From janitor to actor

Chapter 106 The whole network boycotts

Chapter 106 The whole network boycotts
Chao Kexin looked confused, thinking that he ran out to hide for a day while taking a break, and even locked his mobile phone in the cabinet, how did his agent find him?
"What happened?"

With a calm face, he inserted an apple from the fruit plate and put it in his mouth to chew.

The female manager handed him the phone with a dark face and said, "Look for yourself!"

Chao Kexin took it, and the moment he saw the title, he sat up straight.

He quickly clicked in and found that there were already a long list of comments below.

"Long time to see you, it's the first time I've heard that reciting lines in a play can be counted, it's amazing!"

"How did this kind of rubbish get into the cast? The crew can tolerate it. The background is not small."

"I have reliable news that this person brought money into the team."

"It's not terrible to bring money into the group, what's scary is that you have no acting skills and no integrity with money, you really should get out of the showbiz."

"Money can turn ghosts around. It's a pity that these investors are brainless. We audiences will not buy the work of such a bad actor and wait to see him lose money."

"I'm curious who it is, is there anyone who can get human flesh?"

A bunch of complaints appeared one after another in the back, basically all about the professional ethics and acting skills of the actor diss.

Until an insider suddenly appeared, the comments were immediately blown up.

"Jimei guys, I have a friend who is in that crew. After seeing the trending search, he gossips with me. This person is an artist with the surname C. He played the opposite role in the crew, but it's a drag. The whole crew doesn't want to see him."

"What is C's surname, tell me clearly upstairs [eating melon expression]"

"As far as I know, there are a total of 15 film crews in the recent filming. There are only two actors whose surnames start with C, and one of them is a well-known old actor. After the exclusion, there is only one person left. gone."

"Don't be tricky upstairs, tell me quickly."

"Afraid of offending the capital and being silenced, I dare not say more. I can only reveal that the show is a spy movie and the heroine is an actress with the surname S."

When Chao Kexin saw this, he pushed the fruit plate into the water angrily.

This is also called not daring to say more, just report his ID number directly.

This is great, everyone immediately knew the identity of the artist, and Chao Kexin was the only one who agreed to all the conditions.

Since the comments were posted, the discussion has become more and more lively.

"I'll go, isn't this guy a hip-hop dancer? If he doesn't dance well, what kind of show should he run to?"

"I used to watch him on the show, and I would change the channel. He looked like he was dragging two to five to eighty thousand. It was so annoying. I didn't expect to go to the Huo Huo actor team."

"I don't object to crossing borders, but I don't even have the minimum professionalism. Reading the lines is actually counting, and it's not just counting one or two sentences, it's all, I'll knock!"

"As a voice actor, I said to Alexander, it would be terrible if I voiced this kind of person."

"With dubbing, this kind of expressionless person relies entirely on post-dubbing to support the stage. I really don't know if he is filming or the voice actor is filming."

"I sympathize with the later dubbing. After all, embroidering on toilet paper and embroidering on brocade cloth are completely different feelings."

The more Chao Kexin watched, the more angry he stood up from the hot spring and said, "It's such a big mess, what is the PR team doing, spending so much money to support them, are you just messing around?"

The agent rolled his eyes and said: "The public relations team has already started to operate, and all kinds of silence suppress news, but it seems that your opponent is operating, bought a bunch of trolls, and the netizens keep talking, and they can't be sealed. Hold on, I just want you to keep a low profile and avoid offending others, now you are caught by your competitors!"

Chao Kexin snorted and said, "It must be that someone in the production team can't understand me and waited for an opportunity to spread the news and try to discredit me."

The manager thought to himself, isn't this nonsense? No one in the crew is likely to be used to watching you. As for slander, the fact is so, there is nothing to slander.

If it wasn't for Qian's face, she wouldn't be bothered to take care of Chao Kexin.

"Now is not the time to discuss who released the news. The key point is how to calm down this incident, otherwise your reputation will be rotten, and you will never want to film again in the future."

Chao Kexin lowered his head, glanced at his phone again, and kept scrolling up the comments, wanting to know what the latest reviews had become.

"It's actually a drama about my goddess, but it's just such a virtue, and I resolutely resist it. Fans join me in calling for this kind of actor to be replaced!"

"The production team seems to have just started the production. Hurry up and replace this kind of actor, otherwise we will definitely not watch it!"

"I'm a fan of the original book, and I dare to reverse this kind of bad acting skills. If you want to eat ass, get out of the crew!"

"Resolutely boycott, change actors!"

"When the audience is a fool, we don't buy it. As long as he acts, I won't watch it!"

"The crew hastened to change actors!"

"Kick out the crew!"

"Get out of showbiz!"


Chao Kexin was furious, these netizens dared to scold him like this!


With a low growl, he threw the phone into the hot spring angrily.

"Hey! That's my phone!" The manager yelled.

Chao Kexin snorted dissatisfied: "Isn't it just a mobile phone? I'll give you a better one later. What's annoying is that group of ignorant netizens are so easily caught up in the rhythm and want me to get out of the film crew and out of the showbiz. !"

The agent said unhappily: "My mobile phone is in contact with the public relations team, trying to find a way to help you suppress public opinion, this is good."

She spread her hands, but she didn't panic anymore. At worst, she would change to another artist in the future. She had already had enough of someone like Chao Kexin.

He also said that netizens were being tempted, what did you do yourself, do you have no idea?
Wanting to be a leading role without acting skills, being a leading role but not reciting words, not knowing how to restrain oneself without being caught by words, making publicity everywhere, deserves bad luck.

On the other side, Ren Shuai had finished taking off his makeup and planned to go back to the hotel to pack his luggage.

Shen Luxi had just finished filming, and her mood returned to normal. When she saw him, she took the initiative to greet him and said, "Mr. Li, I haven't congratulated you yet on finishing the filming."

Ren Shuai smiled and said, "You're welcome, the performance in the afternoon was pretty good."

Shen Luxi felt elated in her heart, and finally got the praise of Teacher Li, but she just hoped that she would not act in such a scene of mutual hatred with Teacher Li in the future.

Seeing that she was fine, Ren Shuai waved his hand and prepared to leave.

Shen Luxi quickly came back to her senses, and said with a smile: "Just now, my manager told me good news again, please leave me an address, and I have something to mail to you."

Ren Shuai was puzzled.

Shen Luxi explained: "The people from Kanai Nongbosi want to send you a set of product peripherals, as well as a black gold discount card."

Kanai Numbos?
Ren Shuai thought about it, and it seemed to be a luxury shoe brand.

"Why send it to me?" he asked.

Shen Luxi smiled and said: "Didn't you wear their brand of daddy shoes on the day you walked the red carpet? Since then, solid color daddy shoes with colored laces have become very popular. Their company's new season's products have launched shoes that can be matched with shoelaces as you like." The solid color casual shoes, the order sales are particularly good, I want to thank you specifically, so I contacted my agent."

Ren Shuai didn't expect that his ability to carry goods is quite strong.

 Ask for recommendations, ask for monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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