From janitor to actor

Chapter 99 Darkness Chen Cang

Chapter 99 Darkness Chen Cang
Ren Shuai's shooting in the afternoon was basically normal.

Since Chao Kexin resumed his attributes, the filming progressed relatively quickly.

Chi Yi was filming with an attitude of completing the task. It was almost [-]:[-] in the afternoon, and there was only the last scene left.

This progress can be called rapid.

Everyone felt lucky not to be dragged by Chao Kexin to stay up all night.

"There is one last shot left, this scene should be filmed well, and we can call it a day." Chi Yi encouraged.

At this time, Chao Kexin said lazily: "Director, it's time for dinner. Let's take a rest before continuing."

Chi Yi was speechless. Seeing that there was still one last shot, he could call it a day after shooting, so why rest now?
Besides, Chao Kexin only needs to sit on a chair to count, so there is no need to be tired, even Mr. Li, who has been standing and filming, didn't cry tired.

After Chi Yi praised Mr. Li in his heart, he comforted him: "Try to finish it within 15 minutes, everyone stick to it."

Chao Kexin drooped his face, reluctantly said: "Okay then, hurry up."

After speaking, he twisted his neck and sat back on the chair.

Ren Shuai also felt a little tired after standing all afternoon, half leaning on the table, staring at Chao Kexin's chair.

Seeing Ren Shuai propped up on the table, Chao Kexin reminded: "Mr. Li, you have to stand up straight, otherwise the pictures won't look good."

Ren Shuai smiled and said, "It's time for you to stand up straight, and I'll take the chair."

Chao Kexin snorted softly, and was about to refute, when he suddenly heard Chi Yi reminding him loudly: "Chao Kexin, after finishing the first sentence, stand up immediately and give the seat to Teacher Li. Be respectful, remember ?"

Chao Kexin immediately asked back: "Why?"

Chi Yi was stunned by this question, and after a while he glanced back with weird eyes and said, "Why did you say, have you read the script? I don't know that the last scene is Staff Diao showing his identity. Did Director Wu obey what he said? "

Chao Kexin choked, only to realize that this was the scene where the plot was reversed.

When the two finally disagreed, Staff Diao revealed his true identity and strongly demanded that Director Wu obey the arrangement and obey the command.

In the face of the superior leaders, Director Wu could only obey his words and rely entirely on Staff Diao's dispatch.

Chao Kexin coughed lightly and said, "Didn't I get tired and confused after filming all afternoon? It's understandable that I can't remember the plot clearly."

If Chi Yi hadn't seen the last scene today, he would really have lost his temper.

He looked at the calm Ren Shuai again, thinking silently to learn from his seniors, without getting angry.

"Hurry up, start up!"

The camera focused on the two, and Chao Kexin raised his head and said, "One, two, three, four, five."

Ren Shuai was condescending, took out his ID from his arms, slapped it on the table and said, "I am the special commissioner sent by the bureau to inspect the work, and now I order you to obey my command in everything."

Chao Kexin looked at the ID, slowly stood up from the chair, casually raised his hand and gestured: "One, two, three, four, five."


Chi Yi angrily pulled off the flower turban, and scolded loudly: "Chao Kexin, I have reminded you to get up immediately, with a respectful attitude. What are you doing? Is there glue on your buttocks? Slowly, one by one!" To whom is Fu Ai showing her ignorance?"

Chao Kexin curled his lips and said, "Director, don't speak so harshly. I've been sitting all afternoon and my waist is stiff. I have to slow down when I get up."

Chi Yi really felt that he had reached his limit, he had endured the hot-eyed acting all afternoon, he really had enough.

"If you do this again, stop taking pictures!" Chi Yi said angrily.

Chao Kexin was upset, thinking that you are just a young director, if it weren't for the face of your teacher Zhi Yizhao, who would be willing to let you shoot.

Everyone saw that the two were deadlocked, and no one spoke first.

Chao Kexin's female agent hurried forward and pulled Chao Kexin aside to persuade her.

