.


Ren Shuai nodded happily.

Shen Luxi remembered one more thing and said: "By the way, the people at Fenden Kou Niqi still want to contact your fashion designer, hoping to purchase the design copyright of that suit."

Many question marks popped up in Ren Shuai's heart. The suit was supposed to be produced by Fendenko Nickey, so why did he have to buy the copyright from others.

Ren Shuai wondered, "What copyright?"

Shen Luxi smiled and said: "The designer of their company said that your dark flower suit was designed on the basis of a reprint of the classic model. Although the suit itself belongs to Fenden Co. Niche, the design inspiration should belong to your stylist. , they want to buy the design copyright of this suit and produce a suit with the same dark flower design."

Ren Shuai didn't know much about these things, and besides, there was no ghostly design inspiration for that suit.

You can't tell the designer of Fenden Ko Niqi to squeeze the clothes in the closet and wear them after pressing out the folds.

Ren Shuai waved his hand and said, "Don't bother, they can do whatever they want, the stylist doesn't mind at all."

Shen Luxi was puzzled online, thinking how could Teacher Li make decisions for others, it's not good to be so hasty.

Suddenly, an idea flashed in Shen Luxi's mind, and she asked in surprise, "Did you design that suit yourself?"

Ren Shuai nodded and said, "Well, it is."

The closet was squeezed like that by himself, and it was barely designed by him.

Little stars flickered in Shen Luxi's eyes, and she felt that Teacher Li was really a treasured senior, not only with excellent acting skills, but also with a strong sense of fashion, even the costumes were designed so well.

Ren Shuai was in a daze. He didn't expect that the outfit he made up on the spur of the moment would be highly recognized by the brand.

This made him wonder, what is fashion?
When Shen Luxi saw Teacher Li's calm and breezy appearance, her admiration in her heart became stronger, and she couldn't even restrain her inexplicable heartbeat.

what happened?

Shen Luxi's face gradually turned red, but her heartbeat couldn't calm down. Looking at Teacher Li who had taken off her mustache, she couldn't turn her eyes away.

Be sober, a senior like Mr. Li must have taken care of his family, maybe he even has a grandson.

No, Shen Luxi, what strange things are you thinking.

Shen Luxi's thoughts were flying wildly, and was finally interrupted by a soft cry.

"Lu Xi, the rest time is over, hurry back to the set." Her assistant reminded her from a distance.

Shen Luxi quickly regained consciousness, said "oh", forgot to say goodbye to Ren Shuai, and ran away in a hurry.

Ren Shuai was distracted just now and didn't notice Shen Luxi's expression, and he didn't care when he saw her being called away.

He thought happily in his heart that there would be a sky-high price endorsement waiting for him next spring.

But right now, it's better to go back and look at the rewards of the big carousel.

After returning to the hotel, Ren Shuai didn't even have time to eat, so he sat on a chair and opened the system interface.

Name: Ren Shuai/Li Laifu

Occupation: Concierge/Actor
Achievements: none
Props: Charm Card*3, Voice Card*1
Skills: Primary Acting (770/1000)
Recognition degree: 651
System functions: shopping mall, lucky wheel, backpack
Ren Shuai didn't even look closely at the changes in the specific data, and his attention was firmly locked on the "system function" column.

Behind the gray lucky wheel, a new function — backpack.

He decisively clicked on the backpack and opened it to check.

 Ask for recommendations, ask for monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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