From janitor to actor

Chapter 107 The First Broadcast of Nine Lives and Nine Lives

Chapter 107 The Nine Lives Nine Worlds Premiere
Ren Shuai finished the plot, went back to the hotel to tidy up briefly, got on the bus and left.

Before leaving, Shen Luxi found him specifically and told him that "Nine Lives and Nine Worlds" will premiere on the platform tomorrow night, and that the old god will appear in the tenth episode.

Ren Shuai thought to himself, his first work is finally online.

I don't know if it will usher in a big explosion of recognition.

He sat in the car, called out the system interface, and began to check.

Name: Ren Shuai/Li Laifu

Occupation: Concierge/Actor
Achievements: none
Props: Charm Card*3, Voice Card*1
Skills: Primary Acting (880/1000)
Recognition degree: 706
System functions: shopping mall, lucky wheel, backpack
Ren Shuai focused on the growth of skill proficiency and recognition. The last time he opened the panel to check the rewards of the big carousel, he glanced at it casually. That time, the elementary proficiency of acting skills increased by 100 points, and the recognition degree increased by about 50 points.

Looking at it again this time, even though it was only a day later, he was pleasantly surprised to find that the elementary proficiency of acting had increased by another 110 points, and the approval degree had increased by 55 points.

This time the numbers are up more than ever before.

During the two days of filming by the crew, he gained a total of 210 proficiency points and 105 approval points.

The numbers are pretty impressive.

He analyzed that the proficiency increased by 100 points on the first day, because facing Chao Kexin's stiff acting skills and digital lines, it is equivalent to an increase in the difficulty of acting, so the rewards are generous.

From this point of view, Chao Kexin is not useless, at least it has promoted the increase of skill points.

On the second day of filming, Ren Shuai and Shen Luxi had a fierce confrontation, and the emotional ups and downs were violent. Naturally, the reward points were not less, reaching 110 points.

The increase in recognition is even more evident. The filming team led by Chi Yi is about 60 people, and 50 of them expressed their approval of Ren Shuai's performance.

And Zhi Yizhao's team has about the same number of people. With Ren Shuai's outstanding performance, he was recognized by 55 people.

Ren Shuai was very satisfied, and he looked at the system tasks again.

[Main task, increase the recognition level to 1000, and reward a random skill]

He thought to himself that once "Nine Lives and Nine Worlds" is broadcast, his main mission should be completed.

I'm looking forward to it, I don't know what kind of new skill will be rewarded.


The next night, Ren Shuai sat in the dormitory, opened the app on his phone on time, and logged into the moon platform.

When the first TV series in his life was broadcast, he was still a little excited and full of anticipation.

The platform premieres at 8:6 p.m., 6 episodes are updated every week, and [-] episodes are updated on Mondays and Saturdays. VIP members watch [-] more episodes.

For this purpose, Ren Shuai bought a monthly subscription VIP membership of the Moon platform, which cost a total of 50 yuan.

After briefly complaining about the high fees of the platform, Ren Shuai clicked on the "Nine Lives and Nine Worlds" play page from the recommendation on the home page.

When the time came to 8 o'clock, he couldn't wait to turn on the video and start watching.

Although he didn't appear in the first few episodes, this is the first time Ren Shuai has participated in a TV series in his two lifetimes, and he is still full of curiosity.

As the beautiful title music falls, the veil of the first episode is finally lifted.

At the beginning of the TV series, the screen is full of fairy spirit, which instantly pulls people into the situation of fairy heroes.

Under the shade of flowers and trees, Shen Luxi slowly appeared. She wore two elegant pearl hairpins, her long black hair fluttered like a waterfall, and a goose-yellow veil skirt swayed in the wind. With her elegant and outstanding appearance , just like a fairy coming to the world.

As soon as it appeared, it instantly captured the audience.

I have to say that Shen Luxi's fairy-tale appearance is really beautiful.

Her appearance is born with a sense of alienation, so it is perfect to play a fairy.

The first two episodes of the TV series tell that Shen Luxi has just achieved success in cultivation and came to the rivers and lakes for experience. She is curious about everything.

Then by chance, I met the actor and his sister.

Ren Shuai watched the next few episodes in one go. The plot probably says that Shen Luxi discovered a conspiracy by accident, and followed the clues to follow up. In the process, he met the second male lead, who made him fall in love with her at first sight.

In the process of investigation, Shen Luxi is witty and has clear thinking, and the hero is gradually attracted by her mind and personality, and develops a good impression of her.

But the male protagonist was born in a noble family of immortality, and his status is noble, but the identity of the female protagonist is unknown.

The status of the two is too disparate, and the possibility of being together is very low.

At this time, the heroine grasped the clues of the demon sect and was about to participate in the demon-hunting conference of the immortals. The hero secretly helped her to win a place and increase her prestige, so as to narrow the gap between their identities.

This is the end of the first 8 episodes, and Ren Shuai knows that tomorrow's broadcast should be the plot of the demon-hunting conference, that is, his role in the scene.

Looking at the comment page at the bottom of the platform, Ren Shuai found that there were tens of thousands of comments in just a few hours.

He swiped the page, curious about netizens' comments on the show.

"Ahhhhh, I finally waited until this drama was launched, it's so good, sisters rush!"

"Luxi, Luxi, will always be my goddess, she is so suitable to play a fairy, she is like a fairy."

"Lu Xi's makeup and hair are so beautiful, the male protagonist and his sister's makeup and hair are also well designed, Mr. Fu Huadao added chicken legs."

"I looked at the dubbing list specifically, and Luxi is dubbed by me. The voice is so good, so good!"

"It feels like a lot of money has been spent on special effects. It's made with conscience, and it's super sophisticated."

Seeing the unanimous praise from netizens, Ren Shuai felt elated. According to this trend, the reputation of this drama will definitely increase, and the ratings will definitely explode.

Then his recognition will naturally rise with the tide.

He scrolled down a few pages to read other comments.

It turned out that the netizens were talking and talking, and suddenly they went crooked.

"Lu Xi's drama is amazing, I am looking forward to the next plot, I really want the platform to be updated soon."

"Every drama of my goddess is amazing, and I'm already looking forward to her next work."

"I heard that Luxi is making a spy movie, I'm excited and want to watch it."

"The zombie-faced male artist who has the most gossip recently is from Luxi's drama. I'm worried that Luxi will be implicated."

"Oh my god, just that male artist who was scolded by the whole network, he actually has the face to film with Lu Xi, it's too much!"

"Originally, I was looking forward to Luxi's attempt in spy movies, but if it turns out to be someone with such brainless acting skills, I firmly resist and call on the crew to quickly replace Luxi's popularity."

What followed was a series of netizens who despised Chao Kexin and worried about Shen Luxi.

It's similar to saying that Chao Kexin brought money into the group and didn't have acting skills, didn't memorize his lines and was late in various ways, had bad character, professionally stretched, and so on.

Fans are worried that Shen Luxi's new work will be affected by Chao Kexin, which will cause Shen Luxi's reputation to decline.

In the end, netizens expressed their opinions one after another and resolutely resisted.

Some fans have even started to organize in the group, preparing to go to the set to protest.

Ren Shuai saw that the building was crooked, so he didn't continue to look down.

As for whether Chao Kexin will be kicked out of the crew, he said, we will wait and see.

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(End of this chapter)

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