Chi Yi was full of anger. As a cutting-edge director, it was such a tragedy to film an actor of this level.

He glanced at Ren Shuai's calm expression, and couldn't help but stepped forward to ask for advice: "Ms. Li, how did you manage to be so calm? How can you endure such a rival actor?"

Of course Ren Shuai was also very upset. He could bear Chao Kexin's poor acting skills, but he couldn't bear his poor character.

He was just waiting for his chance.

Now's your chance.

Ren Shuai laughed and said, "A person like this is destined not to be able to earn a living as an actor. Even with his uncle's financial support, he can never expect to have any good development."

Chi Yi stroked his messy hair, smiled wryly and said, "I can't control whether he develops in the future, but what I'm filming right now is really uncomfortable. When I think of the many scenes with him in the future, I don't know what to do gone."

Ren Shuai asked, "What would you do if other actors were like him?"

Chi Yi immediately snorted and said, "Just such an actor, let him leave every minute, what else is there to do?"

Ren Shuai nodded slightly.

Seeing this, Chi Yi seemed to have understood something, but he didn't quite understand it, and asked, "But the investor is his uncle, how could he be taken away?"

"Even if the investor is his uncle, he won't want to lose money. As far as I know, the investment of this crew is not small." Ren Shuai laughed.

Chi Yi's eyes shone slightly, and he said in a low voice: "What good way do you have, as long as he gets rid of him, I will definitely be grateful."

Ren Shuai looked around and found that no one was paying attention to this side, so he began to give Chi Yi a trick in a low voice.

At this time, he looked as if he was possessed by the Diao staff officer, showing an old fox's smile, and he had already told Chi Yi a set of combos between his lips.

After Chi Yi listened, he looked enlightened, and he couldn't hide his admiration for Ren Shuai in his eyes.

Ren Shuai finally coughed softly, "Hold down."

Chi Yi nodded again and again, and returned to his monitor with a sense of comfort.

On Chao Kexin's side, the female manager kept calming his emotions and said, "Even if you have your uncle's support, don't make it too obvious. You have to cooperate with the performance, otherwise these people will slander you behind your back and affect your performance in the circle." The wind comment in here."

Chao Kexin nodded impatiently and said, "I told him to take a break before acting, but he has to continue filming."

The female manager nodded and said: "Director Chi is indeed a little too eager to catch up with the progress, but he is the director after all, so let's cooperate."

"Okay, got it."

Chao Kexin turned around and walked back to the shooting position.

The last shot was finally filmed with the director and Chao Kexin in silence.

Ren Shuai stretched his waist, took the lunch box and prepared to go back to the hotel.

It happened that Shen Luxi was also resting there, and when she saw Ren Shuai walking out of the studio, she immediately greeted him.

"Ms. Li, did the shooting go well this afternoon?"

Shen Luxi was a little apprehensive, thinking that with that guy Chao Kexin around, something might happen.

Ren Shuai smiled and nodded, "Our team is done."

"Come on, call it a day?" Shen Luxi said in surprise, "Didn't Chao Kexin go to shoot this afternoon?"

Ren Shuai waved his hand and said, "Although the filming was average, it ended successfully."

Shen Luxi worried: "He didn't change the script, did he?"

Ren Shuai shook his head and laughed inwardly, Chao Kexin was almost in trouble, let alone changing the script.

Only then did Shen Luxi feel relieved, thinking that as expected of Mr. Li, even an actor like Chao Kexin would not delay the progress of cooperation.

When will I reach the height of Teacher Li?

When shooting tomorrow, we must absorb a lot of nutrition from Mr. Li.

Shen Luxi withdrew her thoughts, suddenly remembered what her manager said in the afternoon, and said with a smile: "By the way, I have a good thing to congratulate you."

Ren Shuai was taken aback for a moment, with doubts on his face.

What a good thing, he just wants to go back to the hotel quickly to check the rewards of the big carousel.

 Ask for recommendations, ask for monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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